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Discover more with Clark Dental

Discover more with Clark Dental

The experienced team from Clark Dental will be on stand G195 at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase.


In partnership this year with the Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute and Medifinance, delegates will be offered a selection of CPD lectures and specialist presentations straight from the experts.

Visitors to the stand will also be able to learn more about the wide range of state-of-the-art equipment Clark Dental has to offer. This includes dental units from market leaders Anthos and A-dec and the latest in digital radiography from Schick and Sirona. What’s more, delegates will be able to discover the Florida Probe with Voiceworks and the new disposable Dolphin tip, and the unique T-Scan that accurately records bite force dynamics, occlusal force and timing. These products are just a small selection of the vast catalogue available, which can provide everything a modern dental practice will need to be successful.

In addition, delegates will be able to learn more about the dedicated design-and-build turn-key service that Clark Dental provides practitioners wanting to upgrade and update their practices. By combining 40 years’ worth of experience with an in-depth knowledge of dental technology, the team can help translate those design dreams into reality.

 Come and visit the team and discover what they could offer you.


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.clarkdental.co.uk

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