GDC reminds DCPs about CPD deadline
- Details
- Published: Sunday, 05 August 2012 06:45
- Written by News Editor
- Hits: 2925
In mid-2013 41,621 dental care professionals (DCPs) will come to the end of their first five year cycle of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This means they must complete 150 hours of CPD by 31 July 2013 or risk losing their registration the General Dental Council (GDC) has warned. This deadline could prompt a rush of registrants signing up for courses and the GDC is taking this opportunity to alert CPD providers to the possibility of an increase in demand. |
Of the 150 hours DCPs have to declare, 50 of these hours must be verifiable. Providers should remember that to count as verifiable CPD, an activity must have:
- Quality controls,
- Concise educational aims and objectives,
- Clear anticipated outcomes,
- and documentary proof.
It is important that CPD providers ensure their activities are of adequate quality, as part of enabling dental professionals to effectively keep their skills and knowledge up to date.
• 8,094 (22%) DCPs have logged all their hours (including 50 verifiable);
• 5,698 (13.5%) DCPs have logged no hours;
• Dental Technicians and Clinical Dental Technicians are the least likely to have logged hours - 25% and 23% respectively having not yet declared any.
Full details of the types of CPD the GDC expects registrants to complete can be found online at
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