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Stay safe with CleanCert

Stay safe with CleanCert

Quick and simple to use, cost-effective and proven to be 100% effectual, CleanCert products have not only been endorsed by the NHS for over a decade, but have consistently been shown to be a safer, easier and cheaper way to protect your dental practice.


At the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015, the team from disinfection experts CleanCert will be on stand O65 to explain how their products will benefit your practice.


We are all aware of the threats bio-films and dangerous pathogens pose to healthcare environments and as dental professionals you are responsible and accountable for reducing the risk of contamination. CleanCert offers affordable, proven and CE certified products that you can rely on to keep your patients and your dental team safe from infection.


Providing dental professionals with a number of ‘best in class’ water purification and disinfectant products, CleanCert also offers a dedicated water-testing and equipment disinfection service that will ensure your practice always complies with crucial HTM 01-05 and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulations.


To see how you could benefit from these easy to use and highly effective products, be sure to visit the CleanCert team on stand O65 at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase.


For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0844 351 1115

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