Free online tooth wear CPD module from Pronamel®

Free online tooth wear CPD module from Pronamel®


ESCARCEL, a recent pan-European study, amongst 3,187 subjects aged 18-35, concluded that 1 in 3 young adults suffer from tooth wear.¹ In a survey of 200 dental professionals completed in 2013, 84% said they see signs of erosive tooth wear on a weekly basis and 86% felt the condition is on the rise.² This emphasises how common erosive tooth wear is throughout the population.

To help raise awareness of the risk factors for tooth wear associated with eating and drinking acidic foods and drinks found in today’s diet, Pronamel® are offering dental professionals access to a specially developed online module. Topics include identifying signs of tooth wear, condition management advice, the use of the Basic Erosive Wear Examination tool (BEWE) and the role of Pronamel® in protection from the effects of acidic diets.

The Pronamel® online CPD module is available in an easy to use format which is free of charge. Available 24 hours a day, you can access this module whenever is convenient. Completion of the module can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards your verifiable CPD.

In addition, it provides information on the Pronamel® range and how it can help protect patients from the effects of erosive tooth wear.

Visit www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk/pronamelcpd1 to complete the module now!






  1. Bartlett DW et al. J Dent 2013; 41: 1007-1013

  2. GSK Data on File, 2013

Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies

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Free CPD opportunity*: Caring for your patients with dentures

Free CPD opportunity*: Caring for your patients with dentures

Free CPD opportunity*: Caring for your patients with dentures


By 2050 our global population of those aged 60 years or older is expected to more than double to two billion people.¹ Statistics reveal the older you are the more likely you are to be edentulous.²


Research shows that denture patients are using a mix of up to 14 different methods to clean their dentures ranging from soap and water to bleach.³ In one study only 12% of subjects had clean dentures.?


To provide further insight for dental professionals GSK, manufacturers of Poligrip®, have launched a distance learner module. The module content examines the impact of an ageing population, the effects of tooth loss and dentures for patients and the role of denture fixatives and cleansers.


The module is available online for access at the convenience of the dental team member and is free to complete. Completion can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards verifiable CPD.


Visit www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk to complete the module now! 


*which can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards your verifiable CPD




  1. UNFPA & HelpAge International, 2012
  2. Oral health and function – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009. The Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2011 (Ed. I O’Sullivan).
  3. GSK Data on File, 2014. Multinational diary study denture cleaning
  4. Dikbas I et al. Int J Prosthodont 2006; 19 (3): 194-298


Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.

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