Emotional Communication and how it can increase treatment acceptance.

Patients are contacting us to solve their problems; a problem is associated with negative emotions in varying degrees. Extracting the negative emotion; and interacting with it is an art; we do this day in and day out without thinking. However; as we do this in varying intensities and without mental preparation; the results do vary.

Once you react and interact with the patients’ problem; they open up to you; and you see that they elaborate more without much prompting; interaction could be either verbal; or non-verbal; however; maintaining eye contact is the absolute key.

The next step is to turn the negativity associated with the problem into a positive emotion by acknowledgement and then reassurance that a solution could be found. Note that you have done no examination yet! The positive emotion you invoke must not carry any false hopes or promises; it is just a statement that is aimed at confirming your ability to find a solution (even if this solution meant that you may have to refer the patient). By doing so; you instantly increase the patients’ confidence in you; develop rapport and prepare the patient emotionally for the proposed solution.

Once you have done the examination and collected all the clinical information required; you then provide a solution; or solutions..I never mentioned treatment or treatment plan! Here you should concentrate on the possible outcomes; as this is what the patient is looking for; the outcome!

Working backwards; then you talk about how the outcome (solution) could be achieved in a systematic and realistic manner (I shall not teach you how to suck eggs here!). This is where the patient will take action; because they see and feel that you recognised and acknowledged their problem and are prepared to take action by providing a solution to reach an outcome.

Remember that you do this all the time subconsciously; however; not systematically and without mental preparation; the key to action is emotion and that is what we should be mindful of. See how this would work for you and leave me some feedback.

You could use this cycle in dealing with objections too; remember; objections are negative emotions; but they are more powerful; so you need to listen more and interact more. Try it…



Sam Mohamed

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