BDA & Government Relationship Hits the Rocks

BDA & Government Relationship Hits the Rocks

After the 2024 election there seemed to be smiles all round when senior BDA and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) representatives first met. Little more than six months later that seems a distant memory. Figures on both sides might be wondering just what went wrong. 

Read more: BDA & Government Relationship Hits the Rocks


Illegal Practice News from USA

Illegal Practice News from USA

Stories of illegal practice, particularly from the USA are not unheard of. But a recent case puts a different perspective on this activity.

According to prosecutors, a 70-year-old Long Island woman allegedly turned her kitchen into an illicit dental surgery, in one case extracting five teeth from a patient who had paid her nearly $2,000.

Read more: Illegal Practice News from USA


GDC Fails In Its' Own Regulatory Progress

GDC Fails In Its’ Own Regulatory Progress

The GDC has spent a lot of time, effort, and registrant‘s money looking at how it can update the standards it provides. As of the 30th September 2024, there were 123,444 dental professionals on the register and the GDC sets standards that they must all follow. Failure to meet them is likely to have consequences, particularly repeated failures.

Read more: GDC Fails In Its' Own Regulatory Progress


Who is the Fairest (Regulator) of Them All?

Who is the Fairest (Regulator) of Them All?

It‘s the pantomime season again and the GDC have been looking in the mirror and asking for some positive feedback. The results of the GDC stakeholder survey 2023 have now been published and the results suggest that there has been a ‘modest‘ improvement in how the regulator is viewed since the last survey in 2020.

Read more: Who is the Fairest (Regulator) of Them All?


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