3 minutes reading time (596 words)

Choosing the right Dental Laboratory for Implantology By Dr Maddy Managooli


Most dental practitioners appreciate the fact that implantology is an exacting and delicate procedure which takes a whole team of talent to execute well. As the first point of contact with the patient, restoring dentists are often the ones to decide whom they want to work with on an implant treatment, and it’s their choice of surgeon and dental lab that can make or break a case.

So what should dentists look for in a dental laboratory when it comes to implant work?

First, the restoring dentist needs to make sure that the lab he or she is interested in working with can be held accountable for their role in the treatment. In general, accreditation from the ISO, DAMAS and MHRA are good to look out for, among others.

Another good thing to look for is a laboratory that works with a wide range of major implant brands. It’s much better for practitioners to develop a long-standing working relationship with one lab that can offer them a wide choice of material and make, rather than jumping to a new supplier every time they want to switch brands.

Also critical is the ability of a dental lab to keep up with industry technology. CAD/CAM technology, for example, is a great advantage for a dental lab, as it means the restoring dentist can be sure that the technicians are working as precisely as possible with the master casts they are sent.

Then there are the more intangible aspects of what makes a laboratory an excellent partner for implant work.

One key factor is communication between the dentist and the laboratory. Good communication from the time the lab receives the master cast to the day they send off the order will determine a huge part of the treatment’s success.

If the dentist is looking at a lab he or she has never worked with before, a personal visit to check out the facilities or a consultation with their technical manager is also a good idea.

Some dental practitioners, especially if they’re at the early stages of their implant work experience, may rely quite heavily on input from their lab for the kinds of materials and abutments best used in a specific case. If the practitioner can speak with an experienced technician who has the right qualifications, this exchange can be very helpful indeed.

Though there are many factors beyond the control of the dentist in implantology, there are things that with careful consideration can be taken off the mitigating factors list. Choosing a reputable and experienced dental lab that you can rely on, such as Sparkle Dental Labs, is one of these.


For every implant the dentist performs, if the team is chosen well and everything else beyond their control goes according to plan, good treatment outcome can be expected.

For any additional information please call 0800 138 6255 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit:



Dr Maddy Managooli is Technical Manager at Sparkle Dental Labs.

I have been in dentistry for14 years, having worked as a dentist, dental technician and Head of Quality Control for one of the biggest labs in the UK. I am very excited about the Sparkle project as we have the best technology and a highly skilled Technical Team to deliver superb quality prosthetics at affordable prices.


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