Questions raised over DPA viability

Although the link-up between the Dental Professionals Association and CODE has been called off owing to opposition from members, the proposed special meeting on 21 April will still go ahead, to discuss ways of rescuing the Association. In an email to members, acting Chairman, Reg Short, said the DPA had been ‘trading insolvently’ for some years and there had been a steady decline in membership.

The acting chairman has admitted that members had indicated in a survey and by other means that they would not approve the transfer to the proposed new arrangements. He had arranged for the Association Management Agreement with CODE to be cancelled. ‘But’, he wrote, ‘ this still leaves us in the situation that we need a way to rescue the DPA.’

The Council will invite proposals to rescue the DPA and take it forwards. All proposals will be forwarded to members and can be voted on at the next Annual General Meeting on 7 July.

Figures circulated to members show a decline in membership from 954 at the end of 2007 to 525 at the end of March this year. In 2010 the Association made a profit of £7,043, but last year the predicted loss is estimated at £23,000, on a turnover of £204,277. Their accountants have expressed doubts as to whether the DPA continues to be a ‘going concern.’

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