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Delegates discover the benefits of PerioChip® at EuroPerio 8

Delegates discover the benefits of PerioChip® at EuroPerio 8

Delegates at EuroPerio 8 could see first hand that PerioChip® is passionate about supporting, educating and communicating with the dental community to highlight the importance of keeping gums healthy, and treating periodontitis effectively without the risk associated with using antibiotics.

By using PerioChip® you can ensure that harmful bacteria in and around the gingiva are eliminated for up to 10 daysi and, for on-going therapy, PerioChip® suppresses the growth of bacterial flora in the treated site for up to 11 weeks, giving the all-important time needed for gum reattachment and stabilisation of the periodontiumii.

EuroPerio 8 was a fantastic venue for PerioChip® to raise awareness amongst the dental community about gum disease the links to systemic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The speakers taking to the stage at the show to share their knowledge included: Professor Eli Machtei, Professor Arie J Van Winkelhoff and Dr Rajan Nansi, and attendees were wowed by their passion and expertise for the subject.

If you missed out on attending EuroPerio 8 and want to learn more about PerioChip® email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0800 013 2333 today!

i Jeffcoat M K et al. Adjunctive use of a subgingival controlled-release chlorhexidine chip. J Periodontal 1998; 69 (9): 989 – 997. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9776027 [Accessed 26th May 2015]

ii Summary of Characteristics PerioChip® http://www.old.health.gov.il/units/pharmacy/trufot/alonim/PerioChip_dr_1337488974840.pdf [Accessed 26 May 2015]


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