Oral health legislation introduced in US Congress


A Comprehensive Dental Reform Act has been introduced into both Houses of the US Congress. It has been described as ‘the most sweeping legislation ever to address the national crisis in dental care’ and has the intention ‘to help extend good oral health to all Americans’. 



Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Elijah Cummings announced what they said is "the most sweeping legislation ever to address the national crisis in dental care". Sen. Sanders said, "We are breaking new ground. The struggle is not going to be easy."

Asked about his plans for moving the legislation, S. 3272 in the Senate, and whether he would work with the American Dental Association, he replied, "We will work with anybody and everybody interested in making improvements. I'm pleased to see statement the ADA recently made. I think they understand. It's not going to be passed tomorrow but we're going to get support and this legislation will be passed."

The Association has asked for clarification of some provisions, offered recommendations on others but said it could not support the bill's mid-level provider (DCPs in the UK) proposals and certain other provisions. ADA officials cited "many provisions in your bill that we enthusiastically support" and offered to work with the senator in crafting the legislation.

"We hope that our few areas of disagreement do not obscure our welcoming Sen. Sanders to this fight.  His bill aims high, and that has long been needed, said Dr. William R. Calnon, ADA president. "We fully support his intent to help extend good oral health to all Americans and we applaud his leveraging his influence as a United States senator in pursuit of that goal."


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