GDPUK breaks records again

GDPUK breaks records again

GDPUK is proud to announce that August was a record month for the dental community website. In August alone the site had 30,123 unique visitors who made a total of 125,072 visits, meaning that the site averaged over 4000 visits a day. Unique visitors and number of visits has grown rapidly in 2013 which is due to the continued popularity of the forum, the regular dental news and a focus on a range of dental-related blogs. 

The image below shows the growth in unique visitors and number of visits to the site during 2013 alone. 
The site has also had a revamp for September 2013, which gives the site a crisper and more modern look. In addition, GDPUK have also introduced new banner adverts on the forum pages, which run on the left hand side of the forum. The 300x250px banners, give advertisers further exposure and room for creativity. The banners had a successful and seamless introduction to the forum pages over the weekend. 
The website which now has just short of 6000 members, will be exhibiting at the BDTA Showcase from the 17th-19th October at the NEC in Birmingham. The stand can be found at L06a. The whole GDPUK team will be present and they look forward to meeting existing members of the site, plus they will be looking to sign up new members to the site. They look forward to seeing all members of the dental community at the show and the GDPUK stand. your social media marketing partner

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