GDC accepts its response to an FOI request “was not correct” and “less than helpful”

A recent FOI request Questions to the Council - Council Meetings - a Freedom of Information request to General Dental Council - WhatDoTheyKnow has thrown up more chaos within the GDC about how it stores and processes data.

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4377 Hits

High Court slams the GDC’s “lamentable ignorance” of court procedures

The GDC’s “lamentable ignorance” of the confidential nature of Family Court proceedings has led to a brutal judgment of its conduct during the investigation of the fitness to practise of a dental registrant. General Dental Council v KK & Anor [2024] EWHC 3053 (Fam) (25 November 2024)

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  2629 Hits
2629 Hits

What is the GDC really doing to prevent future deaths?

November, around Armistice Day is an appropriate time to remember those that have died, so it is timely that the GDC has finally produced its report into deaths that have occurred during fitness to practise investigations GDC publishes report on causes of death during fitness to practise investigations .

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  3420 Hits
3420 Hits

Scope of Practice guidance – Chaos at the GMC and GDC. What on earth is going on?

The safe delivery of medical and dental care to the UK population relies on effective teamworking with leaders delegating tasks to qualified and competent colleagues with a range of professional registrations. In both medicine and dentistry, a number of registrant groups can practice autonomously within a defined Scope of Practice (SoP). Why is it so hard to sort out an SoP for new registrant groups or to revise existing SoP guidance?

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  3900 Hits
3900 Hits

Has common sense has broken out at the GDC?

In all the excitement surrounding the General Election and the arrival of a new government the GDC has been busy. It has slipped out several items on its website including its 2023 Annual Report and Accounts.   It has published new guidance papers and launched consultations as well as approving a new BDS course for international graduates.

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  2429 Hits
2429 Hits

A toxic culture within the regulator - The NMC is in deep trouble. How does the GDC compare?

Anyone that has worked in a difficult environment where fear of raising concerns, bullying and where there is a blame culture will have enormous respect for the whistleblower that took on the Nursing and Midwifery Council for their failure to address these concerns. 

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  13606 Hits
13606 Hits

NHS England in Astonishing U-turn

NHSE suddenly announced on 12th April that it had decided to cut the funding for secondary care practitioners accessing NHS Practitioner Health with immediate effect. This decision shocked the medical and dental profession, particularly those who have used the service or have recommended the service to colleagues. 

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2957 Hits

'Don’t Get Caught Out!' Avoiding pitfalls in general dental practice

'Don’t Get Caught Out!' Avoiding pitfalls in general dental practice

UK Horizons 2015

Following the success of the last seven years, Dental Protection is pleased to present another series of the popular Horizons evening roadshows taking place in England and Wales in September 2015. Dental Protection’s senior advisers will present a lively and interactive session. This whole team event is designed to provide a wealth of information which can help you to practise more safely and manage your own risks more effectively. The presentations will cover:


•Where do the main problems come from?
•How can these problems be anticipated and managed?
•What do practitioners get wrong most often, and why?
•What are the key clinical records that need to be kept and why?
•What are the key consent issues and pitfalls?

The full programme can be downloaded here.


Dates and locations
The roadshows will take place in four cities across the UK:


Newcastle – Monday 7th September, Copthorne Hotel
Sheffield – Tuesday 8th September, Hilton Sheffield Hotel
Cardiff – Wednesday 9th September, Copthorne Hotel
London – Thursday 10th September, Cavendish Conference Centre


Early Bird

Be an early bird and book your place before the 31 July* to save £10 on your ticket (£30 for members and £50 for non-members). All DPL Xtra practice members will be eligible for the early bird rate, which means the whole team can attend for just £30 each.

To book your tickets email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +44(0) 207 399 2914.

*Booking forms must be received by the Dental protection team before 31 July 2015 to be eligible for the early bird rate


2.5 hours of verifiable CPD will be awarded for attending one of these sessions. 


Full event information, including timings can be found on our website www.dentalprotection.org







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8227 Hits

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