DH suddenly delay pilots until summer
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- Published: Monday, 04 April 2011 13:20
- Written by News Editor
- Hits: 2957
The new contract pilots, due to start on April 1 have been delayed until at least June/July. In a letter to participants David Lye from Dental Services at the Department of Health says that software will not be up and running until late May/June and it will then be necessary for PCTs to agree contract variations with their dentists.
Letter from Letter From David Lye, Head of Dental and Eye Care Services, Department of Health:
‘I am writing to update you on the dental pilots programme and set out the broad timetable and events planned over the next few months.
The training for the pilots will include the IT implications, and the roles and responsibilities of commissioners and providers in managing the financial and contractual implications of the pilots.
We have written to you separately about dates for training events on the clinical approach required for the pilots.
The software companies are also producing new training materials to cover the new software and clinical reporting approach. They will be communicating with you shortly to arrange this training whether on line or face to face depending on the approach of your particular supplier.
Over the next few weeks the programme will be working through with your PCTs and you the details of your current contracts, and what this means in terms of agreeing a variation arrangement. We will also be arranging training for PCTs.
We are planning to make a model variation arrangement available in May, with agreements reached and signed from late May/June. The software suppliers currently report that they are expecting the software to be up and running by mid to late June, the variation agreements can be signed and come into force ahead of the software if ready but this is the point at which I would hope that we will be able to go fully live.
I hope this gives a flavour of the activities and timetable over the next few months. We will continue to keep closely in touch with you, and of course you can contact your local lead at any time if you have any specific queries. I look forward to meeting many of you again at the forthcoming clinical training events.’
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