1 minute reading time (229 words)

Cometh the hour, cometh the dental man?

Cometh the hour, cometh the dental man?

Cometh the hour, cometh the man?

That phrase may be a cliche but where does the profession go from here? We have seen careful reaction in the form of a press release from GDC defending themselves against criticism, showing they are not totally thick skinned.

There has been action on all the UK dental websites, GDPUK has been busier then ever, and response to GDPUK on Twitter has increased by 1061% within the last week.

Vereen Gupta's petition has over 11,500 signatures at the time of writing 

Prem Pal Sehmi's Facebook group has over 4000 likes, and many more are now "liking" the GDC's Facebook page. there must be several more strings of anger, please let me know and I'll add them to this blog.

GDPUK forum has several threads ongoing on this topic, with over thousands of readers and over 350 dentists posting.

But . . . . I think the binding together of all the strings of anger into a rope of action is where the profession is still lacking leadership. We need a person or a body to emerge which has great respect on all sides, and there needs to be practical leadership, not pie in the sky. This leadership has to take on the GDC, warn them or provide proof which makes the PSA or DH take serious action to regulate this out of control regulator.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man?

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