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Meeting Today’s Patient Needs - Nobel Biocare ADI Team Congress in May 2015


Dental implants have revolutionised the dental industry and they are fast becoming an essential aspect of the modern dentist’s range of skills. Providing a significant improvement in function and aesthetics for partially or completely edentulous patients, implants restore the ability to eat and speak and can dramatically boost self-confidence.


As such, a real difference can be made to patients’ quality of life, enhancing both social and professional areas of their lives. It is unsurprising therefore that patient satisfaction is generally very high with implant procedures, bringing further benefits to the practice in the form of glowing reviews and increased referrals. In addition, clinical studies suggest that although most people would prefer to save their natural dentition (as would most professionals), implant therapy patients become more aware of their oral health following treatment, and ensure regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and check ups thereafter.[1]


The placement and restoration of implants does however require a specialist set of skills and clinical experience, and quality training is necessy in order to ensure the longevity and success of treatment. The clinician’s goal is to serve the patient by providing first-class procedures and care, and alongside sufficient training, this is further facilitated with use of carefully designed, cutting-edge technologies. Digital CAD/CAM systems have been developed to enable high-precision treatment planning and design of restorations, which are now well received throughout the industry. Such technologies also reduce laboratory time and improve the quality and precision of fit of restorations produced first time. This technological accuracy along with streamlined treatment capabilities enables clinicians to take their dentistry to the next level and consistently achieve optimum treatment outcomes.


Careful diagnosis and treatment planning is key to this success. Throughout the planning stages, every detail needs consideration from the design of the implant and restoration to the gingival surface characteristics. Effective planning can shorten surgery time significantly, as not only is the dentist prepared and the patient properly informed, but a satisfactory brief can also be delivered to the team and adequate information can be relayed to technicians during the restoration process. Established implant protocols require meticulous execution by the whole team for the best possible results, so collaboration between all professionals involved needs to be effective.


The patient also has a role to play in the maintenance and continued care of the implants for long-lasing success, which they must be made aware of before procedures have even begun.


Nobel Biocare, a pioneering company in the field of implant-based dental restorations, is dedicated to empowering dentists with the best solutions possible. Through fully integrated technologies that enable seamless workflows, Nobel Biocare helps clinicians not only enhance their clinical practices, but also grow their business.


The globally renowned dental product supplier will provide a morning’s programme at the ADI Team Congress in May 2015, designed to educate and provide a platform for discussion regarding restorative protocols, technological innovations and the latest trends in implant dentistry.


The subject of the interactive sessions will be “Preferred Treatment Concepts for Today’s Patient Needs”, and a range of topics will be covered to help delegates refine and broaden their skills for better treatment provision. Nobel Biocare will present some of the most experienced clinicians and researchers in the field throughout the corporate forum, including:


  • Stefan Holst DMD PhD will ask: ‘What impact does implant designs, surface characteristics, surgical and restorative protocols have on the end result?’
  • Alessandro Pozzi DDS PhD will explore ‘Maximising treatment outcomes in the aesthetic zone with efficient treatment workflow’.

  • Jose M Navarro DDS MS will discuss ‘The biology and protocols of immediate implant placement and tooth replacement’.
  • Edmond Bedrossian DDS FACD FACOMS FAO will speak about ‘Managing failing dentitions and their transitions to edentulism’.

Nobel Biocare is at the forefront of implant and restorative dentistry and is dedicated to keeping practitioners abreast of developments as they occur in this constantly advancing market. First-class education is offered as well as products, materials and state of the art technology to enable practitioners to achieve high quality restorations and furthermore, outstanding patient satisfaction.


The ADI Team Congress Corporate Forums will take place on Thursday 14 May 2015 offering professionals a chance to discover the latest research and developments in the dental implant arena, while also gaining new ideas to ensure the highest standards in patient care.


To book a free place for the Corporate Forum, please indicate attendance on the registration form or online registration at http://www.adi.org.uk/profession/index.htm



For more information on the cutting-edge solutions available from Nobel Biocare, please call 0208 756 3300 or visit www.nobelbiocare.com

[1] Quality of Life of Endodontically Treated versus Implant Treated Patients: A University-based Qualitative Research Study Dustin L. Gatten, DDS,* Christine A. Riedy, PhD, MPH,† Sul Ki Hong, DDS,‡ James D. Johnson, DDS, MS,* and Nestor Cohenca, DDS



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