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Making your Dream a Reality - Stuart Clark

Stuart Clark - Clark Dental

If it has become apparent to you that you need a new surgery, the refurbishment of an old one or even a whole new practice, you might be unsure about how to even begin working on this mammoth task.

The breadth of elements to consider can be intimidating from the start. There are requirements to ensure you adhere to stringent clinical welfare needs, such as with cross infection control to keep your patients and staff safe, and if you are considering building a new dental practice then there are various planning and building regulations to follow too. Many dental practices are located in beautiful historic houses, so the listed building status may also be relevant.

Making it happen

Experts in this field can work with you to understand what your practice’s vision is and then help you to plan and manage every aspect of the project. They can also advise on how to create branding that will attract new patients to your practice if you need to increase your footfall and numbers in your database.

When it comes to your team, it is remarkable, how when people work in a new and immaculate environment it motivates them to work even harder. It is not only the aesthetics that can be motivating but also the facilities available to them. The staff room is an important consideration and should be carefully thought through to optimise this opportunity.

Further still, there is the health and safety of your workforce. A development project is the ideal opportunity to maximise the latest technology and design concepts to ensure your team work in an ergonomically friendly environment – meaning healthy, motivated employees that are not plagued by musculoskeletal problems, such as repetitive strain injury.

Patient Satisfaction

One of the most challenging tasks as part of the development is managing existing patients. The new surgery and practice should ensure accessibility for all patients and create a comfortable, peaceful environment, especially for those that are more anxious of a visit to the dentist. The décor and design can assist with this, such as colours used and the layout of the surgeries and waiting room. Again, experts with decades of experience can recommend the best route to take. You also need to ensure that there is minimum patient disruption during the build or refurbishment. Good communications and awareness of progress helps keep them informed and their minds at ease.


By working with experts at Clark Dental you can be assured that after 40 years of experience they will be with you every step of the way. From initial discussions to ascertain what your vision is, to managing contractors and ensuring adherence to regulations. Clark Dental offers unique design concepts personalised to your specific requirements.


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.clarkdental.co.uk

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