Suspended Dentist Threatened To Murder MP

Suspended Dentist Threatened To Murder MP

A north London dentist, suspended by the GDC, has been handed a hospital order under section 37 of the Mental Health Act as well as being handed a restraining order.

A trial at the Old Bailey heard that Amit Kerai, aged 34, of Barnet, had threatened to kill Brent North MP Barry Gardiner in 2022 to whom he sent a tweet suggesting the MP would be "stabbed, shot and beheaded".  He also admitted charges of putting two other people in fear of ’violence by harassment’ by sending abusive e-mails, tweets and telephone calls which were made between 2019 and 2022.

The former dentist also faced charges of sending electronic communications to call centre staff at the GDC ’with intent to cause distress or anxiety’.

The trial at the Old Bailey was told that Kerai held a grudge having been subject to an interim suspension by the GDC which was made ’indefinite’ on 5th May 2023.

According to the BBC, "fellow dentist Keith Percival, from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight dental council, and his daughter, Emily Vidovic, who works for the dental council, were subject to years of harassment by Kerai.

"Ms Vidovic received calls from Kerai of a "threatening and sinister nature", prosecutors said.

One of the calls was played in court, in which Kerai said: "I might actually come to your house and cut off your head".

Kerai sent an estimated 10,400 tweets, which included graphic images of the war in Ukraine, sexual violence and death.

He also admitted charges of possessing cocaine and cannabis found during his arrest on 5 August 20"

Kerai qualified in London in 2013.  He was given an interim suspension by the GDC in 2021. The Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) found Mr Kerai’s fitness to practise as a dentist to be impaired by reason of misconduct and directed that his registration be suspended for a period of 12 months with a review".

The case was reviewed in 2022 when the suspension was extended for a further twelve months. The report said ’In relation to whether to replace the period of suspension with a period of
conditional registration, the PCC stated: “…Mr Kerai has not meaningfully engaged with the GDC since the substantive hearing and therefore provided no evidence of remediation or insight. Mr Kerai has also
stated to the GDC, in an email dated 4 May 2021, that he no longer has an interest in practising dentistry. In these circumstances, the Committee is not satisfied that conditions would be appropriate, workable or sufficient for the protection of the public.”

The period of suspension was extended by a further period of 12 months with a review in May 2023 which made the suspension indefinite.

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