By Erica Kilburn on Friday, 04 April 2014
Category: Product Updates

The All-on-4® treatment concept from Nobel Biocare – restoring patients’ quality of life

“I’ve been doing All-on-4® for about seven years,” says Dr Riz Syed. “With the All-on-4® concept you can offer an immediate solution in most cases. People with terminal dentition can have an immediate extraction with one surgical procedure and an immediate bridge. There’s no transitional denture phase for the patient.”

The All-on-4® treatment concept from Nobel Biocare has been developed to provide edentulous patients with an efficient and effective restoration using only four implants to support an immediately loaded full-arch prosthesis. This life-changing treatment can greatly enhance patients’ quality of life, giving them the chance to eat what they want, when they want, and once again smile with confidence.

“Patients’ biggest worry is having to wear a denture and All-on-4® is life-changing for them,” continues Dr Syed. “People who have failing dentition or who have had trauma or cancer in the past have undergone this procedure and it’s given them a new life. They can go out, socialise and get their life back.”

With the support of Nobel Biocare you too can offer this revolutionary treatment concept in your practice. To find out more, contact Nobel Biocare today.

For more information contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300 or visit

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