Deferring dental treatment unwise, warns BDA

Concerns about the economic climate are leading patients in England to cancel dental appointments and defer treatments they need, according to research by the British Dental Association (BDA). The unfortunate knock-on effect of these decisions is an increase in the number of patients presenting at surgeries requiring emergency treatment said BDA chair Susie Sanderson.

Read more: Deferring dental treatment unwise, warns BDA


BDA and GDC on collision course over title doctor

The General Dental Council (GDC) will put itself on a collision course with the British Dental Association (BDA) and most of its dentist registrants if it accepts a recommendation from its Standards Committee that dentists should not be allowed to use the courtesy title doctor. Despite the facts that large majority (90.4%) of respondents to the 12 week consultation on advertising believed that dentists should be allowed to use the courtesy title, it seems likely that the GDC will go ahead and ban it.

Read more: BDA and GDC on collision course over title doctor


DCP Committee formed at FGDP(UK)

Dental Care Professionals now have their own committee at the Faculty of General Dental Practice - FGDP(UK). The DCP Committee was established to build on the work undertaken by the previous DCP Advisory Board. Its role is to develop standards and educational opportunities in support of the dental team. It is chaired by Tony Griffin.

Read more: DCP Committee formed at FGDP(UK)


Jailed Stourbridge dentist loses NHS contract

A Stourbridge dentist who was jailed last year for fraud has had his contract pulled by Dudley health chiefs. NHS Dudley has announced Jaspal Bachada has lost his contract to provide NHS treatment. He was sentenced to 20 months in prison after admitting two charges of fraud, one relating to conning money out of the NHS and the other relating to defrauding patients. The General Dental Council will decide later this year if he should be struck off the register.

Read more: Jailed Stourbridge dentist loses NHS contract


Irish Dental Association calls for priority for dentistry

The Irish Dental Association (IDA) has launched its Manifesto for the forthcoming general election. It says the new Government must prioritise dental health. IDA Chief Executive Officer Fintan Hourihan, said: “We are calling on all of the political parties to let people know what plans they have in relation to dental services and we are urging the new Government to examine the cuts to dental services made in recent times and consider their reinstatement”.

Read more: Irish Dental Association calls for priority for dentistry


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GDPUK: the leading website for UK dentistry

Some media information for the month of March 2011:

  • Visits by logged on dentists: over 62,000 during each month
  • Page views: over 2,600,000 each month
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  • Unique visitors: 7,847
  • Pages per visit: 29.77

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This site is a new home in 2008 for GDPUK. All shades of opinion, information and advice within UK dentistry are represented in this group. is for dentists and dental professionals to discuss all aspects of their profession, their practice and their business, centred on the UK. Subjects dissected have been diverse, from tips on simple techniques to guidance on buying major equipment, to discussions on the various practice management software packages, and of ongoing developments in British dental politics.

Moderated in Manchester, England by Dr Tony Jacobs BDS, the Group was started in Summer 1997, and continues to grow rapidly. Tony continues to work in his family general dental practice in Manchester. also publishes UK dental news, and has had many exclusive stories, as well as being able to publish the latest news relevant to dentistry before other dental news providers. In addition, in terms of reader feedback and involvement, when some publications get almost no letters to the editor, GDPUK has about 280 different members writing to the group each month, and they write an average of 2300 messages each month.

The group now has more than 2000 members, and attracts interest and sponsorship from major companies involved in the dental trade.

Readership is around 12,000 dentist hours per month [50,000 visits for an average of 13 minutes] and in 2010 this must exceed readership figures and hours spent of many paper based UK dental publications.

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