Moving From UDAs to Burgers

Moving From UDAs to Burgers

At some point, many dentists will have fantasised about an alternative career. For most though, life as a professional musician, sportsperson, or author, will remain a dream and their days will continue to be dictated by an appointment book. One dentist’s choice of new career may be revealing of the state of UK dentistry in 2023.

Ash Rafiq achieved his goal of becoming a dentist, clocking up the A levels and his degree, and then over nearly twelve years built up a small chain of practices in Lancashire. He told the Bolton News that, “I thoroughly enjoyed working as an NHS dentist and running my own business across several sites in East Lancashire & Preston.” After nearly twelve years though Ash has moved on: “lt was the right time for a new challenge that excited me in a fast-paced business environment.” Ash has enjoyed working in the Bolton community and chosen to stay local. His new challenge has seen him take over the Knowsley Street and Astley Bridge McDonald’s restaurants, and leave behind his former career as a dentist.

He said: “I wanted a new challenge coupled with growth potential and a flexible work option to fit around my family life.” Ash had focussed on running dental practices in Lancashire until 2021, and now enjoys a more flexible day. Considering his career change, Ash said that the jobs are comparable in that he operated from multiple sites and employed lots of people in both businesses. His people skills from running practices will be well used as he deals with 250 employees across the restaurants.

Ash will continue to work with charities in Bolton such as the Bolton Lads and Girls Club to help support the community. He said: “We are involved in fundraising for BLGC as well partnering up for a youth scheme with my restaurant which will see us providing mentoring of children and providing opportunities for work experience.” Ash’s public service continues as a trustee for Derian House Children’s Hospice, helping to raise funds and helping to develop the profile of the hospice in Bolton. Ash added, “We are also actively raising funds for Ronald McDonalds House Charities, especially our most local Manchester House.”

At a time of workforce shortages and access challenges, it might be worth reflecting why an entrepreneurial individual with a proven track record and commitment to serving his community, feels his future lies in fast food, rather than UDA’s.

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