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Critical Marketing Tips at The Dentistry Show 2015

It’s no secret that effective dental marketing is the key to business success. In the modern technological world, it is also easy to see how the internet provides an ideal platform from which to promote your services. But where is the best place to start? What exactly should you be doing in order to reach your target audience?

CEO of Dental Focus® Websites, Krishan Joshi, will attempt to answer such questions at The Dentistry Show 2015. He will be speaking from within the popular Dental Business Theatre to discuss the “Top 5 Critical Points to Improve Your Website and Attract Enquiries From Your Ideal Patient”.

“In marketing there seems to be a hundred and one things to do,” Krishan comments. “In any system, there is always a critical point where the least amount of effort actually provides the most significant result. So what are the ‘Top 5 Critical Points’ that the most successful practices know about and consistently apply to give themselves the best chance of success?

“The website is the center of any practice’s marketing strategy and it’s important to understand how to warm up the cold enquiries before they visit the website, and then how to get them to tipping point by moving visitors from research mode into action mode. An emotional website is a good one. It’s also crucial to remember that on a website, there is no competition. You own the entire retail space of the screen, so you literally have to give patients a reason not to choose you.

“This is what I will be talking about, which is truly exciting because it’s the start of 2015, and what better time of the year to take immediate action? I’ll also explore how Google can be used in a similar way to Trip Advisor for practices with five star ratings, and how you can encourage patients to link to your website and then attract five of their best friends to increase referrals and grow your business.”

Aside from the Dental Business Theatre, The Dentistry Show 2015 will offer an array of forward-thinking and truly inspirational lectures, hands-on workshops and live surgery demonstrations. Additional theatres will provide insight into the current ideas and techniques within each specialist discipline, and the innovative Launchpad UK will bring you the very latest products and materials in the UK industry, ensuring there is something for every member of the dental team.

As Krishan concludes, The Dentistry Show really is an event you don’t want to miss.

“The Dentistry Show is an anchored memory of consistent success for Dental Focus. I remember giving my very first lecture at the event about five years ago to an overflowing standing theatre of hundreds of delegates. I have always been a raving fan of The Dentistry Show and love its energy, quality speakers and the people. The value for delegates and the profession is off the charts.”


The Dentistry Show and DTS 2015, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April, NEC in Birmingham. To book your FREE pass please visit www.thedentistryshow.co.uk, call 020 7348 5269 or

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