GDC makes changes on patient protection
The General Dental Council (GDC) has announced new measures aimed at improving the handling of complaints. It also has plans for introducing revalidation and has issued guidance on discount deals. |
The General Dental Council (GDC) has announced new measures aimed at improving the handling of complaints. It also has plans for introducing revalidation and has issued guidance on discount deals. |
Recent research on sugar free confectionery, published in the BDJ, finds that in general, sugar-free products may help prevent dental caries. However, if they contain acidic additives, it may increase the probability of demineralising enamel, thus causing dental erosion. |
Bridge2Aid gathered over 550 friends and supporters of the charity together at this years’ BDTA Dental Showcase for their Party and Casino night and are delighted to have raised over £3000 towards emergency dental care in Tanzania. Bridge2Aid has also endorsed the ‘Heart Your Smile’campaign. |
Prisoners at Wakefield Prison have been claiming compensation for poor dental care. The 24 inmates settled out of court with the NHS and were given a total of £47,000. They were also awarded more than £300,000 in legal fees. |
In his annual report the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for Wales, Dr Tony Jewell, has called for more direct and also more innovative methods of delivering preventive care if advances in child oral health are to be made. He said: ‘In Wales we need to get more teeth in contact with fluoride via alternative methods.’ |
Early childhood caries (ECC) is a common oral health problem, particularly in disadvantaged and developing populations. Its causes are multifaceted, including feeding practices like breastfeeding. The link between breastfeeding and ECC is unclear. Key findings No significant association was found between breastfeeding and the development of early childhood caries (ECC). Nighttime breastfeeding was associated with an [read the full story...]
The post Does breastfeeding increase Early Childhood Caries? appeared first on National Elf Service.
Antiresorptive drugs, used to treat osteoporosis and metastatic bone disease, can complicate dental implant procedures by increasing the risk of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). This systematic review investigates how these drugs affect the success and complications associated with osseointegrated dental implants. Key findings Antiresorptive drugs significantly increase the risk of (MRONJ), accounting for [read the full story...]
The post How do antiresorptive drugs affect the success of dental implants? appeared first on National Elf Service.
The study assesses the impact of antibiotic prophylaxis on the incidence of infective endocarditis following invasive dental procedures, specifically focusing on the risk reduction for high-risk individuals.
The post Does antibiotic prophylaxis reduce endocarditis risk after dental procedures? appeared first on National Elf Service.