Dental Therapists Reduce Inequalities – North American Experience

Dental Therapists Reduce Inequalities – North American Experience

“So why it is that children—some children—experience higher rates of tooth decay, and more importantly, what we can do about it? “

The question was posed by Donald Chi, professor and associate dean for research at the School of Dentistry at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is also a board certified paediatric dentist.

Read more: Dental Therapists Reduce Inequalities – North American Experience


The Guardian Guide to Fixing NHS Dentistry

The Guardian Guide to Fixing NHS Dentistry

While there is a consensus that the UDA contract has failed, there is no agreement on what should replace it. With regular stories about the access crisis continuing to be a media staple, The Guardian has taken a look at alternative approaches to provide an NHS dental service. It is not so long since some of the options being proposed, would have been immediately discounted as unacceptable or politically impossible.

Read more: The Guardian Guide to Fixing NHS Dentistry


Sell Pharma - Buy Dental - RFK Effect

Sell Pharma - Buy Dental - RFK Effect

It has not been a great few weeks for supporters of water fluoridation. First there was widespread reporting on studies suggesting that its benefits had been previously overstated. Then shortly before the USA election, Senator Robert F Kennedy Jr. said that: “Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.”

Read more: Sell Pharma - Buy Dental - RFK Effect


GDC Addresses Suicide Prevention Conference

GDC Addresses Suicide Prevention Conference

The Canmore Trust was set up by John Gibson and his wife Isobel following the devastating loss of Cameron, their son, to suicide in 2019. GDPUK readers may be familiar with the Gibsons, Isobel having been a medical GP and John currently Emeritus Professor of Oral Medicine in the University of Aberdeen and Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine to the UK Army. 

Read more: GDC Addresses Suicide Prevention Conference


College of Dentistry Members Win Prestigious International Awards

College of Dentistry Members Win Prestigious International Awards

The Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA), an international dental honours organisation, has conferred awards upon two senior members of the College of General Dentistry CGD). Founded in 1936, The CGD was the first independent college for primary care dentistry in the UK. A professional body and registered charity, it serves the public interest in oral health and is the UK‘s only medical college run by and for dental professionals. 

Read more: College of Dentistry Members Win Prestigious International Awards


NHS: 21% Dentist Posts Unfilled

NHS: 21% Dentist Posts Unfilled

NHS England has published dental workforce data which confirms the worst suspicions of many in the profession. Around one fifth - 21% - of NHS dentist vacancies were unfilled in March 2024.  The impact of this new revelation means a loss to the NHS of nearly half a million days (495,774). 

Read more: NHS: 21% Dentist Posts Unfilled


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