1 minute reading time (166 words)

Please don't vote for dictatorship

Please don't vote for dictatorship


The EU is behaving like a dictatorship
Unelected officials devise rules, laws and regulations. They have a Foreign Office, they plan an army. They tried to control our currency. They even affect our vacuum cleaners and light bulbs. And what about terrorists we wish to eject, terrorists who care nought for the human rights of their victims. We are stopped from deporting them.
Britain has a long proud history of both democracy that leads the world, as well as an even longer, prouder history of standing up and fighting against dictators
This vote, this week, allows the people of Britain the chance to vote against this non democratic organisation with which we have become unwittingly embroiled.
Thankfully . . . . No war will be needed, no blood will be spilt, no lives will be lost.
It needs you to place a small amount of graphite from the voting booth pencil in the LEAVE box.
Please vote LEAVE.

Tony Jacobs BDS, dentist, publisher of GDPUK.com


Image credit -Fernando Butcher under CC licence - not modified.

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Keith Hayes on Monday, 20 June 2016 14:00
Please don't vote for dictatorship

I whole heartedly agree Tony. I will vote with my heart and my head on Thursday and I'm backing Britain as part of the World, not just Europe.

I whole heartedly agree Tony. I will vote with my heart and my head on Thursday and I'm backing Britain as part of the World, not just Europe.
Tim Coates on Monday, 20 June 2016 15:08
For the good of future generations

I'm with you all the way Tony.

The remain camp are focusing on the short term economic hiccoughs that will follow Brexit. They are unable (or unwilling) to see the longer term consequences of remain - rule by anti-democratic unaccountables, uncontrollable immigration with consequent collapse of our social and healthcare infrastructures and forced political and fiscal integration.

'Sharing the table' with other EU nations will count for nothing, as it counts for very little now. The EU Commission will dictate as the individual states become ever less independent while their populations become ever less free leading to the rise of extreme populist movements. The end will not be pretty! The signs are there for all to see now. The Euro Train is going to crash. I for one would prefer not to be aboard when it does.

I'm with you all the way Tony. The remain camp are focusing on the short term economic hiccoughs that will follow Brexit. They are unable (or unwilling) to see the longer term consequences of remain - rule by anti-democratic unaccountables, uncontrollable immigration with consequent collapse of our social and healthcare infrastructures and forced political and fiscal integration. 'Sharing the table' with other EU nations will count for nothing, as it counts for very little now. The EU Commission will dictate as the individual states become ever less independent while their populations become ever less free leading to the rise of extreme populist movements. The end will not be pretty! The signs are there for all to see now. The Euro Train is going to crash. I for one would prefer not to be aboard when it does.

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