BAPD tells how it responded to second lockdown in England

BAPD tells how it responded to second lockdown in England

The British Association of Private Dentistry (BAPD) says in its latest newsletter that the announcement of the second national lockdown in England was littered with ambiguity and they were the first dental organisation to reassure both public and profession following the announcement of the second lockdown, that private practices in England should and could remain open.

The BAPD twitter account responded to the Prime Minister’s announcement, reassuring the public about the continued provision of dental care within the private sector. The BAPD tweet was reported across several news outlets including The Times, the Sun and the Daily Express. This would undoubtedly have put many anxious minds amongst our patient base at rest during this uncertain time, especially given the unlawful closure imposed upon the private sector during lockdown one.

Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement, the BAPD immediately sought clarity from the Minister with responsibility for Dentistry, Mrs Jo Churchill. The letter sought clarity in relation to ‘Medical Services’ exemption from the business closures. We have subsequently seen the guidelines amended to include ‘dental’.

The BAPD has championed the work already carried out by dental practices and laboratories within the private sector over the last few months to support the oral health needs of the nation and minimise the risk of dental emergencies adding to the NHS hospitals’ burden. It is simple: without the private sector, dentistry would still be in the absolute mess it was a few months ago.

The private sector has worked solidly since early June to ensure that they have the correct PPE and SOPs in place to provide access to much needed dental care, despite supply chains being influenced at PHE level to prioritise NHS dental practices. BAPD continue to watch the PPE situation with interest.


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