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Sugar Tax

Sugar tax


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Anthony Kilcoyne on Thursday, 24 March 2016 00:40
Sugar Tax + work in progress.....

Yes it was disappointing that Teeth weren't mentioned as a health/prevention benefit too.

It's time to put the Mouth back in the Body and point out that starting children off with a sweet-tooth causes not just early dental tragedy, but is setting up millions more for a medical tragedy involving Diabetes, Obesity and other illnesses, costing the NHS many £Billions extra and blocking other medical treatments getting done due to this PREVENTABLE sugar-based harm increasing in society!

I made a start o Tuesday by making the link between dental-medical health and consequences, but this blog is right, for too long dental health has been seen as separate to general health and we need to correct that now too.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8vqvDR7x4Y

It's time to start acting more publicly and more proactively on this, perhaps by reminding Cameron and Osbourne the sugar addictive problems start young and we need our National 3-point plan urgently, if they are serious about Health and Prevention of this growing tragedy.

Yours still clearly,


Yes it was disappointing that Teeth weren't mentioned as a health/prevention benefit too. It's time to put the Mouth back in the Body and point out that starting children off with a sweet-tooth causes not just early dental tragedy, but is setting up millions more for a medical tragedy involving Diabetes, Obesity and other illnesses, costing the NHS many £Billions extra and blocking other medical treatments getting done due to this PREVENTABLE sugar-based harm increasing in society! I made a start o Tuesday by making the link between dental-medical health and consequences, but this blog is right, for too long dental health has been seen as separate to general health and we need to correct that now too. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8vqvDR7x4Y It's time to start acting more publicly and more proactively on this, perhaps by reminding Cameron and Osbourne the sugar addictive problems start young and we need our National 3-point plan urgently, if they are serious about Health and Prevention of this growing tragedy. Yours still clearly, Tony.

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