Keep ‘Up To Date’ with Oral-B Seminars

Keep ‘Up To Date’ with Oral-B Seminars



Oral-B has released the dates for their next series of Up To Date seminars.  Each of these popular evening sessions will be comprised of two 45-minute lectures.

Prof Nicola West will be exploring clinical strategies to prevent and manage dental erosion. She will unveil the aetiology, susceptibility and impact of erosive toothwear as well as giving advice on preventative management and when to refer. (pictured below)


Dr Phil Ower will be reviewing the aetiology and classification of gingival recession, showing how to manage recession defects for different groups of patients and giving guidance on when it is appropriate to refer patients and what specialist care may be appropriate. (picture below)

Clinical dental professionals are invited to attend this complimentary CPD accredited evening event at one of seven locations:


London -3rd November 2016 – Hilton Hotel (Watford)


Edinburgh - 14th November 2016 – Houston Hotel


Bristol – 21st November 2016 – Aztec Hotel


Birmingham - 20th February 2017 – St Johns Hotel (Solihull)


Leeds - 9th March 2017 – Village Hotel (North)


Manchester – 27th April 2017 – Copthorne Hotel


Newcastle - 4th May 2017 – Hilton Hotel (Gateshead)


As well as two and a half hours of verifiable CPD every delegate is invited to enjoy a complimentary meal at the beginning of the evening.  Registration and buffet is from 5.45pm with the first lecture starting at 6.30pm.  The evening will finish at 9.00pm.


Spaces at these events are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.  If you would like to attend register online at www.dentalcare.co.uk/uptodateseminars.

For enquiries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0870 2421850.


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