Gateway to Effective Tissue Regeneration and Implant Success

Gateway to Effective Tissue Regeneration and Implant Success



‘Guided bone and tissue regeneration’ is defined by the American Academy of Periodontology as ‘procedures attempting to regenerate lost periodontal structures through differential tissue responses... typically referring to ridge augmentation or bone regenerative procedure.’ Regeneration of periodontal attachment, and barrier techniques are employed to exclude epithelium and the gingival corium from the root or existing bone surface so that they do not interfere with regeneration.


In the early 1980s, the focus within the development of the technique was placed on the barrier membrane, which needed to exclude cells, maintain space and stabilise clots effectively. Both unresorbable and resorbable membranes were developed, and since then materials and products have come a long way.


It is estimated that half of all modern dental implant cases require a regenerative procedure.[1] In order that these procedures enable achievement of the best possible results, clinicians need the appropriate skills and reliable tools. As any degree of movement can disrupt the formation of new bone or tissue, it is essential that the graft is placed accurately and securely to facilitate effective healing.


With a 40-year heritage of scientific research and innovation, Nobel Biocare offers an array of cutting-edge solutions to streamline your workflow and enhance clinical results. Their latest solution for use in guided bone and tissue regeneration procedures is the creosTM xenoprotect, composed of a network of highly purified porcine collagen and elastin fibres, interwoven to form a dense mesh.


Unique handling and ease of use

This biodegradable non-crosslinked collagen membrane has excellent handling properties. Compared to competor products,[2] creos xenoprotect can be cut or pre-shaped when dry according to the size of the individual defect. Its hydrophilic nature ensures that the hydration process takes only seconds,[3] and with no functionally preferred side, the membrane can be placed on either side to facilitate ease of use.


Due to a minimal increase in size when moist, you do not have to make allowances for expansion – what you cut off is what you use, making it very cost-effective. The membrane is also easy to unfold and reposition even when hydrated, enabling you to consistently achieve excellent results while saving you time and money. With three different size membranes – 15x20mm (small), 25x30mm (medium) and 30x40mm (large) – available, wastage is reduced.


Enabling you to make better use of your time and enhancing the patient experience, the membrane is resorbable requiring no further surgery for its removal. Designed to resorb safely over a prolonged degradation time,3 the aesthetic outcome is improved, providing convenience for you and your patient.


Reliability and strength


Croes xenoprotect membrane acts as an impenetrable barrier against unwanted cells, paving the way for vital in-growth of osteogenic cells and blood vessel penetration. Key to its reliable success is its high mechanical strength and degradation resistance for prolonged stability and long-lasting protection of the graft material.[4] It is also highly tear resistant and its elastin fibres create a flexible material that can be easily stretched over the defect4 and sutured without tearing.



Gateway to effective tissue regeneration


Created without any chemical cross-linking, the tissue integration and vascularisation properties of creos xenoprotect are not compromised3 and the ideal conditions for regeneration are achieved. Histology clearly shows the rapid formation of new blood vessels, leading to a faster and much more predictable tissue healing process.


Dr. Paul Worskett from Amblecote Dental Care, West Midlands, has experienced the benefits of creos xenoprotect first hand. He says:


"I recently used the creos membrane for the first time and I have to say it was very easy to use. It has an almost paper thin consistency which means it is easy to cut, shape and manipulate. Placement and handling was a lot easier than some membranes I have used in the past and complete flap closure was possible without relieving the periosteum. At suture removal follow up a week later, I found the tissues to be in excellent condition and the patient was very happy. I will certainly use this product again and look forward to further success in the future."


Periodontist at Burlington Dental Clinic in Dublin, Paul O’Reilly, adds:


I have found the membrane very easy to use. It maintains its shape for easy trimming to the size required, it hydrates well, doesn't concertina on itself when hydrated, doesn't tear and is easy to drape over the grafted defect. Importantly it offers extended resorption time, which means it maintains its barrier function for longer.


“I think creos xenoprotect is a welcome addition to our regenerative armamentarium and I would certainly recommend it to a colleague – in fact I have done so already.



To arrange for a FREE demo or for more information on creos xenoprotect from Nobel Biocare, please call 0208 756 3300 or visit




[1] Buser, D. 20 Years of Guided Bone Regeneration. Quintessence Publishing 2010. p. 15

[2] Data on file, Nobel Biocare, Statistically significant lower size increase compared to standard cross-linked collagen membranes on the market.

[3] Data on file, Matricel GmbH

[4] 1 Bozkurt et al. Clin Oral Impl Res. Epub 2013 Oct 23. Bozkurt A, Apel C, Sellhaus B, van Neerven S, Wessing B, Hilgers R-D, Pallua N. Differences in degradation behavior of two non-cross-linked collagen barrier membranes: an in vitro and in vivo study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 00, 2013, 1-9 doi: 10.1111/clr.12284 [Epub ahead of print - The non-cross-linked membrane "Remaix" is distributed by Nobel Biocare under the trade name "creos xenoprotect".] your social media marketing partner
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