“Referring to Ten Dental is a straightforward and easy process, I just email over the patient’s details and X-rays and Ten Dental contact the patient straight away to arrange the initial consultation.
“Overall my patient’s have found the process very good and are positive about their experience at Ten Dental.
“I feel completely confident in the ability of the Ten Dental team and it is extremely helpful to be able to refer patients into their expert hands to ensure they get the best treatment possible.”
Dr Martin Wanendeya and Dr Nik Sisodia at Ten Dental provide a comprehensive and thorough implant referral service for your patients. They are both renowned experts and are able to deal with all cases. Contact the knowledgeable team at Ten Dental today to find out more.
For more information about Ten Dental and The Implant Restoration Course visit Facebook/Implant Restoration Course-IRC, email: courses@tendental.com, visit www.implant-restoration.com or call 020 7622 7610
Following an extensive and successful career within dental, medical and healthcare publishing, Erica Kilburn founded E K Communications Ltd in April 2000. EKC is primarily a PR and media agency for the dental market. However, they also work across a number of healthcare markets. The company’s ethos has remained the same; to provide innovative, effective PR and media support, always putting our client’s needs and goals first.
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