Derek Prentice to be interim GDC Chair

The General Dental Council (GDC) has announced that Derek Prentice has been elected as Deputy Chair of the GDC with immediate effect. He will hold the post of Deputy Chair of the GDC until a permanent Chair is elected by the GDC in September this year. The permanent Chair of the GDC will be in post, when elected, until 30 September 2013 or until an appointed Chair takes over, whichever is the sooner.

Read more: Derek Prentice to be interim GDC Chair


Confusion for dentists and patients over whitening

‘Carry on a normal’ is the message from the British Dental Bleaching Society ( in the confusion over whitening. This follows action allegedly being taken against a dental supply company and one or more dentists by Trading Standards officers. At present there are few hard facts, but there may be clarification at the BDBS AGM on June 17.

Read more: Confusion for dentists and patients over whitening


New dental partnership model launched

The business structures in dentistry need to change according to Baxi Partnership Healthcare, which will launch its new partnership model at the BDA Conference in Manchester on May 20. Simon Gallier, dentist and driving force behind this new venture has given GDPUK an exclusive preview into this new venture.


Read more: New dental partnership model launched


Ian McIntyre loses battle for life

Ian McIntyre has died after a struggle against pancreatic cancer. His funeral will take place on Friday 20th May at 11.30am in St Peters Church, Kineton, Warwickshire. In a long career he rose to head the Defence Dental Services and was BDA President in 2003. Ian leaves a widow, Joan, to whom GDPUK offers our heartfelt condolences for her loss.

Read more: Ian McIntyre loses battle for life


Regulations for pilots published

Health Minister, Earl Howe, has tabled new regulations in the House of Commons, to allow variations to contracts, which can be made from 1st June. The changes will allow ‘Capitation and Quality Scheme Agreements’ to be made and remove any obligation to carry out a set number of Units of Dental Activity.

Read more: Regulations for pilots published


GDC to have interim chair

The General Dental Council will be meeting on 20th May to appoint an interim chair. A successor to Alison Lockyer will be elected from among Council members at its September meeting when hustings will be held. In the meantime a replacement member will be appointed.


Dental Protection deeply concerned over Lockyer resignation

Dental Protection says it continues to be deeply concerned at recent events at the General Dental Council, culminating in the resignation of Alison Lockyer both as Chair of the GDC and as a Council member. This follows hard on the heels of the resignation of two of the six Investigating Committee Chairs; both of them hugely experienced individuals. Kevin Lewis, Dental Director, said: “Dental Protection has been voicing its concerns for some time now that certain aspects of the GDC’s work left a lot to be desired.”

Read more: Dental Protection deeply concerned over Lockyer resignation


Alison Lockyer resigns GDC Chair

The General Dental Council has just announced that Alison Lockyer, has resigned from her role as Chair of the General Dental Council. Alison has also resigned her membership of the Council.
It is rumoured that a meeting had been called today to discuss her future and that she has pre-empted this by resigning. Alison Lockyer has just issued her own statement.

Read more: Alison Lockyer resigns GDC Chair


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