“A high quality learning pathway”

A high quality learning pathway

“I was keen to take the Inman Aligner training course after attending an inspirational lecture by Dr. Tif Qureshi on ‘Align, Bleach and Bond’ at the FGDP,” says Dr. Rima Patel, who works at dental practices in Crystal Palace and Carshalton.


“Associates in both practices I work in had previously attended and begun offering the appliance to their patients – so there were always enquiries about it. I wanted to develop my skills, in order to also be able to offer patients what they wanted, rather than having to refer them to a colleague.


“I had expected there to be more people attending the course on the day – and the lecture to be more crowded. I was pleasantly surprised, however, that it was a small group, and that the lectures were of the highest quality. Everything was explained thoroughly and the hands-on element complemented the presentations.


“I would recommend the Inman Aligner training course to others, as I feel the IAS Academy has a structured learning pathway you can follow and the guidance and information provided was of a high quality and very detailed in nature.”


To discover what you could learn, contact the friendly IAS Academy team today.


For more information on upcoming IAS Academy training courses, including the Inman Aligner,

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‘A very impressive course’ – from the IAS Academy

A very impressive course – from the IAS Academy

Dr. James Tinning of Pinfold Dental Practice, Cheshire took the London Inman Aligner hands-on training course.

“Following a seminar I attended presented by Tif Qureshi, I quickly realised that being able to offer patients the Inman Aligner system would be a great skill to add to my armamentarium.


“The course was excellent and very impressive – not only an informative and interesting day, but also a really enjoyable one as well. Instructors Tif Qureshi and James Russell were very professional and they were happy to spend time discussing potential cases.


“The appliance itself is very simple to use in practice and I have been able to use both the online support forum and help from NimroDENTAL laboratory to develop my knowledge of the Inman Aligner and treating more complex cases.


“I was impressed by the IAS academy hands-on training course and I would definitely recommend it to other colleagues.”


Committed to providing the highest quality of training and support, IAS Academy runs courses for the Inman Aligner, ClearSmile Aligners and ClearSmile Braces. To find out more, contact the team today.



For more information, go to www.iasortho.com, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0845 366 5477.

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UCL Eastman Dental Institute - Restorative Dental Practice MSc

Time is running out to register for our Restorative Dental Practice MSc - to start this programme in January 2016, you must complete your application by 16 October 2015. Find out more>>

This part-time, four-year Master’s programme enhances students’ ability to provide high-quality and comprehensive restorative management for the majority of patients. Students are able to assess, plan and provide quality treatment at an advanced level, forming a sound foundation for the restoration or rehabilitation of a compromised dentition in their own clinical practice.

The programme is delivered through seminars, lectures and practical sessions in state-of-the-art skills laboratories, providing a highly supportive learning experience. Assessment is through practical, clinical and oral examinations including written papers, presentation of clinical cases and a dissertation.

Graduates use the qualification to improve their prospects of moving to better dental practices, setting up their own dental practices, progressing to full-time Master's programmes and Specialty Training, progressing to PhD level, and developing careers in teaching

Year One: two taught modules, 60 credits, exit with Postgraduate Certificate. There are 28 contact days in Year One, including a compulsory induction and enrolment day on 6 January 2016.

Years Two and Three: four taught modules, +60 credits, exit with Postgraduate Diploma. There are 12 contact days in each year.

Year Four: dissertation, +60 credits, exit with MSc. There is a short (three-to-four day) preparatory course at the beginning of Year Four.  Thereafter, students undertake a self-directed research project during Year Four.


UCL Eastman Dental Institute is the largest postgraduate dental school in Europe and has a reputation as one of the world’s leading academic centres for dentistry. As part of UCL – London’s Global University – the Institute welcomes UK and international students.

With a focus on translational research, postgraduate education and training, the Institute offers a wide range of study opportunities – Master's degrees, specialty training, certificates, diplomas, research doctorates and CPD courses – from its twin sites in central London. Find out more on our website>>


CPD Survey

Do you think CPD is valuable to you? Are you interested in having your say on CPD? Then you will be glad to know UCL Eastman is carrying out a nationwide survey to find out your views on the current state of CPD.

If you have an opinion and wish to complete the online survey visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7YD9T9S.

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5812 Hits

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