GDC Publishes Report on Causes of Death During FtP Investigations

GDC Publishes Report on Causes of Death During FtP Investigations

A press release by the GDC states that:

"The General Dental Council (GDC) has published a new report on dental professionals who have died while fitness to practise (FtP) concerns were investigated or remediated.".

It goes on to say:

"The report, the first of its kind for the GDC, covers the period 2019 to 2022. During this time, 20 dental professionals died while their cases were active, with causes of death categorised as natural, external, or unspecified, and one subcategory of suicide. The GDC has taken steps to ensure that individuals cannot be identified.

The report has included deaths in the subcategory of suicide when “suicide” was listed on the death certificate or notification. By convention, death certificates in Scotland and Northern Ireland do not use the word “suicide” or any synonym of it. Deaths that occurred overseas have been categorised as unspecified.

 Lord Toby Harris, GDC Chair, said:

“The report serves as a call for everyone in the dental sector to reflect on the environment, systems and processes involved in being a dental professional. It took longer than we expected to complete the work and some of the issues have been complex, but we have delivered process improvements in parallel and taken care to ensure we can be confident in the data reported.

“Every death is a tragedy, and when the data and what we are doing to improve FtP are put aside, what is left is the death of people, some in tragic circumstances, and we must consider the families, loved ones and colleagues for whom the pain and hurt are still very raw, and we offer them our condolences.”  

The GDC has prioritised improvements to its FtP process to minimise the significant negative health and wellbeing impacts of investigations on dental professionals. Recent improvements include revised communications and staff training, and the regulator is currently piloting the use of initial inquiries to enable the assessment of clinical practice concerns earlier in the process and improve timeliness.

The GDC engaged with relevant stakeholders and Sir Louis Appleby, Chair of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group, in the production and reporting of the data.

This report follows a number of news items ion this topic:

  1. Coroner demands GDC action after registrant suicide.
  2. Dentist suicides - GDC reply to coroner with masterclass in deflection and evasion
  3. Eleven months on the gdc take action over coroners concerns.

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The full report can be read here. your social media marketing partner

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