Newly Translated Guide Will Aid War Refugees

Newly Translated Guide Will Aid War Refugees

The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry has newly released one of its  guides on child dental care in the Ukrainian language.

The BSPD Practical Guide to Children’s Teeth was first issued in 2016 and is regarded as a valuable reference for those responsible for ensuring a child in their care has the best possible oral health early in life. 

The BSPD has now translated the guide for Ukrainian parents and carers of children and young people either in the UK or abroad. 

The translated guide has been issued at a time when the UK is anticipating the arrival of many Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion.

The Society says  “The guide covers all aspects of oral healthcare for children from birth to age 16.  It also aims to bust some of the incorrect and sometimes damaging myths about teeth and oral care.”

BSPD said on the release of its newly translated guide “With dental decay remaining as one of the most common reasons for a child to be admitted to a hospital in the UK, BSPD is taking positive steps to ensure that the key messages reach more parents from birth.”

“The Society’s aim is for a generation free from dental disease – and this mission is one the Society wants to share with a diverse global community, focusing on those children who are most vulnerable and in need.”

The guide gives child carers practical advice from cleaning the teeth of newborns, to dummy useage, diet and emphasises the importance of fluoride.

The BSPD guide also covers tips on caring for children’s teeth from age 6-plus up to the emergence of all adult teeth.  

President of the BSPD, Professor Sondos Albadri said on the new version’s launch “We know what a valuable resource our guide to children’s teeth has been since we issued it, and it is important to make it available to help support the oral health of vulnerable children and young people who are particularly in need right now.”

“There will be many health and wellbeing concerns for Ukrainian refugees, and BSPD wants to ensure that easy access to the most essential oral health guidance for infants and children in their care is freely available.”

Professor Claire Stevens CBE, the BSPD’s media spokesperson added “We know there is a myth that baby teeth don’t matter. Baby teeth – or milk teeth – play a key role in holding the space for the second teeth to come through into.” 

“However, baby teeth are much more susceptible to damage and decay because their enamel is thinner than it is in adult teeth. Our guide covers the oral care essentials – and much more - so that all children between the ages of 0 and 16 can have access to a good oral health start in life.”

The new Ukrainian guide is now available alongside the English version in the resources area of the BSPD website - where it’s available for consulting or downloading.

The English version of the guide can be accessed by clicking  here. The Ukrainian version can be accessd by clicking here. your social media marketing partner

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