Are you looking for verifiable CPD that will fit into your busy lifestyle?

Are you looking for verifiable CPD that will fit into your busy lifestyle?



A recent, pan-European study has revealed that as many as 41.9% of young adults suffer from dentine hypersensitivity.1 Due to the often sporadic nature of the condition, patients may fail to mention it at the dental appointment. It therefore lies with the dental professional to identify this painful condition which can cause patients to avoid food and drink triggers they may otherwise enjoy and even neglect their oral hygiene.2,3

Discover the new interactive Sensodyne® with NovaMin® distance learner module! Through a series of short video clips and interactive activities, refresh your knowledge of this prevalent condition before learning more about Sensodyne®’s clinically proven innovation for dentine hypersensitivity treatment, Sensodyne® Repair & Protect.

The module is free of charge, easy to use and available 24 hours a day. There’s no time limit so you can complete the module whenever you like, in your own time and at your own pace. What’s more, completion of the module can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards your verifiable CPD.

Sensodyne® Repair & Protect toothpaste with NovaMin® builds a dynamic, hydroxyapatite-like layer over and within exposed dentine tubules.4,8 It repairs your patients’ dentine, to provide clinically proven sensitivity relief with twice daily brushing. 4,6 The robust NovaMin® layer binds firmly to collagen in dentine,6,9 and resists daily physical and chemical oral challenges,4,6,8,10,11 helping to protect against future dentine hypersensitivity pain.


Visit to complete the module now!





  1. West NX et al. J Dent 2013; 41: 841-851.
  2. Schiff T et al. Am J Dent 2009; 22 (Spec Iss): 8A-15A.
  3. Schiff T et al. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 131-136.
  4. Burwell A et al. J Clin Dent 2010; 21 (Spec Iss): 66-71.
  5. LaTorre G, Greenspan DC. J Clin Dent 2010; 21 (Spec Iss): 72-76.
  6. West NX et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 82-89.
  7. Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 62-67.
  8. Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 68-73.
  9. Efflandt SE et al. J Mater Sci: Mater Med 2002; 13 (6): 557-565.
  10. Parkinson CR & Willson RJ. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 74-81.
  11. Wang Z et al. J Dent 2010; 38: 400-410.


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Have you reserved your place for GSK Talking Points in Dentistry 2016?

Have you reserved your place for GSK Talking Points in Dentistry 2016?


The 4 venues for Talking Points in Dentistry 2016 are booking up fast so make sure you reserve your free place now!

Open to all members of the practice team, Talking Points in Dentistry takes place in 4 venues across the UK during May. Attending this event can contribute up to 2.5 hours of verifiable CPD and you will be awarded a certificate following the lecture.

Book now – visit



This year there will be 2 lecture sessions, delivered by industry experts, with content tailored for specific practice roles.

For dentists, hygienists and therapists – “The personal and social impact of dentine hypersensitivity”.

For dental nurses, practice managers and other team members – “Dealing with nervous patients”


Places are allocated on a first come first served basis so make sure you book up now! Visit your social media marketing partner
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