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PerioChip® experts at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015

PerioChip® experts at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015

The on-stand experts will be at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase 2015, showing delegates why PerioChip® is a first line treatment for periodontal disease.


PerioChip® provides unique adjunctive treatment for periodontitis. After root surface debridement (RSD), PerioChip® is a reliable product to supplement your hard work by controlling bacteria and preventing infection without using antibiotics.

Designed for treating periodontal pockets >5mm, PerioChip® takes only 30 seconds to apply. Once placed, the chip immediately releases a high local concentration of chlorhexidine diglucontate, killing 99% of subgingival pathogenic bacteria over a seven to ten day period.[i] For further peace of mind the antimicrobial effects of PerioChip® continue to suppress bacterial flora for up to 11 weeks enabling the periodontium to stabilise and heal.[ii]

The BDIA Showcase is ideal opportunity to have a practical hands-on demonstration from the PerioChip® team and grab some valuable information to help your patients. Come and see us on stand D115.


To order PerioChip® or for further information Freephone 0800 013 2333 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



[i] Jeffcoat M K et al. Adjunctive use of a subgingival controlled-release chlorhexidine chip. J Periodontal 1998; 69 (9): 989 – 997. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9776027 [Accessed 26th May 2015]

[ii] Summary of Characteristics PerioChip® http://www.old.health.gov.il/units/pharmacy/trufot/alonim/PerioChip_dr_1337488974840.pdf [Accessed 26 May 2015]


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