Results to build a reputation on

Results to build a reputation on


If you want to acquire a reputation for providing the best tooth whitening, then you should be using products from Enlighten.

With a 98 per cent success rate to VITA B1, Enlighten products are the profession’s only option for a guaranteed whiter smile.

Demonstrably safe, Enlighten products utilise materials that have been in use in dentistry for over 100 years – however, if patients do experience any sensitivity, Enlighten also provides desensitising swabs and special Tooth Serum toothpaste to ensure patients are as comfortable as possible throughout the treatment

This attention to detail can make all the difference in your practice. By using Enlighten products, your patients will know that you are providing them with the very best. They know that at the end of their treatment, they will have the smile they have always wanted – and if you have the reputation for being able to provide this kind of service, there will be no end to the benefits!

To offer your patients the very best options possible, offer them Enlighten whitening.


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