Over 4,000 DCPs did not pay their GDC subs

Although 58,346 dental care professionals (DCPs) have renewed their registration with the General Dental Council (GDC), 4,012 DCPs did not and have now been removed from the register. The annual deadline to pay their retention fee of £120 passed on 31 July 2012.

Those erased consist of

  • 3,423 dental nurses
  • 163 hygienists
  • 48 dental therapists
  • 6 orthodontic therapists
  • 416 dental technicians
  • 4 clinical dental technicans

Being registered with the GDC is a legal requirement for DCPs in the UK. All dental nurses, orthodontic therapists, dental hygienists, dental therapists, dental technicians and clinical dental technicians must be registered.

Assistant Director of Registration and Operational Excellence, Gurvinder Soomal, said: “The GDC works hard to ensure that all dental care professionals know about their ARF deadline and understand the consequences if they don’t renew their registration on time. But we are equally committed to making sure those who want to restore to our register are helped through this process. We are delighted with how this year’s renewals process has been handled and have seen a drop in the number of people being removed from the register.” (4,012 in 2012 compared to 4,339 in 2011)

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