Do you have any hand instruments you no longer use?

Then bring them to Showcase in October. In order to address the need for dental instruments in developing countries, the BDTA has announced that the instrument amnesty will be returning. The BDTA is linking up with Dentaid to encourage the dental team to donate their unwanted hand instruments at this year’s exhibition.

There is a severe shortage of dentists in developing countries and the ones that are working are drastically under-resourced. The level of care they are qualified to offer is significantly higher than their equipment allows; no light, no drill, no suction, difficult working conditions and very importantly, only a limited range of instruments.

Recipient dentists are always delighted with the equipment provided but some have been known to literally weep with joy when they have opened the box of instruments provided with the surgery, highlighting just how important these hand tools really are for day-to-day dental care.

Andy Jong, Dentaid’s CEO comments, “Since developing the portable dental chair and portable instrument kit, Dentaid has experienced a big surge in orders from charitable projects and hospitals with community oral health programmes. This year’s instrument amnesty is a great way for the dental team to help us meet the demand and reach many more remote places with improved oral health care.”

It is likely that there is a huge selection of instruments sitting in the bottom of cupboards in dental practices across the country not being used. The highly successful instrument amnesty last took place at Showcase in 2005 where over 10,000 instruments were collected. It returns to this year’s event as a way to once again replenish the diminishing stocks and enable Dentaid to continue its important work.

Please ensure your instruments have been properly sterlised and then donate, along with details of your practice, to the Dentaid stand during the exhibition.

BDTA Dental Showcase 2011 takes place between 20-22 October 2011 at the NEC, Birmingham. To secure your free of charge entry to the show, reserve your ticket at For further information on Dentaid, visit your social media marketing partner

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