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Fast Forward For Dental Precision - Carestream

Fast Forward For Dental Precision - Carestream

Rapidly produced products are often poor quality. If we take the example of fast food, this is widely accepted – you will not find ‘Superfood’ in your fried chicken bucket, but a meal delivered within seconds, saving you hours of toil in the kitchen. Convenience versus excellence is often the trade off for speedy delivery. But is this an exchange we’re still happy with in the 21st Century?


Today, convenience and immediacy are ever more in demand but with less room to compromise on quality. For example, the first digital cameras produced low resolution, poor quality images that couldn’t compete with the detail and pin sharp quality of conventional film/transparencies. However, in recent times the developmental explosion in digital photography embraced the modern age and replaced conventional, film photography. Not only are there cameras available that generate pictures in enormous file sizes (such as 36 megapixels), they can also integrate High Definition video functions (gaining popularity over conventional ‘stills’ photography) and even allow you to adjust the focus after the picture has been taken.


Today, the speed of digital photography is taken for granted. Formerly, with conventional film cameras, an initial camera click led to processing, printing and perhaps retouching – commonly taking up to a week. Nowadays, digital photography is instantly downloaded, manipulated in Photoshop and then emailed or shared via an internet platform. It’s now so commonplace that we forget how time consuming this whole process used to be. Without digital images, we would have a very different world – no Instagram, Snapchat, or pictures on Facebook or Twitter!


Similarly, restorative dentistry has made enormous strides in technology, but these innovations have been married with remarkable improvements in quality. Digital intraoral scanning, CAD/CAM and 3D capabilities have improved the patient experience enormously. A comparative study conducted by Bio Med Central in 2014, tested conventional and digital techniques with the same patients – 100% preferred the digital option, from the perspectives of comfort through to the amount of time spent in the dentist’s chair.[i] Today, using the combination of intra oral scanning, CAD/CAM and 3D printing, technicians can produce a wide range of bespoke models and orthodontic appliances, constituting failsafe precision.


The CS 9300 CBCT and panoramic imaging system from Carestream Dental offers both rapid and faultless restorative dentistry. There are 7 fields of view enabling clinicians to meet patients’ diagnostic needs with impressive detail, and two low radiation dose options that give exposure control by both the adjustable field of vision and rapid scanning functions. Available on its own or as part of the fully integrated digital system, the CS 9300 system offers streamlined workflows, increased productivity, patient security and satisfaction. Let technology save you the precious time needed to fully focus on your patients.


For more information please contact the experts at Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk





[i] Comparison of digital and conventional impression techniques: evaluation of patients’ perception, treatment comfort, effectiveness and clinical outcomes

Emir Yuzbasioglu*Hanefi KurtRana Turunc and Halenur Bilir http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6831/14/10 (Accessed 30/7/2014)



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