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Which sales method would work for your business?

We have written a short guide to the different marketing tools that are available to our clients, that can lead to online marketing success.

Our clients utilise a range of methods to get returns on their marketing investments. Once a banner ad is sent over to us, the client will let us know where they want their potential customers to be sent, after a banner receives a click.

There are a number of options for the client to choose; the client’s homepage, a specific landing page, a PDF brochure, a survey or sometimes a data collection page on our site.

Let’s looks at the different methods that can be used by our clients.

1.   Email Form

Recently we have had a client use an older fashioned method for when a user clicks on a banner and that is email. So when the user clicks on the banner, a new email automatically pops up, which asks for the clients details (data collection) and then how many they would like to order (sales). The email is then sent direct to the advertiser and hopefully orders are received via email.

Although very direct, it is a simple way of collecting data and ultimately sales! I believe this method can only be truly successful if the offer is incredibly enticing or the brand is well trusted and doesn't need an introduction.

As an example of how this method works, if you would like our latest media pack or would like to know more about gdpuk.com, please clickThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

2.   PDF Brochure

When a client clicks on a banner (usually from a distributor or equipment manufacturer) they can get taken to a pop PDF page, which has the benefit of looking like a real brochure and you can flick through the brochure as you look at the different offers or incentives. The disadvantage of this method is that there is not always an obvious place to actually order a product or make an enquiry.

3.   Survey

Surveys are an effective way of gathering data that is useful to your business or organisation. We believe that to get a satisfactory return from a survey there has to be some form of incentive in place. The incentive could take the form of a prize or even some free information that may not be available elsewhere.

We recently ran a survey on our site that was based on the CQC. Anyone responding to the survey was sent a free information pack on the next CQC inspections. Over a two month period, the business running the survey received 170 replies which creates a fantastic amount of data for our customer.

Surveys can be hosted on our site or they can be hosted on a survey site such as survey monkey or snap survey.

4.   Landing Page

I have written about landing pages before (can be found here) but a specific landing page remains one of the most effective tools for gaining customers or building data. When a landing page is produced that is clear, concise and simple, they often produce the best results.

Large businesses will often build a number of landing pages for their product range so the visitor can view the information with minimum fuss. For smaller businesses it is not always cost effective to produce separate landing pages but one page that takes the user straight to the product or services you are offering could make all the difference.

5.   Homepage

When you place a banner ad on a website you are obviously keen for users of the site to click on the banner. If the user gets taken to a generic homepage, it then becomes difficult to track results because the user will get presented with a load of information and may not even be able to see the specific product or service that made them click. Sending a visitor to your homepage is one of the least effective methods you can employ. In our opinion it is worth investing your time in having a specific page that will help generate a return on your marketing investment.

A comprehensive guide to landing pages can be found on quicksprout.com plus on loads of other sites! 

6.   Data Collection

Data Collection is often something that our clients are looking for, they want to build up their list of contacts or receive email addresses so they can send the user further information. Data collection landing pages can be hosted on either our site or the clients own page.

For it to work in an effective way, there has to be either an incentive in place for the customer or the product or services you are looking to provide is extremely innovative or unique so that is catches the eye of the user and they want to leave their data with you.

Choosing the right method, could really help increase revenue!


We hope you find these options useful and it kickstarts the process of you thinking about the different ways you can engage with your customer. Once a customer clicks on the banner, the method you use has to be viewed as a sales tool and depending on what you are looking to achieve, you can then make a decision on what will hopefully bring you the most success & revenue to your business.   

If you would like further information on how targeted advertising can work for your dental business, please get in touch viaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the GDPUK office, 0161 270 0453

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