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Fill-Up! TM– In a single step to give a perfect result

This tooth coloured, fluorescent and radiopaque bulk composite provides a perfect amalgam replacement and alternative to glassionomer cements, compomers as well as conventional filling therapy. Fill-Up!  combines the advantages of resin-based composites with simplified and efficient handling. Owing to its dual curing properties, fillings with Fill-Up! can be administered in arbitrary filling depth without the need of an additional covering layer.

Welcome to the safe side!

Conventional light curing bulk filling materials are limited in their curing depth, questioning whether the restoration fully cures. But with the dual curing properties of Fill-Up! There is a guarantee of thorough curing down to the bottom of any cavity.

Also, chemical curing minimises shrinkage stress dramatically, preventing micro fractures and postoperative sensitivities. As supported by studies, the bonding partner ParaBond caters for a perfect marginal seal comparable to the one of conventional composite - before and after thermo cycling and chewing abrasion – ensuring a secure long-term restorative solution.

Convenient and fast

Fill-Up! is applied in a single layer and finished with rotary instruments after 5 sec of light polymerisation. The material is easy and quickly polishable to high gloss and therefore is the perfect choice for all Class I and II fillings, cavity lining and core build-ups – for perfect and fast results!

Fill-Up! Deep. Fast. Perfect. 

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