Choosing products and equipment, tools of the industry - Dr Nadine Skipp

Choosing products and equipment, tools of the industry

Principal and Founder of AURA Centre of Dental Excellence and Facial Aesthetics in Kingston upon Thames, Dr Nadine Skipp explores how to ensure the products you use in your practice are up to scratch.

No matter what industry you are in, you need effective ‘tools’ and the skills to use them in order to be successful. In dentistry and facial aesthetics, it’s no different. There is such a wide range of products and equipment available (which I will reference throughout as ‘tools’) – and it can sometimes seem impossible to know which to choose to accompany your provision. However, it is essential that the ‘tools’ you utilise are of the highest standard and achieve the best results.

After all, it just takes one poor choice in product, or one unreliable piece of equipment, to take a patient from their desired outcome to an unsuccessful result. We all know that only a bad workman (or workwoman) blames their tools, however you wouldn't be a good workman if you didn’t first at least ensure that you were using the right tools.

From major recognisable brands to leading manufacturers with cheaper ‘own brand’ alternatives, every company wants you to think that what they offer is the best and superior to all others. But they can’t all be, so we must employ our own professional judgement in deciding which will suit us most and which will offer the most successful and predictable results time after time.

Given that there is so much choice out there, how exactly do you do this?

A fundamental question when choosing should be, “Does it do the job I need it to? And will it do so reliably and consistently?” If you were to ask your product rep I’m sure they would say, “Yes, of course” – unless they have an alternative item to sell. But the only way to find out for sure is to try and test it out first hand.


But, before doing so it may be prudent to take note of the following considerations:

Cost effectiveness

Firstly, this can be something of a subjective term. Not specifically related to that which is the cheapest, rather the items that provide the best value for money. Of course, it can be easy to simply choose the product that appears to give you the highest quantity for the lowest cost, but this can lead you into problems later down the line.


Indeed, for something to be cost effective it will need to be reliable, have a well-thought out delivery system that minimises wastage, deliver consistent results and have a price that is relative to its quality. For instance, you might expect a single use disposable item to be far cheaper in comparison to a piece of equipment you would use over and again throughout your career. But, if the quality of results you achieve with a cheaper product is substandard and means you have to invest in more expensive products to rectify any issues, this negates any potential savings you might have made.


Ease of use

One of the main advantages in offering facial aesthetic treatments such as botulin toxins or dermal fillers is their relative ease of use and application (which in turn make for more cost effective treatments through time savings). However these benefits will be negated through poor product choices. On the other hand, products that have been designed with ergonomics and function in mind will be far more intuitive and natural to use, but this often comes with a higher price tag. In some instances this expense is justified, as those that are not designed with these considerations are likely to deliver results of a lower standard.



Familiarity with new ‘tools’ and understanding their compatibility with your own personal work processes are also essential factors to consider. Some clinicians like to stick with what they used in their training or have a long-standing familiarity with, whilst others will be constantly looking for new and innovative products. It is worth thinking about the time it may take to become accustomed to new products or equipment and whether any workshops or further training are required to utilise them properly.


One of the best sources of reliable information will come from recommendations from colleagues, peers and trainers. Before investing, it is wise to ask fellow clinicians to share their opinions and experience and for any advice or suggestions. It is also well worth visiting trade shows and exhibitions, as new products and equipment are often launched at these events alongside special promotional offers.


Finally, it is essential that all products and equipment you use have the appropriate certification and comply with all the required regulation and legislation. Look out for CE marks and any symbols or logos that certify quality. There are often horror stories in the news around forged or inferior products that have been imported into the country from foreign manufacturers. This rise in counterfeit products poses a real risk to both patient and practitioner due to the lack of regulation, certification and accountability. The trick here is to not be tempted when an offer looks too good to be true. A product that would normally cost £700 is unlikely to be genuine if sold for £50.

Ultimately you want to use ‘tools’ that will help make the service and treatments you offer faster, easier and better for the patient. So by taking into account practicality, cost, ease of use, compatibility, peer recommendations and manufacturer’s certification you can begin to ensure that the treatments and services you offer will not be let down by the products and equipment you choose to use.


To find out more visit, call 020 8549 5710, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Dr Nadine Skipp is the Principal and Founder of AURA Centre of Dental Excellence and Facial Aesthetics in Kingston Upon Thames. Having trained with leading experts from across the dental profession in the US, UK and internationally, Dr Skipp has fulfilled many educational roles throughout the industry, and was awarded a Fellowship from the International Academy for Dental and Facial Esthetics in 2014. She is also partner of SOURCE1uk - Dental Recruitment, Training Courses, Classifieds and Practice Sales. your social media marketing partner
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The Dental Directory - A popular stop at Scottish Dental Show

The Dental Directory - A popular stop at Scottish Dental Show

The Dental Directory had a busy stand at the Scottish Dental Show. Thousands of practices already use The Dental Directory, for everything from consumables to cabinetry and delegates were able to discover just why people keep coming back: fantastic deals, unbeatable customer service and a huge selection of products.

The Dental Directory also stocks specialist ranges for facial aesthetics, oral hygiene and orthodontics. With dedicated, knowledgeable reps who want to make dentists’ lives easier and save them money, The Dental Directory offers innovative solutions to common problems such as stock control and how to reduce the time spent ordering.

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For more information, contact The Dental Directory on

0800 585 585, or visit your social media marketing partner
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Facial Aesthetics – Education, Confidence and Marketing | Dr Nadine Skipp

Facial Aesthetics – Education, Confidence and Marketing

Principal and Founder of AURA Centre of Dental Excellence and Facial Aesthetics in Kingston upon Thames, Dr Nadine Skipp asks, ‘Where to begin?’ when taking up the provision of facial aesthetics.

It’s exciting times for dentistry. We have all seen the growing interest and popularity in non-surgical cosmetic anti-ageing treatments in recent years. But how do we make the most of this in our dental practices?

There is no doubt that the provision of facial aesthetics is perfect for dental practitioners looking to expand their practice and develop their businesses. It stands to reason that dentists are particularly suited to offering this, especially when you consider the years of training and experience in facial anatomy and familiarity with various injection techniques.

Of course, many dentists recognise the enhanced opportunities available through expanding into this growing lucrative market, but do not know how to bring this into their practice. It all begins with training and building up confidence. The first thing would be to explore the entire range of treatments available, considering all the areas and fields that initially appeal to you. From Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers to Dermaroller (microneedling) and Chemical Peels, there are a wealth of options available and the more disciplines you can learn, the more likely you will be able to accommodate all your patients’ potential needs and requirements.

In any dental clinic, unless you’re performing a specific procedure all the time, it will take a while to build up your competence. Following my own initial training, a dental colleague told me that a great way to gain practical experience, increase my confidence and build upon the foundations of my education was to work for a larger provider of facial cosmetic treatments. So that’s exactly what I did. I worked part-time as a sessional non-surgical practitioner at a leading facial aesthetic clinic. It was perfect for building up my skill levels and completing a diversity of facial aesthetic treatments throughout each day.

Of course, it’s not always possible or practical to move into such an environment, especially if you already work in a demanding dental practice, but it is crucial to get as much experience early on as possible. This really helps to cement what you have learnt and build up your confidence.

Regardless of where you apply your newfound talents, the ideal starting point is to undergo the procedures yourself. After all, you can’t expect to be able to adequately explain, understand or empathise with your patients, unless you have experienced the procedures first hand. In fact, I still have my ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures prior to embarking on my very first treatments, and I regularly use these for educating patients and marketing. This has a real wow factor for my patients and builds valuable confidence in my skills.

Also essential is to ensure that every member of staff is well educated in the treatments being offered. To help with this, it is worth encouraging staff members to undergo various treatments, where appropriate, and to use the products themselves. Your practice team can be the ultimate advert for your services and this will help to increase their knowledge and familiarity with the processes. It will also allow them to provide reliable, honest advice and assurance to patients, while also promoting the excellent results on offer.

Encouraging interest in your facial aesthetics offering is all down to your marketing and the way you spread the word about the fantastic treatments you provide. Using e-shots and leaflets that detail the procedures and outcomes patients could expect, as well as offering promotions on certain treatments will help to do this. As will talking about it during routine dental appointments. It is important not to be afraid to mention these or to hesitate when suggesting a facial aesthetic treatment to your patients. There’s nothing wrong with saying, “Have you ever thought about having this done?”

Ultimately, the best way to advertise is by ensuring the provision of high quality services. Patients that are happy at your clinic will always promote you to other people, so it’s crucial to show each patient consistently high standards of care and support to encourage this right from the start. As important as any marketing technique is, a lot of the early interest comes from word of mouth. So, by nurturing existing patient relationships and with the support from your whole practice team, you can be sure to get your facial aesthetics practice off to a great start. 


To find out more visit, call 020 8549 5710, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
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