With over 30 years PR & Media Consulting experience, Caroline offers tailor made strategies across the health, charity and dental sectors.



020 8679 9595




The role of robots in righting smiles

The role of robots in righting smiles

How can the intervention of robots possibly make orthodontic treatment more personal and precise – especially when the robots are overseas? Orthodontic specialist Asif Chatoo knows from experience that they do.


The founder of the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, the UK’s first orthodontic practice dedicated to lingual braces, he has treated around 250 patients over two years with the groundbreaking Suresmile software. His clinic is one of only 3 centres in the world dedicated to lingual using Suresmile for lingual braces.


What’s unusual about Suresmile is the use of robots for the bending of wires. Needless to say, Asif sends a prescription to the robot, precise to a fraction of a millimetre because he has planned the treatment according to the software’s 3D design function.


Asif builds up the 3D digital image of the patient’s teeth using a small optical scanner about the size of an electric toothbrush. Assisted by a mirror, it takes thousands of pictures in just a few seconds to create the digital record of the teeth and their roots. These are integrated with X-rays and photographs so that every detail of every tooth is recorded.


He said: “With digital technology, you get so much detail. From the moment treatment starts, I know how the teeth will move and what will happen at each stage.”


Patients appreciate the software too, he says, because he can explain how the brackets and wires will work and the patient can visualise their smile at the end of the treatment. This gives the patient the opportunity to be part of the planning.


It’s not uncommon, says Asif, for patients to ask for small variations as the treatment nears its end. “This isn’t a problem. Being able to design custom made wires gives me the ability to finesse the final tooth movements to achieve exactly what the patient and referring dentist want. In other words, the digital software gives me control, freedom and flexibility.”


The Suresmile system was created by Orametrix which has its head office in Dallas, USA as well as offices in Germany with robots in both locations. It’s one of several lingual systems that Asif uses so he can offer patients a range of options. He has recently started providing bespoke aligners for mild treatments. These plastic aligners are designed by Asif and printed on a 3D printer.


The London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic was established by Asif 10 years ago with Didier Fillion as an associate. Asif is the only UK orthodontist to be accredited by both the World and European Societies of Orthodontics He is the current Secretary of the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics and a founder member of the British Lingual Orthodontic Society.


For more information, contact Caroline Holland on 020 8679 9595/07974 731396

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New blog for LLOC




New blog for LLOC



A leading orthodontic practice, the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, unveils its new blog this week with the aim of sharing insights into its work as well as reflections on dental health and beauty issues.


The first orthodontic clinic in the UK to specialise in the lingual technique (brackets behind the teeth), LLOC hopes the blog will attract new visitors to its website as well as educate patients about health and hygiene while they are in treatment.


Asif Chatoo, Principal of the practice, said: “We are often asked for our views on orthodontic issues and a blog seemed a good way to encourage conversations and engagement.”


The blog will include posts by in-house hygienist Katharine Wright, practice manager Carla Reed and by Asif himself. Among the topics at the launch of the blog:

·    What makes a million dollar smile?

·    The impact of robots on treatment planning

·    Teeth whitening and the General Dental Council

·    Why fizzy drinks are destructive to teeth


There will be monthly updates to the blog and as time progresses, other members of the LLOC will contribute posts.


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