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Raisin Awareness on Social Media

Raisin Awareness on Social Media

#RaiseASmile Campaign

A healthy happy smile needs a nutritious balanced diet.


To celebrate National Smile Month this year, a new social media video challenge is taking place online.

#RaiseASmile is designed to be a fun, interactive way to spread the message about the importance of a healthy diet for a healthy smile.

Anyone and everyone is being encouraged to join in by making a fun video and challenging a friend to do the same.

How to take part:

  • Make & upload a snappy video “Raising A Smile” (from frown/neutral face to beaming)
  • Then add the tag of whoever you are challenging next, on whichever social media channel is your favourite – or all of them!
    “I challenge ..(Tag) .. to #RaiseASmile and click to sign for change.”
  • Sign the petition here

You could Raise A Smile anywhere and in any way.

Examples of moving upwards and ending up with a beaming Smile include:

....raising a teacup or pint, lifting your head up, going up stairs, sitting to standing, holding a balloon, flying a toy aeroplane…

For those more adventurous: jumping on a trampoline, riding on a rollercoaster, sitting on a swing, climbing a climbing wall

....raising a flag on a flagpole, a box on a forklift truck, flying a kite…

And if you're feeling shy you don't have to make a personal appearance, simply use an object or image.

View the promo for inspiration:

As well as bringing cheer #RaiseASmile is asking participants to consider having a positive impact on children's health by supporting a bigger and better School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

The SFVS already delivers to 2.3 million 4-6 year olds giving them 1 of their 5 a day and encouraging healthy eating.

However, it could be BIGGER by expanding to include older primary school pupils and BETTER by delivering fresh every day (not dried) and sourcing more British produce.  Creating the opportunity to make improvements to benefit farmers and the environment as well as the children receiving one of their 5 a day, whilst reducing their risk of tooth decay. 

There is also a link to click to show support, by signing a petition asking ministers to implement the improvements.   

Please share shamelessly!

As well as food and farming organisations, many dental associations are backing the challenge.

“The British Association of Dental Therapists is delighted to support “Raise A Smile” and highlight this campaign to increase awareness of the impact of dried fruit snacks on children's teeth, especially when they are often seen as a healthy alternative to sweets and sugary snacks. The rising decay rates in our child population needs all the help and awareness we can generate to minimise the huge effects of this preventable disease. “

British Society of Paediatric Dentistry media spokesperson Claire Stevens said: “Dried fruit such as raisins can form part of a healthy diet, but we recommend that they are eaten sparingly and at mealtimes. Drying fruit concentrates the sugars and creates a food which can stick to teeth and cause decay. For this reason, whole fresh fruit and vegetables are a much safer snack for children.”

“The British Association of Dental Nurses are pleased to support the “Raise A Smile” video challenge.  As dental professionals, our members understand the role a balanced diet plays in oral health, as well as the importance of instilling good habits from an early age.  We appreciate the general and oral health benefits that could be gained by removing dried fruit and expanding the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.  We hope everyone has great fun taking part.” Pam Swain, CEO BADN.

Diane Rochford, President of BSDHT says "Nine out of ten (over 12,000) hospital tooth extractions amongst children aged 0-5 are as a result of preventable tooth decay. The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) are delighted to be supporting #RaiseASmile campaign, a Society representing dental hygienists and dental therapists who spend much of their clinical time educating children and their guardians on the importance of reducing the amount and frequency of sugar in their diet. Dried fruit is often seen as a ‘healthy’ alternative to sweets and other confectionary, by raising awareness and sending out a simple message that fresh fruit and vegetables are safer alternatives to help prevent tooth decay in children of all ages.”

I hope that you, your team, your family and friends all enjoy making and watching the videos.  Please include the link to the petition in all your posts.


Where will you share?

#RaiseASmile online, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok.

Upload your smile and add your signature today.

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