GDC sends reminder about lab work

A year after changes laboratory work were introduced the General Dental Council wants to remind dentists and technicians about their responsibilities. Patients who are provided with a dental appliance must be offered a copy of the statement of manufacture. A record should be kept of whether or not the patient chooses to accept it. If the patient doesn’t accept a copy, the dentist must keep the statement for the lifetime of the appliance.


One of the key issues arising from the amendment to the Medical Devices Directive last year was the Statement of Manufacture. Patients must be made aware that they can request a statement of manufacture and registrants have a responsibility to ensure that it is made available if it is requested. Not doing so is punishable as a criminal offence.

If a dentist or other dental care professional decides to sub-contract the manufacture of a dental appliance outside of the UK, they will be held professionally accountable for the safety and quality of the appliance. This will include ensuring that the statement of manufacture - or if outside of the EU, the name and address of the manufacturer - are disclosed to the registrant who prescribed the appliance as well as to the patient.

Council member and Chair of the GDC’s Standards Committee, David Smith said: “This is an important piece of legislation and registrants need to be aware of their responsibilities. Patients have a right to know where their appliances are coming from and being open and honest from the outset could prevent complaints in the future.”

An updated version of the GDC’s ‘Standards on Commissioning and Manufacturing Dental Appliances’ is available on its website your social media marketing partner

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