The UK welcomes its first pan-European dental provider, Colosseum Dental

The UK welcomes its first pan-European dental provider, Colosseum Dental

One year after taking ownership of the UK’s third largest dental group, Zurich-based Colosseum Dental Group unveils a £5M comprehensive modernisation programme focused on clinical excellence and best practice.

Southern Dental, the nation’s third largest chain of dentists, is now known as Colosseum Dental UK Ltd. The name change coincides with the first anniversary of Zurich-based Colosseum Dental's acquisition of Southern Dental, which made it not only Europe's fastest growing dental group, but also the only one with a network spanning the continent.


With a patient base in excess of 500,000, the majority of Colosseum's 80 practices in the UK will undergo an extensive refurbishment programme, introducing a new look and feel to waiting rooms with upgraded treatment areas and clinical facilities as part of a £5,000,000 investment in the company. Peter Keegans, CEO, explains, “Our new owners have a long-term, 20-year vision which is enabling us to invest in upgrading our clinics to be state-of-the-art practices offering the highest standards.” Colosseum Dental Group’s ambition is to be Europe’s leading dental provider within five years.

One of the pillars of Colosseum’s recipe for success in the UK will be embedding each practice as a “good neighbour” in its local community. Peter continues, “We want to break with convention from other dental chains. Each of our 80 practices will be known by the local name patients have always referred to it. If, for example, ‘Hollybush Dental’ is how a practice has always been known colloquially, we've no intention of simply re-badging it as ‘Colosseum Dental’. In this way, each practice will retain its connection as an integral part of its community."

In addition to being a good neighbour, Colosseum has two other refreshingly simple cultural values; to be a provider of exceptional patient care and to be a great employer. As Peter explains, “Our name change marks a new era: a renewed energy and focus, an opportunity for cultural change and to align ourselves with the values of our European colleagues. Armed with a long-term vision, we can now invest in our practices and staff with confidence, knowing our patients will be the ultimate beneficiaries. Everyone wins.”

Being part of a European group means dentists have the chance to provide best practice based on the ability to observe long-term clinical outcomes in a huge, European-wide patient base. Treatment protocols, guidelines and KPIs are currently being developed across the group to provide highly informed patient care, and present the best possible treatment options to patients. Ravi Rattan, Clinical Director at Colosseum Dental UK, who joined in 2016, is excited to be part of these changes: “At Colosseum Dental, we’re committed to raising clinical standards and offering more advanced treatment options and procedures to our patients. Our new specialist referral centres in Kettering and Kingston offer private as well as NHS treatments such as orthodontics, implants and facial aesthetics. Patients there will benefit from 3D CBCT scanners to enable better, safer treatment planning. Having new investment means we can continue to set up such centres: Our European colleagues are highly experienced in managing large referral centres, and we are learning from their success.”



The group’s aim is for no differences to exist between treatments available at, say, a practice in Switzlerand, and those available at one in Southern England. Lars Armbäck is Chief Dentist at Colosseum Dental Group. Armed with 30 years’ general practice and a special interest in prosthetics, implants, quality and treatment strategy, his focus is on best practice, dentist development and quality assurance. He’s excited by the addition of the 80 English clinics, noting, “Patients everywhere should be able to benefit from digital technologies that enable them to make informed choices about their care. Hence, as a group, we recently chose to invest in intraoral scanners for all patients, and our size means we can negotiate to help keep diagnostic and treatment prices affordable.” He adds, “Dentists at our UK practices will benefit from committees we have set up to examine best practice in treatment planning and workflow. With time, we’ll be able to compare patient outcomes across Europe, and thereby identify best treatment strategies and best practice overall. It’s this type of sharing which sets us apart from any of our competitors.”

Career choices at various levels are being made more flexible, in line with changing lifestyle requirements such as increased female and part time dentists in post. Samaneh Nezamivand-Chegini, a dentist who practises in Central London, having joined in 2012, now sits on the Clinical Board. She says, “It’s great to see my suggestions have been noted, despite my being relatively newly qualified. Peter [Keegans] and his team have listened and acted, which is in turn inspiring my clinical colleagues. On a personal level, I’m being supported to further my career and income via training in implantology.”

Sharyn Wilson, HR Director at Colosseum Dental UK, notes, “Our improved ways of working and communicating are being appreciated by all our staff, from receptionists to dental specialists.” Career progression for non-clinical staff is also being strengthened. For example, the new Advanced Treatment Co-ordinator has progressed from earlier roles as nurse, Practice Manager, then Resourcer. As a sign of its commitment to professional development, Colosseum Dental UK will hold its first Annual Conference on 20th April, where keynote speakers will include Seema Sharma, an expert in transforming dental practices, Joe Bhat, a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology and Jas Gill, who was voted in at No.12 in the Top 50 most important people in UK Dentistry.

Colosseum Dental UK Limited is the third largest chain of dental practices in the UK, with 80 clinics spanning 19 counties. The company supplies high quality general dental care, as well as specialist services for NHS and private patients. It has more than 900 employees and Associates, including over 250 dental professionals, serving more than 500,000 patients. Its mission is to be the ‘best in class’ dental group in the South of England by providing modern, quality dentistry services for the benefit of patients, dentists, employees, shareholders and striving for continuous growth and excellence. your social media marketing partner
  4677 Hits
4677 Hits

Employment Law Considerations

Employment Law Considerations


Are you dealing with Flexible Working Requests Properly?

Employers should be aware that they are required to consider a request from an employee for flexible working hours. A request of this nature must be made in writing, setting out details of the request, the date it is made and disclosing the date of any previous request. A request must be dealt with and responded to within three months of the request being made.

What many employers are probably not aware of is what can happen if that request finds its way to the bottom of a pile of everything else a practice owner has to deal with, and the practice owner fails to consider and deal with the request.

Providing an employee has 26 weeks of employment with the employer, the employee has a statutory right to request flexible working hours. If the employer fails to consider the request, it is possible for the employee to bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal and assert this statutory right. The claim that would be brought by the employee is a breach of statutory rights.

If the employment tribunal were to make a judgment in favour of the employee, they could do one of the following:

  • Make an order that the employer reconsider the request for flexible working; OR
  • Award compensation for up to a maximum of 8 weeks statutory pay.

The statutory maximum for this type of award is £4,064 from 6 April 2018.

As with all statutory or contractual breaches, discrimination claims could be tagged on to claims such as this which could have grave financial implications, as well as unfavourable publicity exposure for an employer.

Where a request is rejected, a record of this should be kept and reasonable business justification should be set out when confirming the rejection. Where a request is accepted, a variation to the contract of employment should be issued and signed by both parties to note the variation to contracted hours.

It is important to have policies and procedures in place to deal with flexible working requests in a compliant and efficient manner, in order to avoid ending up in the above situation.

It is also worth noting that an employee may only make one request in any 12 month period.

Latest on the Taylor Report – Extension of Employee Rights?

As we have already touched upon, any changes in employment legislation are likely to take longer than usual, whilst the political landscape is dominated by Brexit-related legislation.

However, last month, the government issued its response to the Taylor Report. The points to note in this response are that none of these proposals are guaranteed to happen and will be subject to legislation. Moreover, these proposals will certainly not be implemented before March 2019, save for the issue of payslips.

There is a suggestion that employees could benefit from new ‘day one’ rights that give workers the right to being provided with payslips from the commencement of their employment, which would have to include the number of hours that the employee is being paid for where the employee is not salaried.

What else is being proposed?

  • A new tier/definition of worker in the mould of the ‘dependent contractor’ following on from the landmark Uber case;
  • A universal right for everyone in the workforce (employees, workers, agency workers, zero hour contract workers) to ask for a variation to their contract. This would, of course, not go so far as being able to demand a variation and it remains to be seen the nature of variations which would be asked for;
  • The right to be provided with a written statement of employment particulars from the first day of employment (at present, this is within 2 months of employment commencing and only applied to employees).

Whether these proposals are going to make it into law and regulations will depend upon if trade unions have an appetite for these concessions, if they will be rejected in the pursuit of more far-reaching protections and rights for employees, or whether employers and business groups are willing to accept such changes – given some of their considerable practical hurdles and, arguably, increased bureaucracy.

Statutory Sick Pay – the Facts

The issue of when, how much and for how long statutory sick pay (SSP) is payable by the employer is often a point which is misunderstood or simply ignored. This has the potential to be financially detrimental to a business and/or in breach of the law.

Without going into extensive details, here are some of the common misconceptions:

  1. Not everybody is entitled to SSP. You must be an employee, have carried out some work for your employer and earn no less than £113 per week (i.e if your employee works 8 hours per week at £8 per hour, they are not eligible).
  2. From the minute they are off work, employees are not entitled to SSP due to illness/sickness absence. The employee must have been ill for at least 4 days – which includes non-working days – before an employee is eligible.
  3. SSP is not payable for an indefinite term. It is only payable for a maximum of 28 weeks;
  4. Once this 28 week period comes to an end, the employee is not necessarily left without any money to live on thereafter and may be able to apply to the state for Employment Support Allowance;
  5. That isn’t to say you don’t do anything at the end of the 28 week period. If it is a reasonable expectation that the employees’ sickness absence is going to pass the 28 week period, then you should obtain an SSP1 Form (available from on the 23rd week of the 28 week SSP period. This should be completed and given to the employee so that they can access the government funded allowance at the end of their 28 week period.

The increase in SSP rates which were announced in December are due to come into effect from 6 April 2018 and from which date will be £92.05 per week.


Ben Williams (pictured below) of Goodman Grant Solicitors – contact on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information visit or contact your nearest office:

London: 0203 114 3133

Leeds: 0113 834 3705

Liverpool: 0151 707 0090 your social media marketing partner
  4024 Hits
4024 Hits

"I will be sure to recommend this Service"

"I will be sure to recommend this Service"

We have now been offering GDPUK Members our Switch and Save offer on Credit Card Merchant Fees for a number of months.

Card payment services can be very costly to dental practices. Our partner, Nexpay can reduce your monthly bills by up to 60%. That could mean an annual saving of several thousands of pounds. 

Overall we have saved our members a combined £100,000, well on our way towards a million pounds.

Testimonials are now flooding in, they can be viewed below and also on Feefo here.

Fill out the form here or click on any of the images and see how much you can save today for your dental practice or business. 


Fill out the Form today and Start Saving!

 your social media marketing partner
  5947 Hits
5947 Hits

FGDP(UK) rejects amalgamation of regulators

FGDP(UK) rejects amalgamation of regulators



The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) has responded sceptically to proposals to cut costs by amalgamating the UK’s health regulators.

In response to a consultation by the Department of Health, it says it is not convinced that combining dental regulation with that of other professions could save money while retaining the required understanding of the dental professions, and that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the interests of patients and the profession will best be served by the continued existence of a regulator dedicated solely to dentistry.

The Faculty says that decisions on the regulation of health professions should instead be guided by the risk of patient harm, and that as such there can be no optimum number of healthcare regulators. It also suggests that as the UK has over 70 regulators, “including four for social care, and six each for legal services, financial services and privatised utilities…nine regulators for healthcare, covering 1.5 million professionals in 32 occupations, does not appear excessive.”

FGDP(UK) also expresses concern over proposals to create a single adjudication body for fitness to practise, a single register of all health professionals, and a single set of standards in lieu of profession-specific ones, and rejects the suggested use of mediation in regulatory proceedings and proposals for employers to be represented on the General Dental Council (GDC).

However, FGDP(UK) agreed that the currently statutorily-regulated professions should be reassessed to determine the most appropriate level of oversight, and that the regulator should be accountable to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Irish Assembly in addition to the UK Parliament.

Dr Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK), said:

“While the GDC itself acknowledges that there are improvements to be made to the way in which it regulates, it has nonetheless developed specialist knowledge of dental patients and the professions that treat them, each of which exhibit characteristics and contextual factors which are not necessarily the same as those of other medical professions and their patients. In an amalgamated regulator, this sector-specific knowledge would either be maintained at additional cost, or, more likely, lost in a drive to harmonise procedures and cut costs. For these reasons, the onus is on the government to produce convincing evidence that its own stated objectives for regulation – public protection, performance management, and professional development and support - would not be all the harder to meet if dental regulation were to be amalgamated with that of other professions.”


 The Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) is the only professional membership body in the UK specifically for general dental practice. Based at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, it provides services to help those in general dental practice raise standards of patient care. It does this through standards setting, providing education courses and assessments, CPD, policy development, research and publications. Membership of FGDP(UK) is open to dentists and other registered dental professionals. your social media marketing partner
  4466 Hits
4466 Hits

EU Payment Services Directive now in force in the UK

EU Payment Services Directive now in force in the UK


All businesses are now banned from charging ANY fees for credit or debit card payments. The ruling came into force on Saturday 13th January.

The new rules, which have now been made into the law as of Saturday, will mean all surcharges are banned when businesses process card payments.

So there will be no charges for paying by debit or credit card, including American Express and linked ways of paying such as PayPal or Apple Pay.

As an example, when booking flights, you will no longer be charged extra for paying via credit card. Below are a few examples of charges. (from Money Saving Expert)

It is estimated that surcharging cost Brits £166 million in 2015.

  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) - £2.50 credit card fee on all transactions
  • Council tax - 2.5% credit card fee for Ealing Council
  • Flights - Flybe charges 3% on credit card and PayPal transactions
  • Packaged holidays - Thomas Cook has a 2% credit card fee
  • Paid-for TV - Sky charges a 30p/mth fee on recurring credit card payments

The rules will apply to any UK company which is selling to UK consumers.

Switch and save
Change payment provider today and save up to 60%

The reason this is being mentioned in a blog on GDPUK is……

One because of our offer for members, where we can save dental practice money on their card payment fees, which are obviously different area when compared to the new law above but still relevant.

Secondly, businesses often charge these extra charges as listed above (especially smaller businesses such as dental practices) because of the fees the business was paying the merchant supplying the card service and they were passing on the charge to the consumer.

So therefore checking your card machine rate is more important than ever. 

One of way of helping small business owners reduce these costs is by checking your rate. Card payment services can be very costly to dental practices and other small businesses. By comparing your rate, you can reduce your monthly bills by up to 60%. That could mean an annual saving of several thousands of pounds.


Find out more info here via GDPUK Services. Just fill out the form at the bottom of the page and within a few days you can be making savings. Just Switch and Save!

This offer is primarily for dental practices but we can also look at other businesses that take card payments on a daily basis and see how we can help reduce your costs. Just enquire via the form on the GDPUK Services page.

Further info about the EU Payment Services Directive here. your social media marketing partner
  8495 Hits
8495 Hits

Dentex Celebrate First Year of Success

Dentex Celebrate First Year of Success



The 8th November marked just one year since dental partnership group, Dentex, secured its first dental practice, and what a year it’s been. The first twelve months of any business is meant to be the hardest, but in this time Dentex has accumulated 17 practices as part of the group, with a further 18 in due diligence; and secured £21m in funding. Not bad for an organisation that began with just six members of staff.

Since its inception, Dentex has almost taken on a life of its own. Driven by Barry Lanesman, CEO, Pat Langley as Chief Dental Officer and Rob Paxman as Director of Partnering, all of whom have long-term experience within the dentistry field, the organisation has sought – and succeeded – to fulfil a very great need in the dental industry: enabling dentists to share in the value created through a dental collective.

They differ from typical dental corporates by offering much better long-term wealth creation opportunities to their partners. Dentists are able to extract equity from their practice, but continue to stay involved and benefit from the growth whilst preserving their clinical independence. Dentex provides support to dentists as partners, enabling growth without removing a practice’s autonomy; so, dentists continue to run their practice, expanding and thriving, no longer having to constantly focus on cash flow and financials.

In a year that has seen the group awarded the ‘Highly Commended Award for Innovation of the Year’, as well as finalists for ‘Product Launch of the Year’ – Dentex has found success in a model that challenges the traditional dental corporate pattern. There is no management takeover, no rebranding, as happens when joining a corporate franchise; partners maintain their autonomy, gaining input and assistance only where they require it. This allows practices to retain their individuality, which is important for practitioners and patients alike. And with two partnership models – Regional and Practice – it’s possible for Dentex partners to either reduce their responsibilities or enhance them, either focusing on their core interests at a local level to ensure a premium patient experience is delivered, or building a portfolio of surgeries in order to broaden their potential remit. Once approved and passed through the stringent Dentex criteria for partner selection, the choice of how they wish to proceed is left to the individual member.

There is an acute focus on finding the right partners. Integrity, respect for each other and highest ethical standards are just a few of the values that make up Dentex’s foundations, and all members of the group are expected to share this ethos.

Dentex is not about running a business model that’s dictatorial, it’s about helping dentists work together. Dentists often face similar challenges, so partners are encouraged to build and grow in a collegiate way.

Barry Lanesman, Dentex CEO, comments:

‘With a five-year plan which aims to see the Group at 150 partnering practices by 2022, it’s still early days for Dentex, but so far, the company is very much on track, thanks to its unique offering. This time last year there was a gap in the market. Dentex have filled it admirably.

But while the organisation’s phenomenal growth is certainly worth marking, Dentex’s driving force is quality over quantity. Each Dentex partner wants to share growth and remain involved in the development of the practice, not exit at the earliest opportunity. They are genuinely enthused and motivated about clinical dentistry and use their partnership with Dentex to help overcome regulatory, compliance and administrative barriers.

The partnership allows them to focus on areas of dentistry they’re truly passionate about. Each one of the partners excels in their field with an unswerving commitment to deliver premium patient care, sharing best practice for the common good of the group – and ultimately the patient.’

Dentex has shown significant growth thanks to its unique offering. They have ambitious growth expectations and so far, are on track to hit their target of 150 practices by 2022.

Dentex Regional Partner, Bhavna Doshi of Perfect Smile dental studios, explains why she joined the group. ‘Dentex is a partner that has allowed us to preserve our ethos and way of business, and provide a collaboration of mastermind. We have been able to keep our business identity, leadership philosophy, quality of dentistry and exceptional patient care. At the same time, they have given us the financial and business support to grow our group of practices.’

Andrew Birrell, Executive Director of Universal Partners, Dentex’s largest investor said ‘The Dentex message continues to resonate with clinicians who wish to release equity whilst retaining upside, and continue to enjoy the clinical freedom to deliver for their patients before joining the group. The company is performing ahead of our expectations and we look forward to seeing it prosper in future”

Further information on Dentex here. your social media marketing partner
  4881 Hits
4881 Hits

Switch and save

Switch and save

Change payment provider today and save up to 60%

GDPUK are always looking to help you reduce costs without compromising the quality of your patient care. That’s why we’re delighted to announce a new partnership with nexpay.
Who are nexpay?
Nexpay is a leading UK based payment consultancy and management company, officially licensed by Visa and MasterCard for the provision of card payment services.
Why nexpay?
Card payment services can be very costly to dental practices. Nexpay can reduce your monthly bills by up to 60%. That could mean an annual saving of several thousands of pounds.
GDPUK and nexpay - partners in payment
We’re so committed to helping practices like yours that we’ve established a joint mission with nexpay. Our ambition is to save members of the site over £1M in card processing fees. And we’ve already started.
Putting our money where our mouth is
406 dental, run by GDPUK founder Tony Jacobs has been the first to make the switch saving a massive £2,526.96 over a new contract term.
Tony said “We always want to save without compromising on service. After a full market comparison, nexpay offered extremely competitive rates, which ensured that 406 dental had no hesitation in switching.”
Who could benefit from this price comparison?
Dental practice owners, dental practice managers, dental corporates and any business owners who take card payments.
How it works
2) nexpay will review your existing account, undertake a full market comparison and produce a report that shows you the potential new tariff savings.
3) Simply decide if you’d like to start saving on your payment services.
Proactive merchant management
Nexpay has dedicated people who are passionate about payments and security. Just like GDPUK they work proactively to provide you with the best possible service. Together, we will review your account on a monthly basis to make sure you are receiving the best rates.
You’ll then receive personalised reports that outline your savings and have access to in depth reporting confirming how your account continues to benefit. Please click to read more on the GDPUK website, where you can fill in all your details via a contact form. Click here for further informationWe’re so excited to be able to announce nexpay as a partner. We believe that, together, we can benefit the whole GDPUK community.
Thanks for reading and supporting GDPUK. 
Jonny your social media marketing partner
  4757 Hits
4757 Hits

Dentex – The dental partnership offering a unique co-ownership model officially launches this May

Dentex – The dental partnership offering a unique co-ownership model officially launches this May


Launching to the dental community this May, Dentex is a UK partnership group for the dental profession. Working to a unique co-ownership model, which encourages clinical excellence and growth in profitability, the organisation provides the support that independent dental practitioners need to achieve their full potential, without encroaching on their autonomy.

Established in 2014, the organisation already works with a number of strategically selected partner dentists including Mark Hughes, Stuart Bowen-Davies, Stan Dubowitz, Elaine Halley, Rahul and BhavnaDoshi, Pieter Claassen, Stephen Tarr, and Tidu Mankoo.

Founded by Mark Cockburn, a Chartered Accountant with more than 30 years’ experience, and William Bowen-Davies, an entrepreneur with a successful history in business management and extensive experience in the dental industry, Dentex combines clinical and financial excellence.

Headed up by CEO Barry Lanesman, a qualified Dentist with a 26-year career history and an MBA from the University of Cape Town, Dentex is managed by dentists and others with professional links to the occupation. Coupled with Pat Langley’s (Group Clinical Director at Oasis for 7 years) outstanding clinical support, guidance and leadership, and Christopher Barrow’s (Legal Director, with 20 years’ experience at high profile international law firms) unerring legal expertise, the Dentex team have extremely strong foundations.

Lanesman comments: ‘The Dentex mission is to foster clinical excellence and freedom in dentistry. It is important that we collaborate with our partnering dentists, enabling them a way to enhance and share their skills. This means that with our support they can grow more than they could have on their own, whilst retaining clinical control of their business. These goals and values are shared by our funders at Universal Partners.It’s a unique approach, but one that we feel really meets the needs of dentists today – we believe what we are building will revolutionise dentistry in the UK

Andrew Birrell, Executive Director at Universal Partners comments: ‘Universal Partners are delighted to fund Dentex, to support the delivery of the unique clinical partnership model. As a long-term capital provider, we are committed to partnership and we believe that Dentex will make a lasting, positive impact by allowing clinicians to set high clinical standards, whilst benefiting from a strong capital provider.

Dentex works with two partner types:

  • Dentex Regional Partners – For dentists who wish to expand and grow their own group of practices,
    but need support to realise their ambitions. Taking a minority share the business, Dentex provide
    financial, legal, regulatory, business and management support necessary to drive practices forward.
  • Dentex Practice Partners – Practice Partners gain the support needed to refocus their efforts on the
    areas of work which they find most rewarding. The practice becomes part of a Regional Partner’s
    group, helping to realise the practice’s potential, both clinically and financially.

Dentex co-founder Mark Cockburn comments: ‘Dentex supports dentists in running their practices by providing mentoring, guidance, technical, financial, regulatory, legal and clinical help as needed. Partners retain full clinical control of their businesses and gain the reassurance of a safety net.
At Dentex we believe in a culture of integrity, respect, and the highest ethical standards,’ he adds. ‘We work with passion and determination in everything that we do, while continuously searching to innovate, improve and evolve. These are the qualities which we are looking for in any future practice or regional partners.

Regional Partner, Mark Hughes of SD Dentco, comments: ‘Patient-centred dentistry has always been a passion of mine. Having developed my own group of practices, as well as worked with and sold to large dental corporates, Dentex was the only option that allowed me to continue to provide the highest quality care and personal attention that I am used to. Being able to retain my own philosophy and practice identity was key in my decision to join.

In my opinion, they are the only investment vehicle that offers true partnership in growing our businesses together. Any concerns I had were quickly abated after meeting the exceptional support team Dentex has pulled together. The wealth of experience and support they offer is second to none in the UK.

The ability to release equity and still remain in control of my business was key and with the support of the Dentex team I can achieve growth much quicker than I could have on my own. your social media marketing partner
  5728 Hits
5728 Hits

Become excellent

Become excellent



Enlighten, the only whitening service that can truly guarantee a whiter smile, is going one step further to improve the standard of UK tooth whitening.


With it’s exciting new Regional Centres of Excellence scheme, Enlighten is giving aspiring UK practices the chance to become the go-to tooth whitening expert in your area. By offering access to Enlighten’s own extensive network of contacts and marketers, member practices will be put on the map – and enjoy increased numbers of patients as a result.


What’s more, the Enlighten team will be on hand to provide exclusive in-practice training to ensure that your staff knows exactly what is involved in the tooth whitening process. As such, your team will become one of the most useful sources of promotion, able to answer any of your patients’ queries with ease.


The Enlighten team will also offer expert marketing assistance, to ensure that your practice becomes known for excellent service and guaranteed results.


Membership to this business-changing initiative is limited, depending on regional interest and uptake, so ensure you contact the Enlighten team as soon as possible to register your interest and take the first steps towards becoming a Regional Centre of Excellence.


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270 your social media marketing partner
  3379 Hits
3379 Hits

Making the switch with Patient Plan Direct

Making the switch with Patient Plan Direct



Leianna Minty from Dental Inspirations discusses her experience of changing plan provider from Denplan to Patient Plan Direct


I joined the reception team at Dental Inspirations in 2011 when the decision had just been made to switch plan provider in order to cut administration fees and make operational cost savings. As such, one of my first tasks was to handle this transition. Whilst I had some knowledge of our dental plan, I had no experience of carrying out a move from one provider to another, but I have to say that Patient Plan Direct made the process very simple indeed.

Handling the move

We were given clear, concise and to the point training on what to say to patients and how to explain the move, which made us all feel confident in what we were doing and made the switch seamless. This left us with no uncertainty or any windows of mystery, meaning that the task was pretty simple really.

Of course, switching plan providers involved some effort from our side, but we have a good team in our practice so it was more than manageable. If you are concerned that there will be a lot of work involved in switching plan provider, my advice is not to worry. We simply sent out letters to patients explaining the move and the long term benefit to them as well as the practice and they signed new direct debit mandates under our new practice-branded plan at their next appointments. This is a process Patient Plan Direct now fully manages on behalf of practices, making the process even easier than when we made the move six years ago. There are a range of options of how Patient Plan Direct can manage the transition to best suit your practice and patient relationships.

The team at Patient Plan Direct offer so much support and it really helps that I deal with the same people every time I have an enquiry. The client support team explain things very well and as a practice we've built up a relationship with them, as well as our dedicated business development manager – Carole. The Patient Plan Direct team feel like an extended part of the Dental Inspirations team.

When new team members join our practice there are no problems at all getting them up to speed with our dental plans and the Patient Plan Direct system because its so simple, but if they have any questions it's just a case of phoning Patient Plan Direct who take the time to explain everything or come in practice to deliver training.

Whilst any issues or queries are few and far between, as soon as anything is flagged, Patient Plan Direct resolve things very quickly. In fact, in my role I have to deal with a lot of different companies and suppliers and I have to say that Patient Plan Direct cause me the least stress out of all of them, they are a pleasure to work with.

Benefits for everyone

For us, alongside huge cost savings versus the administration fees we were charged by our previous plan provider, another big benefit of the move is the fact that we now handle patient enquiries in our own practice, rather than them having to contact a third party. This means we can offer a much more personal service that our patients really appreciate, while we also have more control over the way things are handled and subsequently monitored. Plus, Patient Plan Direct’s service seems to continually improve. For example they have enhanced their supplementary Worldwide Dental A&E cover for patients twice in the past couple of years, benefiting our existing plan patients and making our plans even more attractive for any patients not already on plan.

As a practice, the benefits of switching plan provider were very clear; in the long-term we would be able to offer our patients a lower cost, more affordable, practice-branded plan without running at a loss ourselves thanks to a lower admin fee that we incur as a practice. We're simply offering an almost identical product without having to pay for the big name brand.

What we've found six years on since the move is that the plans we now offer for any new patients sell themselves because the price point is so good, patients ask us about our plans and all we need to do is sign them up. I didn't want my reception team to feel like they were in a sales role, that's not what we're about at Dental Inspirations, and I really like that our staff don't feel pressurised to sell.

Leianna's advice

If you're unhappy with your existing plan provider, or you’re looking for ways to save money for the practice and your patients, I would 100% recommend Patient Plan Direct due to the high level of support they provide and the tailored plans they create to suit your practice. Switching over really isn't as scary as it might initially seem, my advice is to overcome that fear! At Dental Inspirations we have no regrets. Patient retention during the transition from our previous plan provider was very high and we are constantly adding new patients to our plans all the time.


Leianna Minty is the practice manager at Dental Inspirations in Aberdeen, providing the highest quality dentistry in a caring, relaxed and professional environment.


Patient Plan Direct offers a low cost, simple, flexible and practice-branded solution to running patient payment plans, with a focus on delivering first-class support and expert advice to ensure you reach your plan objectives. For more information please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 0844 848 6888. your social media marketing partner
  3790 Hits
3790 Hits

Castellini for Contentment and Composure

Castellini for Contentment and Composure



Along with your chair side manner and expertise, Castellini can help to put anxious patients at ease.

The stylish Italian design of the Castellini Skema 8 dental unit is conducive to patient composure because it reduces the frightening sights and sounds of the treatment room.

The Skema 8 is a fully integrated treatment centre with instrument and tube modules to keep tools and leads out of the patient’s field of vision. This innovative system also offers fluid movement with silent hydraulic functions and Silent Power turbines to reduce operating noise.

Ideal for both patient and practitioner comfort, the Skema 8 has a pneumatic headrest with a tri-axis pivot to angle the head with minimal fuss. It is also equipped with full multi-media technology to enhance patient communication.

The Skema 8 is available in a choice of fourteen shades to compliment the calming environment of your treatment room. Providing the ultimate in style, efficiency and ergonomics, the Skema 8 makes it possible to keep patients calm and relaxed, while you work in comfort.

To find out how you can turn anxious patients into contented ones, contact Castellini today.



If you require any further information please call 08000 933975
and speak to Castellini UK directly for assistance. your social media marketing partner
  3568 Hits
3568 Hits

In-house patient plan: Yes or No?

In-house patient plan: Yes or No?

Patient Plan Direct’s commercial director, Simon Reynolds, discusses key considerations in managing a patient membership plan ‘in-house’

Often the rationale for a DIY project is the perception that doing ‘it’ ourselves is likely to be lower cost and will enable us to achieve our desired outcomes in line with specific objectives. We adopt the mind set of “how hard can it be” and get to work.

In some instances, with the right planning and commitment a successful DIY project can be highly rewarding. However, in other cases we can be left to reflect on blood, sweat, tears and challenges that were far greater than we had anticipated. In hindsight, perhaps it may have been a better option to have turned to professional support in the first instance.

When it comes to patient membership and capitation plans many practices may have considered, or have already adopted, administering their own patient plans ‘in-house’. Let’s face it, when stripping back to its bare bones the work involved in administering a patient plan, it isn’t rocket science. The basics being; determining the care and benefits included in your plans, setting plan prices, collecting regular payments from patients and promoting your plans effectively to encourage uptake from patients.

However, as with many things in life the devil can often be in the detail and there are important considerations that may be overlooked when opting to administer a patient plan in-house rather than the outsourced option of working with a plan provider.

Direct debit vs. Standing order

Often mistaken as the same thing, there are significant differences between standing order and direct debit payments – the most likely means of managing regular plan payments. A standing order is an instruction set up by the payer i.e. your patient via their bank, which can limit the ease of patients joining your plan in practice. If a patient cancels their standing order you will not be notified, instead you’ll have to perform manual checks every month. Moreover, managing periodic plan price increases can prove somewhat challenging as a change to the value of a standing order requires each patient to amend their individual standing orders – a tedious task for patients that is not under your practice’s control.

Managing plan payments by direct debit on the other hand offers the beneficiary (your practice) greater control. This is an instruction by the payer giving permission for your practice to collect a regular amount, which can be amended with advance notification to the payer. However, obtaining sponsorship in to the direct debit scheme via your bank can be a lengthy process and thereafter you’ll have to utilise some form of Bacs approved platform to manage collections. This can prove complicated and costly in addition to the processing charges your bank is likely to apply.

Admin: Time versus Real cost

Time is money. Often the reality of managing a patient plan in-house can be more administratively demanding and time consuming than you may think. Preparing and submitting collection files, identifying payment cancelations, managing plan related communications to patients, creating promotional material, training your team in promoting your plans and so much more can be a real bind on your time. No matter who takes on the role of managing an ‘in-house’ plan, there’s every chance this time could be better spent elsewhere in delivering first-class care and building a successful practice.

When you come to sell your practice

In consideration of the complexities that can be involved in managing a plan in-house, when you come to sell your practice potential buyers may be put off. Moreover, in some instances if you have your own sponsorship in to the direct debit scheme, it is not a given that the new vendor will be able to obtain their own sponsorship via their bank to take on the goodwill of plan patients. Finally, historical records of plan collections via a third party can prove more favourable throughout any due diligence processes.

In summary

For some practices, managing their patient plans in-house may be the most effective means of offering patients a plan. However, for many, utilising the services of a trusted plan provider is much more likely to be the more time and cost efficient method. Working with a plan provider does not have to mean huge administration costs and overhead. There are more plan providers than ever before to choose from, each offering their unique service proposition, support and fee structure. It is simply a case of taking the time to discover each provider and working out which is the best fit for your practice.



Patient Plan Direct is a membership plan provider recognised for its low-cost admin fees and is also the winner of the 2016 Dental industry awards – Outstanding Business of the year (under 25 employees). Plan launch, Provider transfer and NHS conversion experts.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  4987 Hits
4987 Hits

Preparing the Practice for Sale -Alpesh Khetia Rodericks

Preparing the Practice for Sale -Alpesh Khetia Rodericks

Benjamin Franklin, writer and scientist once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. This philosophy can be applied to many situations, including that of selling a dental practice. Whether you are looking to reduce the burdens you shoulder, or are ready to move on to something new, preparation time put in before the sale can make the transaction much quicker and smoother.

There are many benefits to owning and managing a dental practice, but sometimes the administrative tasks and regulatory compliance can mean dentists lose focus of the reason they entered the profession in the first place –to care for patients. As with any sale, be it a car, house or dental practice, preparation is crucial. Time spent on refining and enhancing the practice will ensure it is sold at its highest possible value, to the right buyer.

The area which can slow down the process is the gathering together of all the necessary paperwork. Time spent ahead of the sale can help quicken this up and make it a lot less stressful towards the end. The main items that need to be made available include:


  • Contracts, including staff, equipment suppliers, software suppliers etc.
  • Financial accounts
  • Policies and procedures, including health and safety, infection control etc.
  • Building certificates
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC) documents
  • Price lists


Finally, in the preparation stage, do not forget your dental team! It can be a stressful time for all, timing needs to be considered carefully; they should not be told too soon in case the situation changes and staff become demotivated or consider moving on, but equally, you want to leave enough time so as to reassure them that their jobs and their patients will be looked after.

Selling to a dental corporate can often help an independent practice achieve its full potential. Their marketing budgets are larger and therefore they have the ability to reach a wider target audience, but they remain mindful of the existing practice’s ethos and patients. There is also a huge clinical and administrative support system for staff to utilise, with various learning and CPD opportunities readily available that are often subsidised. For example, Rodericks Dental is renowned for its commitment to patient care and treatment, plus, it prioritises staff development and career progression and has a dedicated, experienced team to help you through the transition.

If you wish to take the next step and are looking to sell your practice, make sure you know all your options and have all the information you need to leave your patients and staff in the safest hands.


For more information, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01604 602491. your social media marketing partner
  4131 Hits
4131 Hits

Join the revolution with Dentally

Join the revolution with Dentally


Ever wished for an intuitive practice management experience? Want software that is updated regularly and supported by real humans that care?

Now is your chance.

Dentally is revolutionising practice management software in the UK.


We offer full practice management in a user friendly package:

-       Streamlined clinical design - customisable tools for charting, treatment planning, perio and BPE. Record medical histories and clinical images.

-       Easy communication and efficient time management - stay in touch with your patients from appointment to post-surgery care.

-       Full integration so you can expand beyond your practice - Financial, iPad, automation, imaging and more!


What’s more is that we offer a human service. Whether it’s training, support or feedback we’re always available at the end of a phone or even directly in-app.



Right now we’re offering a free iPad with every order*.

Dentally for iPad can assist your practice in going paperless.

Patients can fill out medical history forms, review and sign treatment plans whilst reception can check patients in and set medical alerts. Saving valuable time in the practice.



Find out more at and share your details with us for a personalised tour of our software.


*when purchasing a Dentally iPad subscription your social media marketing partner
  5297 Hits
5297 Hits

Maximising your Practice Management System

Maximising your Practice Management System

The vast majority of dental practices in the UK have some form of practice management software. It’s important to uses these systems to their full potential in order to truly maximise return on investment.


Organisation for All

It is not unusual for a dental business to operate from several geographical locations. This can create challenges in terms of communication and co-ordination from one site to another. The premium practice management systems currently on the market can easily cater for such situations; they allow “multiple clinic set-ups” meaning information is held on one central system that can be accessed from any approved location.

It is not just multiple sites that can test the effectiveness of communication channels in a business, but also the management of every member of the dental team’s diary. Dental care professionals, treatment co-ordinators, oral health educators and even practice managers are taking on greater responsibilities and so have more duties when it comes to caring for and communicating with patients. It is therefore essential that the practice management software is accessible to the whole dental team and can incorporate each individual’s schedule, whether they be a clinical or non-clinical professional.


Patient Recalls and Communication

Patients are more dental-savvy now than ever before and with greater understanding of the options available come higher expectations and the greater need for clear and effective communication from the professional team.  Many systems allow for patient records to be sent to them via email and with accompanying e-material, such as information leaflets to aide treatment explanations and encourage informed consent. Cutting-edge practice management software can also make the patient recall process run smoothly if fully utilised, with minimal need for user intervention. Once a patient’s communication preference has been selected, the recare cycle can be highly automated helping to improve on revisit frequency.  The patient record will display when the recare appointment has been booked or an alert will be sent when it is due.

Further considerations when choosing a practice management system for your practice might include the reputation of the provider, as well as the training and on-going technical support available for the team. The CS R4+ practice management software from Carestream Dental, for example, offers outstanding customer service alongside all the benefits outlined above, plus the capability of delivering real-time data for highly accurate practice performance analysis. Find out more today.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit

For the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook your social media marketing partner
  3985 Hits
3985 Hits

The Great Dental Bubble

The Great Dental Bubble

Once upon a time someone started to blow a bubble.

All Pixar films have a simple story structure which can be summed up as:

“…Once Upon a Time…

Every Day…

One Day…

Because of that…

Because of that…

Until Finally….”

So if Pixar did the story of recent Dentistry, here’s the movie storyline.

Once upon a time nearly every new dentist went and worked as an associate in General Dental Practice with an NHS contract.

Every day, 5 days a week, they worked for 8 hours and had an hour for lunch. Some of them were better than others and some were worse. Some were faster than others and some were slower. The faster they worked the more they earned. Every month encouragement came from the practice owners, “get your backside in the air and get your gross up”. Every dentist in every practice did the same thing - they repaired broken and diseased teeth. Some liked to spend half a day a week making dentures or braces or using a scalpel - but that was just a diversion from drill’n’fill.

At the end of the month the owner let the associates keep half of what they had earned. This was often a lot of money for a young, newly qualified person. Their friends from university who had studied medicine, accountancy and the law couldn’t understand how dentists could justify the amounts they earned when they were so young and inexperienced and were envious. Secretly many young (and old) dentists agreed, but they couldn’t bring themselves to suggest a change. These were the golden years, there was lots of disease, plenty of patients and the Prime Minister’s purse was bottomless. In fact there were too many patients so in some places people queued to have their teeth out or tried to do it themselves, or so the TV said.

One Day the Prime Minister, Mr Blair, an ex-lawyer, said, “This is not good enough, something must be done”, and he decided that market forces must be applied. But firstly he made the NHS the National Religion and everybody must be an acolyte, for to speak against the NHS was sacrilege. Then he applied the rule of supply and demand, so he opened up lots of new dental schools where intelligent young people could become noviciate monks and nuns of the NHS. Although the words “private” and “dentistry” were considered blasphemy “private” and “university” were compulsory so the novice dentists were made to pay for the privilege of half a decade of confrontation and humiliation. Saint Tony also sent messengers out to all corners of Europe welcoming dentists to England and Wales where the NHS was the envy of the world and the dental streets were paved with gold.

Next his Grand Vizier, HenHouse and his Lord High Chancellor, Broon, said that the purse was closed, there would be no more money, each dentist must make do with what they had last year and the year before that.

Because of that even the fastest of new dentists were not able to get their backsides in the air and the slow ones earned the same as the fast ones. The practice bosses saw that where there had been queues of patients there were now queues of new dentists who had to repay their loans and were competing to work in the NHS churches. Some of these bosses saw this as an opportunity and competed to see who could pay the least. Some were allowed to keep a quarter or a third of what they earned. In his retirement villa St Laurence de Lando looked down, smiled broadly and said, “I told you so”.

Because of that lots of young dentists said, “We must buy our own businesses. We shall become dental entrepreneurs, what ever that is.” So they hocked the family silver, mortgaged their future earnings and sold their soul to the NHS (praise be its name), and in the subsequent sales frenzy this let St Laurence’s contemporaries buy much bigger villas on golf courses than they had ever dreamed possible. “We are the bosses now” trumpeted the new owners, “we shall buy lots of practices and screw down those associates who were not clever dental entrepreneurs like us. Then we shall sell out at the top of the market and make a shedload of cash.”

Meanwhile many quiet, thoughtful young dentists took a long view and worked at their skills. They saw that in the long term the religion would be exposed for the sham that it was and patients would choose between private practices with personal service and Nash clinics where they chose a number and waited their turn for the announcement, “dental cubicle number thirteen please.”

Until finally, one day the bubble burst, NHS dentistry was handed over, lock stock and barrel, to Tesco and many churches became empty shells, a testament to a great failed experiment.



Image credit - Isabelle Acatauassú Alves Almeida  under CC licence - not modified. your social media marketing partner
  11143 Hits
Recent Comments
Keith Hayes

What about the wicked Witch?

I like the fairy story Alun, but please can we have a happy ending where dental professionals are able to put patients first and s... Read More
Thursday, 09 June 2016 09:50
Alun Rees

What about the wicked Witch?

Well the witch is dead, but that doesn't mean the threat has gone. It's only a fairy story Keith - real life is not like that at... Read More
Thursday, 09 June 2016 10:25
11143 Hits

Something for you and your patients to smile about


At EndoCare, we pride ourselves on our empathetic and patient-focused approach. Our friendly team is dedicated to providing a caring, comfortable and continuing service to your patients – and is enthusiastic about making and maintaining excellent relationships with referring practices.


If you are looking for a high quality and trusted specialist endodontic referral centre, look no further than EndoCare. Our experienced and compassionate team are fully committed to providing outstanding levels of endodontic care, every time.


Across three main locations – Harley Street and Moorgate in London, and Richmond, Surrey – all of our practices feature state-of-the-art equipment and facilities and are staffed by a support team that is ready to assuage any concerns your patients might have.


By working together with referring practices, we at EndoCare can become an integral part of your service team, helping to deliver outstanding endodontic treatment. 


Refer your patients to EndoCare today for effortless, stress-free referrals, and an excellent level of patient care. 


For further information please call EndoCare on 020 7224 0999

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  3572 Hits
3572 Hits

3M ESPE Filtek Bulk Fill “produces excellent results”


Dr Phil Loughnane, owner of the Chipping Manor Dental Practice in Gloucestershire, has been very impressed with Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative from 3M ESPE.    


“I have been working with this bulk fill for three months now, and I think it is the best posterior composite I have ever used. 


“I have to commend how easy the material is to handle, and how quickly it can be used. I think the overall aesthetic result is particularly excellent.  


“I would unreservedly recommend Filtek Bulk Fill posterior restorative to others and have encouraged all of my associates to make use of it.” 


For more information, call 0845 602 5094 or visit  HYPERLINK "" your social media marketing partner
  15585 Hits
15585 Hits

The politics of property - Harry Singh


The politics of property - Harry Singh

Harry Singh considers the repercussions of having the Conservative party in power for dentists investing in buy-to-let property.

So, it’s old news that in May the Conservatives came to power and set the UK a-flutter for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of areas. For those of us who are in the property game there was something of an initial sigh of relief – just in that regard – since the Labour party had said it would introduce rent controls, leading to fears that the property industry would become more heavily regulated and overtaxed.

But what has the reality been? Has there been the expected increase in confidence in the UK property market? Given the last few months of political shenanigans, what might we expect over the next few years?

Broken promises

The truth is that George Osbourne is now looking to restrict mortgage interest tax relief for buy-to-let property purchasers to the basic rate of income tax, even if, as many dentists do, they pay the higher tax rates of 40% or 45%. The current system, whereby buy-to-let landlords can offset their mortgage interest payments against their income, is set to be phased out from 2017.

In advance of the Conservative party conference in October, Damian Green, a Conservative MP, laid it out for us in The Telegraph. He wrote: ‘We need to reclaim the mantle of the party of home ownership, and to do that we not only to build more houses but ensure that they are available for people to buy. Too many new houses and flats are immediately snapped up by buy-to-let landlords, and never become available for first-time buyers. I am delighted that we have taken the first steps towards removing the tax advantages for buy-to-let, but I suspect there is much further to go (and therefore more political courage required).’

Well let’s face it – all of that certainly doesn’t tally with what I and others perceived we would be dealing with; namely, a political party that appeared more in favour of landlords and property investors than Labour in the run up to the election.

If you feel you may be affected by the proposed changes I would encourage you to visit There is a wealth of information on there explaining the potential repercussions in depth, and if you decide you are against what is being planned you may choose to sign the on-line petition. 

Dealing with reality

According to the experts, however, it’s not all gloom and doom. As reported in The Guardian, Andrew Montlake, a director at mortgage broker Coreco, said: ‘These changes will undoubtedly make some prospective landlords think twice about entering buy-to-let, but the response we have had from landlords suggest that while it will cut down on their profits, it is not enough to fundamentally change their views and start selling off all their properties.

‘It will just be a case of taking these changes into account when making a business decision on each property to see if the basic maths of a new purchase still works.’

We also know that earlier forecasts of interest rate hikes mid-2016 are unlikely to come to pass now, with conservative (with a lower case ‘c’!) predictions suggesting the first quarter of 2017 to be more likely. This is good news for anyone looking to source a mortgage over the coming months.

However, here’s the caveat – always be prepared for the worst. When making your buy-to-let decisions hope for the best but factor in the worst. Make sure your calculations allow for George’s tax changes to come to pass and interest rates to increase at any time, and you’ll be able to face the future with equanimity come what may.

Harry would like to share his professional property secrets with his dental colleagues free of charge. For further information, please visit

*          *           *             *


The content of this article is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon when making legal or financial decisions. It is recommended you seek the help of a financial and/or legal expert to assess your needs fully before making any decisions and/or making changes

Bio - Dr Harry Singh, BChD (Leeds), MFGDP (UK)

After qualifying from Leeds Dental School in 1996, Dr Harry Singh followed the traditional VT, Associate and Principal routes in dentistry, owning three dental practices along the way. Amongst these was ‘Aesthetics’, an award-winning private practice in Hertfordshire.

Like most dentists, Harry was making good money; however, it left him working long hours and missing out on family time, hobbies, holidays, going to the gym, healthy eating, etc. Even when Harry was away from the practice, he found himself thinking about patient emergencies or complaints, as well as staff issues.

Feeling alone on a professional level and unhappy with his lifestyle, Harry sought to make a change so, as well as practising dentistry, he started to invest in property and stumbled upon some professional property secrets that helped to develop his business interests. 

Over a 2-year period Harry bought 27 properties and sold 6. The profits from these deals allowed him to buy into dental practices and set up 2 squat practices.

The passive income that these properties brought in covered all of his financial commitments, enabling him to reduce his clinical dentistry hours and to spend more time with his family and on himself.

Eventually he found that he was making more money from property and practising dentistry two days a week, rather than full-time. Two years ago he retired from dentistry to concentrate on the property side of his work.

He now has a property portfolio valued at around £7 million, yielding a passive income of £8000 per month.

Understanding that many dentists feel as isolated and trapped as he did, Harry wants to ‘give something back’ to his dental colleagues via the Dental Property Club, which is designed to share with members the information, expertise and knowledge he has gathered along the way.

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  6194 Hits
6194 Hits

Selling your dental practice: do it right - Portman Dental

Selling your dental practice: do it right

Many practice sales agents will use percentage of turnover to value a practice – which can lead to an unrealistic expectation on which many vendors, particularly those approaching retirement, will base their futures.


There is a significant problem with this; a valuation through percentage of turnover is an increasingly unreliable way of valuing a dental practice. It only works on the assumption that the practice that is being sold is just like other practices in the area which, unless it happens to be a predominately NHS practice, is unlikely. Yet the majority of practice sales agents work with this method – and will charge from anywhere between 2-4% for doing so, equating to thousands of pounds in fees.

The fundamental issue with percentage of turnover is that it disregards many important factors that may affect the actual value of a practice – factors that you can be sure a buyer (and the buyer’s bank) will be quick to scrutinise, like the type of dentistry being delivered, the quality and state of equipment, the sustainability of the practice and the potential for expansion. In fact, by disregarding these factors, valuation through percentage of turnover begins to look a great deal like guesswork – particularly expensive guesswork – which completely ignores one essential aspect that will ultimately mean more to any buyer than any other: profitability! By failing to take a practice’s overall profitability into account, as well as the assets and the liabilities on the balance sheet, any valuation is bound to be unreliable, unrealistic and, ultimately, unachievable.

Why, then, do many practice sales agents continue to use this method? Firstly, it is quicker – a valuation based on turnover can be calculated relatively easily as long as the practice’s accounts are well-maintained. Secondly, the agent’s main objective is to acquire the initial commission to sell the practice, collect the fee and move on. They are not required to become invested in the priorities that the vendor might have – like ensuring the welfare of patients and staff or finding a buyer who can continue to uphold the standards and ideals that the practice has come to represent. Their remit is to find a buyer who is willing to pay and complete the transaction; they have no real reason to search with you for the ‘right’ buyer.  

Therefore, finding the right practice sales agent – one who will provide you with a service which is truly represented by the fees charged – is one of the most important elements of selling a dental practice. It can ultimately save a great deal of time, anxiety and cost if you find an agent who is willing to go the extra mile in the first place. Ideally, you need someone who is sensitive to the specific features of your practice and the individual needs you exhibit as a vendor. You need someone who has taken the time to understand your motivations for selling, who understands the overarching philosophy of the practice and duly considers a buyer on these terms and, most importantly, who has the expertise and experience to thoroughly analyse the practice’s accounts in order to establish a realistic and achievable sales price.


For more information about joining the Portman Dental team, please visit or call Gary Chapman on 0207 281 9489 or 07966698130


Gary Chapman is the Head of Mergers and Acquisitions at Portman Dental. A qualified dental technician with over 30 years’ experience in the dental industry, including running his own dental laboratory and a Harley Street facial aesthetics clinic, as well as working as the Director of Acquisitions at James Hull Associates, Gary has a unique understanding of the profession. He now uses his extensive expertise to help the Portman Dental Group grow and, to date, he has identified all but two of the practices acquired by Portman Healthcare. your social media marketing partner
  5946 Hits
5946 Hits

Exciting new qualification in dental practice management

Exciting new qualification in dental practice management


The benefits afforded by apprenticeship schemes are clear. The Apprenticeship for Dental Practice Managers is the latest to be rolled out in dentistry and we at Dentabyte were excited to recently commence our first course with Barnet and Southgate College, London. Next year, we look forward to offering courses with the University of Bolton too.

For delegates on this scheme, there is a unique opportunity to learn the craft of dental practice management on a practical level. Mentored by highly experienced professionals during classroom-based workshops and tutor support throughout two years, they also gain invaluable experience from working in a modern practice environment. What’s more, a Level 4 ILM certificate in Management and Leadership is gained within the first 6 months, standing apprentices in excellent stead for more advanced management qualifications in the future.

From the employer’s perspective, they can develop their existing team or introduce fresh staff members, confident in the knowledge that they will learn all the skills they need to perform the role competently and efficiently. By developing the talent of tomorrow, employers are also investing in the future of their business and ensuring a highly skilled workforce to continue driving the profession forward.

Course content

The apprenticeship programme is designed specifically to equip delegates with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practical workplace experience they need to manage a modern dental practice effectively. A wide range of topics is covered including human resources, patient care, clinical excellence, marketing, risk management, quality assurance, finance and trends within the dental industry. Key skills such as those needed for strong leadership, management and communication are emphasised in all relevant areas and frequent reflection, reviews and assessments will ensure delegates are progressing successfully. As such, apprentices will develop a meaningful understanding of how to run and manage a dental business effectively, ethically and passionately.


The government has pledged to heavily subsidise apprenticeship programmes in order to facilitate delivery. For every £1 the employer invests, the government will therefore contribute £2. The cap on this core funding is set at £6,000  – available if the employer invests £3,000 – but additional incentives are on offer as well. For example, practices with fewer than 50 members of staff who enrol an apprentice aged over 18 in our programme will pay £2,700 and this will be matched by £5,400. They are entitled to a small business rebate of£900, which is paid three months into an apprenticeship course. Upon successful completion, a further £900 is also available. Therefore, including core funding of £5,400, incentive government funding of £1,800 and the employers’ own investment of £2,700, practices have a total investment of £9,900 for each apprentice aged over 18. The net employer outlay for a successful candidate is, however, just £900.




How does it work?

Usually, apprentices are required to have attained a grade C or above in English and Maths at GSCE level, with most holding an A-Level or equivalent qualification, although previous relevant experience may also be considered.

To establish an apprenticeship programme, employers need to ensure they have the correct structure in place for delivery of the work portfolio and funding. The employer will need to organise monthly learning reviews with the apprentice.

A Lead Provider must be chosen in the first instance, such as Barnet and Southgate College, who is allocated the government funds for the course. They become responsible for managing payments to the employer and for the subcontract of programmes to Dentabyte, the educational provider who delivers the classroom based content of the course.

Get involved

Effective management is an integral aspect of the modern dental practice and this apprenticeship scheme offers exciting new opportunities for staff and employers alike. Is it time you got involved in the transformation of dental practice management?



For more information on the structure of the Apprenticeship in Dental Practice Management, please contact Barnet and Southgate College:

020 8266 4000 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

twitter @barnetsouthgate



For more information on content and assessment, please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  5485 Hits
5485 Hits

Keeping your course true - Sam Waley Cohen

Keeping your course true  - Sam Waley Cohen

A principal dentist is, in many ways, akin to a captain at the helm of a ship. It is their direction, experience and commitment that keeps a practice on the right course.


But, as captain, there are many different responsibilities that simply cannot be ignored. Compliance, recruitment, administration, discipline and finance: these are just a small selection of the duties that a principal dentist must manage on a daily basis – on top of their busy schedule of treating patients.    

This presents a very real problem for a great many principal dentists. Indeed, one of the most common factors for job dissatisfaction amongst practice owners is actually the stress of running a practice.[1] Even with a practice manager (or first-mate, to continue the maritime analogy) taking some of the strain, there are a multitude of unavoidable day-to-day tasks that are necessary for success.


But most dentists are not businesspeople – and, in all honesty, why should they be? They did not spend years at dental school to become anything but a dentist so it is understandable that some of the extraneous obligations that principals inevitably find themselves dealing with become the reason for professional failings and shortcomings.


And, of course, this can have very serious ramifications for the rest of the dental team. After all, if a ship’s captain has lost their way, what hope is there for the crew? Indeed, it is well documented that a large majority of workplace issues and employment tribunals in dental practices stem from the inability of a principal to treat their staff as business employees.[2]

There is a solution to this. Research has shown that dentists who join with a larger dental group exhibit greater work satisfaction than those who forge ahead alone. The two main benefits that were highlighted were an increase in downtime and the elimination of administrative stress.[3]

In fact, those dentists who joined dental corporates found themselves with more time to concentrate on the things that attracted them to a career in dentistry in the first place: practising dentistry.

Admittedly, dental corporates have acquired a negative reputation in the UK. Some professionals see them as profit-driven conglomerates that are intent on eliminating autonomy and imposing stringent uniformity. But while these unfortunate views persist, they are simply untrue.    

A dental corporate strives for one thing above all others: excellence. Whether that is clinical excellence, or the very highest standards in all other aspects of the dental business. Corporate leaders understand that the best way to promote excellence is to allow people to do the jobs they are best suited for. That is why they are enthusiastic about bringing together experts in all parts of the dental profession – from practitioners to nurses, IT gurus, marketing experts, recruitment leaders and compliance professionals.

By working together, and supporting each other, it becomes far easier to achieve the best. Whether its in matters of compliance, recruitment or discipline, there will always be a network of understanding, like-minded professionals to depend on.

So, joining a dental corporate should not be thought of as surrendering your ship to another captain: it’s far more like joining a fleet – a fleet formed of many individual ships, each with an individual captain, who all share a common direction, who can depend on each other for support and who are administered by a dedicated and experienced Admiralty.

Portman Dental is a dental corporate that truly promotes this idea. With around 30 practices across England, from Sheffield to the Isle of Wight, Portman Dental strives to make each individual practice the best it can be. It does this not by introducing radical changes that force its members to work in a certain way, but by providing the right support, direction and staff to allow for excellence to propagate naturally. Management is maintained on a local level, and supported by a central team of experts and only principals who are truly committed to the idea of cooperation and progression are taken on. 

Don’t allow workplace pressures and dissatisfaction to affect your practice’s success – or your wellbeing. Join a dental corporate and strike the truest course, for you and your team.


For more information about joining the Portman Dental team, please visit or call on 0207 281 9489


[1] – Working for a dental corporate – Is it for you?; published online: 2011; link: [accessed 02/09/15]

[2] British Dental Association (BDA) – Advice and support; link: [accessed 02/09/15]

[3] American Dental Association – Practice setting may determine dentists’ satisfaction; published online: 2015; link: [accessed 02/09/15] your social media marketing partner
  4384 Hits
4384 Hits

Bringing patients and dentists together for less

Bringing patients and dentists together for less

When it comes to dental care, patients want to feel as though they are getting the maximum value for their money – and by working with Munroe Sutton, they can be sure they are.  


By offering a range of great discounts to patients, Munroe Sutton provides easy and affordable access to both the essential care and optional dental treatments that patients desire, for less. In turn, this will boost participating practices’ patient numbers, filling appointment books and helping them grow as a business.


Becoming a part of Munroe Sutton is free for dental practices and gives you access to a vast network designed to promote and market your services to a broad variety of people.


The team at Munroe Sutton are committed to providing patients with the most affordable solution to high quality dental care, while also helping practices maximise chair time and maintain optimal profitability. Find out how they can bring you and your new patients together; contact the team today.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit your social media marketing partner
  3244 Hits
3244 Hits

Understanding geographical variations - Christie + Co

Understanding geographical variations - Christie + Co

Geography can play a significant role in the success of any practice transaction. From regional variations in value, demand and activity to patient demographics, understanding the local trends and market characteristics are all vital when ensuring the optimum transactional outcome. 

Christie + Co has specialists in 16 locations across the country, providing convenient, reliable access and insights into the local markets. For instance we understand that the areas that see the most interest are London and the South East, with the Midlands and some areas in the North also experiencing very high demand. This causes significant regional variations in practice valuation and it seems that the closer you get to the extremities of the UK, the more values ‘fall off’.

With years of experience valuing businesses across many market sectors and experts located across the UK, Christie + Co understand the significance of local knowledge. So if you’re looking to purchase a practice and want to ensure you make the most appropriate decisions based on in depth local and national insight, contact the experts at Christie + Co today.

To discuss how Christie + Co might help you achieve your future plans please contact Simon Hughes on 020 7227 0749 your social media marketing partner
  3583 Hits
3583 Hits

Leading the way in cosmetic dentistry


Prestige Dental’s product specialist, Jennifer Ball, was delighted to be in attendance at the grand opening of Andrea Ubhi Cosmetic Dentistry’s new practice in York earlier this year.

As well as rubbing shoulders with the likes of model and former Miss England, Georgia Horsley, who officially opened the practice, Jennifer was able to meet the award-winning “Team of the Year North 2015” (Dental Awards) and bring everyone up to speed on the extensive range of quality dental products Prestige Dental can supply.

Commenting on the event, Jennifer said: ‘It was a great evening – warm and inviting. The practice seamlessly combines the lovely original features of the building with state-of-the-art dental equipment. It has a huge wow factor!

‘You could see they have worked hard to create a relaxing environment; a recipe for success for both happy staff and happy patients.’

The new premises are run by a team of 18, housing four ultra-modern surgeries, two waiting rooms and the latest technology, including CT scanning equipment and a Seiler microscope.

In particular, Jennifer was taken by the glass ‘pods’, where the treatment co-ordinator can sit down with patients to discuss their needs and wants, as well as consultation rooms that allow for patient/dentist interaction without the pressure of a clinical setting.


If you would like to know about the range of quality products available from Prestige Dental, please call 01274 721567 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. your social media marketing partner
  3615 Hits
3615 Hits

An invaluable service - Dental Elite

An invaluable service - Dental Elite

We all have the dream of owning our own practice, however the thought of making that transition is often frightening.

My first thought was, what can I afford? The only loan I’d ever got was for my home, and that was in the days banks were handing out money to anyone and everyone. This is where Dental Elite (DE) Finance, and in particular Becki, were invaluable. Long before I found the right practice, Becki had taken all the relevant information from me and let me know what I could realistically expect to get from the banks given my circumstances. This really narrowed down my search criteria, allowing me to stop wasting time on those practices that were out of my reach.

This was to be my first acquisition, for a reasonably sized practice in South Yorkshire with a healthy NHS contract. Before committing, DE Finance ran through all the figures again, ensuring the purchase was financially viable, before we moved forward.

In between dealing with the sellers and our respective solicitors, as well as having to turn up to work each day, I didn’t have time for much else. In DE Finance I felt like I had a PA, with Becki contacting all the major banks (and some I’d never heard of) on my behalf, leaving me to get on with other things. I left Becki to fight my corner as to why they should lend someone who has never run a business, let alone a dental practice, such a large sum of money. This I thought was going to be the most stressful part of the purchase, but it turned out to be the easiest.

Becki had influential contacts in all the right places, and offers from the banks quickly came rolling in. More importantly, because Becki was involved, the banks knew they would be competing against each other, and subsequently provided offers at fantastic rates. I certainly didn’t have time to approach all these banks myself, nor would I have received the rates I did.

Things didn’t end here however. Becki followed the process right through to completion and beyond. She was always there when I needed to contact her, even out of work hours. When the bank was labouring with the sale at times, she would intervene on my behalf and get her contact to push things along. It was great just being able to pick up the phone when I wasn’t sure about something, to receive some expert guidance, or even just some much needed reassurance.

Would I recommend Becki? Absolutely, without hesitation. I know who the first person I ring will be when I’m ready to make my next acquisition, even if it’s not a dental practice. And what did this fantastic service cost me? Nothing, not a penny!

Thank you Becki for making this whole process so easy for me.

- Imran Ahmed your social media marketing partner
  3819 Hits
3819 Hits

Effective Practice Management Systems - The Way Forward for Commercial Streamlining in 2016.

Effective Practice Management Systems - The Way Forward for Commercial Streamlining in 2016.

Ryszard Jurowski is Managing Director at Systems for Dentists, a contributing author and life-long system development guru with a clear and transparent interest in shaping the future of systems management efficiencies and capability for the benefit of the UK dentistry industry.

And if progressing the vision for the development of your Practice, future proofing practice management through systems capability, increasing productivity, eradicating wastage, improving workflows and optimising financial and manpower resources in 2016 is on your agenda, then read on, as you’ll be excited by the latest thinking for streamlining your Practice as a means of improving your bottom line in the coming year.

Of course, you will have a capable Practice Manager in post. Faithful, trustworthy – and without doubt, a can’t do without right hand help and more than worthy of their weight in gold as they oversee your brilliant Practice team, navigate and keep on an even keel the smooth ebb and flow of Practice operations, deal with the hum drum of patient appointment demands whilst balancing all operational aspects of your business - not to mention staff resourcing and payroll needs.

All the while of course, you maintain the strategic helicopter view of your Practice, keep growth and commercial development on track against the underpinning vision and business model you set on course when you founded and invested in your Practice. And of course, all this, whilst still balancing the demands of a busy surgery treatment timetable and nurturing the complex demands of the plethora of patients in your care.

As a successful professional in the dentistry field, moving at a dynamic pace on a daily basis, balancing the needs of work and life can often mean that there is little to no time for thinking of ways to further develop and contemplate how to increase your bottom line and drive up even greater efficiencies for your Practice.

But that’s really where taking essential time out this New Year to consider the benefits of investing in proven and well developed practice management software based on solid development foundations can make a real and sustainable long term difference to the bottom line and future success of your business.

And where software development teams in the industry are taking a real lead and getting things right are where technical expertise and profound industry knowledge backed by years of dental market understanding - often a minimum of at least 2-3 decades, are being used to deliver in a technological lead. And it’s by and large where a common sense approach meets powerful technological solutions to drive up practice management efficiencies are adding real value added and delivering time and money savings on the bottom line to the industry.

And the companies who are getting it right are delivering efficiencies at the touch of a button not only via the robust and tested software interfaces they provide to users (and even the most efficient of Practice Managers are inclined to agree)  but also through the useful functionality of their systems features. Consider for instance the powerful applications practice management systems on the market are offering to streamline Dental Practices; real time online appointments, SMS reminders, patient imaging, periodontal charting, clinical notes recording, on line backups, postcode lookups, to name but a few….


And that’s not all, you’ll find with careful research that to generate time and money savings and eliminate the paper mountains created by the mandatory paper chase still inherent in many practices, the creation and capture of digital signatures will be a radical and welcome solution accessible in the marketplace from those software developers who are leading the way in creating the paperless office.

To summarise, taking time out  in 2016, maybe even over part of one sacred forthcoming weekend day to reflect on how you can further streamline your Practice in the new year by identifying and investing in improved practice management systems capability could in fact be time very well spent out of your valuable “me” or family time on the home front.

As a word of advice, factor in systems developed by a generation or family business with a longstanding background of Dentists if you can find it, as for sure, they will understand what practitioners truly need and have thought carefully within their product development processes of the systems requirements that will be needed to pivot your Practice forward. Not only that, but they will have developed solutions to improve your patient experience, ensure staff have at their fingertips the automated support they need to eradicate unnecessary manual processes and data recording, and provide automated interventions, in fact they’ll have thought about everything to assist them work at optimum levels and in doing so enrich your staff and patient’s experience.

Systems for Dentists, established for nearly thirty years in the market and provide proven practice management systems solutions.


Contact Nathan Ross on 0845 643 2828 for further assistance and a warm and professional welcome. your social media marketing partner
  3826 Hits
3826 Hits

Cost-benefit analysis ahead of 2016

Cost-benefit analysis ahead of 2016

Cost-benefit analysis ahead of 2016

Louisa Buckingham of Patient Plan Direct explains why practices should consider performing cost-benefit analysis ahead of 2016.

The dental industry continues to become an ever more competitive industry with a generation of tech savvy and business-minded dentists. More than ever, dental practices are looking to differentiate themselves, create competitive edge, provide a unique patient experience and embrace digital dentistry all whilst endeavouring to generate healthy profits and deliver the best in patient care.

A cost-benefit analysis is the exercise of evaluating a planned or existing action by determining what net value it will have for your practice. A cost-benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors; the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives; the costs. Should the benefits derived from the action outweigh the costs of implementing that action, then the action should be taken and vice versa.

As practices increasingly seek to cut costs and improve productivity and care, cost-benefit analysis has become a valuable tool for evaluating a wide range of business decisions and opportunities for dental practices; the prospect of a move away from the NHS, which consumables supplier to work with, which plan provider to work with in administering and developing the practice’s private dental plans.  

When undertaking this review you should ask yourself questions such as; what value does this opportunity/action represent? What other alternatives do I have and how do they compare? When did I last review this area of my business?

Take for example, dental plan administration. It’s alarming how many dental practices aren’t aware of the fees they pay to their plan provider and nor do many assess what value these fees represent.

Many plan providers profess to offer a range of additional ‘non-plan’ related services, hospitality and support alongside core plan administration. This ‘optional’ access to additional elements of service aside from plan development is rolled in to the fee structures charged by some plan providers. Many practices don’t actually utilise these additional elements, effectively paying for something they don’t fully leverage and therefore not seeing value.

When performing a cost-benefit analysis in relation to working with a plan provider you should make a list of what the provider delivers; the benefits. For example; How many times a year do you see your representative? Do you fully utilise additional services such as regulatory advice, ‘key client’ forums, or clinical events? This should then be compared to the costs of the service and also weighed up against other provider propositions in the market.

If you already work with a dental plan provider, the Patient Plan Direct business development team can help your practice conduct a cost-benefit analysis, a very useful technique you may then consider to assess and analyse other areas of your business.


Patient Plan Direct is a dental payment plan provider working with practices across the UK, recognised for its cost effective (£1 per patient per month) approach to support and administration, as well as its innovative web-based management platform. Patient Plan Direct support practice with; New payment plan launches, NHS to Private conversions and Plan provider transfers

Tel: 08448486888

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web: your social media marketing partner
  4192 Hits
4192 Hits

Making your Vision a Reality - Stuart Clark

Making your Vision a Reality - Stuart Clark

When undertaking a building project to create a new surgery or practice, the excitement can quickly dissolve into dismay, as the true extent of elements needing consideration come to the fore. Regulations, branding, accessibility, finances; they are just a few of the factors that need to be decided upon. Your true expertise lies within the clinical arena, treating patients, and so it is worthwhile approaching the professionals in the field of design and building of dental surgeries and practices.

Rules, Regulations and Requirements

The minefield of regulations to adhere to can be overwhelming and trip you at the first hurdle. There are requirements to ensure you adhere to stringent clinical welfare needs, such as with cross infection control to keep your patients and staff safe. HTM01-05 is updated periodically so it is best to consult with experts to ensure you follow the latest mandates and are therefore compliant. 

Then there are the non-clinical rules that must be obeyed; especially pertinent if you are considering building a new dental practice. Planning permission can become a necessity depending on your level of development, and this can be time consuming and needs to be applied for via a particular route. There are other building related regulations too. Many dental practices are located in beautiful historic houses, and so the listed building status needs to be assessed to see if relevant.

Design and Branding

Another essential consideration is the design and branding of your practice. As a dentist, you will have a keen eye for detail but are perhaps more used to working at a microscopic level. From the building layout to the dental units used in surgeries it is crucial that every aspect of the practice conforms to a clear notion of what you have to offer, however this can require a lot of time to plan and implement successfully. Working with a reputable design company that utilises the latest technology and has experience in implementing dental surgeries will help you to achieve a practice that has a consistent aesthetic and unifying brand message.

Experts in this field can work with you to understand what your practice’s vision is and how you want your services to be conveyed to existing customers. They can also advise on how to create branding that will attract new patients. Your practice says a lot about you and so you need to get this right to encourage patients to attend.

Motivated Workforce

It’s not just your patients that may need encouragement; you will need to spend as much time ensuring your staff and colleagues have a comfortable environment to work in. It is remarkable, how when people operate in a new, clean and pristine setting it motivates them to work even harder. They feel the need to exude the same level of competency as their environment conveys. It is not only the aesthetics that can be motivating but also the facilities available to members of the team. The staff room can therefore be as important a consideration in the building of a new practice as a surgery, and should be carefully thought through.

Further still, there is the health and safety of your workforce. “Ergonomically friendly” is a term used frequently when discussing a new surgery set-up. A new build project is the ideal chance to maximise the latest technology and design concepts to ensure your team work in the most healthy and comfortable way.


The final consideration to discuss is probably the most important to you: the patient. If you are an existing practice that is refurbishing a surgery or even the whole building, you need to ensure there is minimum patient disruption. Good communications with patients and keeping them informed of the progress of the project will help put their minds at ease and further engage their interest in the practice. If you are unable to proceed with their treatment due to the building work, then alternative arrangements need to be made.

The new surgery and practice should ensure accessibility for all patients and create a comfortable, peaceful environment, especially for those that are more nervous of a dental visit. The décor and design can assist with this, such as the colours used, and the layout of surgeries to the waiting room.

With you all the way

There is so much to contemplate when embarking on a new practice, new surgery, rebuild or redesign that it’s impossible to know where to begin. By turning to the experts at Clark Dental you will have a bespoke design and build solution tailored to your specific needs. They help take care of every aspect; from that initial discussion right through to completion, when you open your new door ready for the first patient to walk through.


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  4118 Hits
4118 Hits

Invest in quality - Tavom UK

Invest in quality - Tavom UK

When it comes to making your practice fit for the challenges of modern dentistry, Tavom UK will make your ideas a reality.


The beautiful, bespoke furniture looks contemporary and is built to last. You will be providing your team with an efficient comfortable place to work in, which will boost morale, reduce stress and impress your patients.


Tavom UK’s design service will allow you to see all the furniture in situ before you complete your purchase. The team will find a solution to make the most of your space and create a clean, streamlined environment.


If you want to allow for future expansion, Tavom UK’s experts will build this flexibility into your design. With excellent customer service from a team who will always go the extra mile, contact Tavom UK today and find out why it always pays to invest in quality.


To see how Tavom can transform your dental practice, call 0870 752 1121 or visit the Tavom UK website your social media marketing partner
  3834 Hits
3834 Hits

Why your first property is not an impossible dream - Richard Lishman

Why your first property is not an impossible dream

By listening to the right advice, and being organised, purchasing your first property is an achievable goal. At the beginning of your dental career, when you have begun to put down roots in a practice, buying your own property will be the next obvious step. Of course, there will always be issues in the wider economy that may complicate the process, but it is always possible to overcome these.


One-hundred per cent mortgages are almost obsolete nowadays and the chances of them coming back are slim indeed. Low-deposit mortgages are still out there, and there are schemes you may not know about that can help of which you may be unaware. For example, the Government offers Help to Buy equity loans schemes, which are available to first-time buyers on newly built homes in England. You will need to contribute 5% of the property price while the Government provides a further 20% and then a mortgage covers the rest.


However, even with a low-deposit mortgage, your savings may not be enough. Many first-time buyers ask their family for help, but it is always prudent to document the arrangement thoroughly so everyone knows where they stand. The bigger the deposit you have acquired, the more options you will be offered. When you are looking at your savings, or when you are planning out how much you will need to save, you must not overlook all of the additional costs incurred when buying a property, such as mortgage arrangement fees and stamp duty.


In the current financial market, first-time buyers might benefit from a fixed-rate mortgage. With the Bank of England set to increase the base rate in 2016, anyone on a tracker mortgage will see monthly repayments go up. And with interest rates predicted to rise, if you are on a variable rate mortgage, you may find yourself struggling with repayments. One of the advantages of fixed-rate mortgages is peace of mind. You have no idea how your financial priorities may change over the next few years, so if your mortgage repayments are static, so much the better.


Of course, any advice on home-buying needs to be tailored to your individual circumstances. This is where working with an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) can be most beneficial. By seeking out an expert who has experience of working with dental professionals, such as one of the IFAs at money4dentists, you can be assured that the advice you receive will be specific to the challenges you face.


Your first step onto the property ladder is just the start: by getting the right advice at this stage, and maintaining the relationship with your IFA, you can progress to making more personal and professional financial decisions in the future.  


For more information please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754DENTIST.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  3649 Hits
3649 Hits

Is delegation the key to your success? - Michael Lansdell

Is delegation the key to your success? - Michael Lansdell

Knowing when and how to delegate is crucial when you own a dental practice. It will free up time, motivate your team and help you to become a good leader and a great boss! But delegation can also be one of the hardest skills to learn.

A common mindset is, “Well, if I do XYZ myself, I know it will be done properly!” Yet delegation is not about relinquishing control and/or an inability to manage time. When you are a new business owner, it is essential to involve yourself in establishing all systems and processes, in order that you know how everything works. But if you continue trying to do it all, not only do you risk burnout, you will probably hinder growth.

Every member of your team should have a job spec, which lists all the tasks they do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and is reviewed periodically. When tasks are documented, you can easily see where to eliminate certain duties, or delegate them. Job specs will also help you to compile an Operations Manual, with every system, process and expectation/desired result documented. An Operations Manual will give staff something to refer to if anyone is absent and makes training new starters easier.

Having the right people around you is essential. You need individuals who are confident enough to do their own job well and also have the motivation to take on other tasks. Take time to learn people’s strengths and weaknesses, and things they would love to do given the opportunity. When you delegate, you are saying that you trust someone. As people broaden their experience, this will naturally lead to more responsibilities and possibly future promotion. For example, a motivated receptionist could move into a practice management role if they have been able to develop and grow with your support. Even if that’s not at your practice, it still helps to enhance its reputation as a brilliant place to work!

Be a responsible delegator – it’s not about offloading tasks you find mundane. The golden rule is you should not delegate anything that you are not prepared to do yourself: that is a sure-fire way of losing respect. Communication is fundamental and you should promote a listening culture in your practice, with all opinions are considered equal. When you delegate, be upfront about expectations and timelines and give people all the information they need. The more direction you give, the better the result will be. Be approachable and patient, so your staff are comfortable about asking questions, or clarifying things they are not sure about. Mistakes happen of course, and that is how one learns, but you want to eliminate repeat errors. If people are confused or misdirected, not only will you waste time when something is done incorrectly, but you will also affect an individual’s confidence in the long run. Make sure you give credit where it is due too and share any achievements with the rest of the practice if appropriate.

As your practice grows, you simply will not have the time to do everything to a consistently high standard. If you delegate and share responsibilities, you will not only save time but create a productive and confident team. Delegation is a sign that you trust your staff; that you value their skills and want them to succeed while allowing you to focus on growing the business.


Lansdell & Rose are specialist medical and dental accountants that also share business tips with clients via an up-to-date and informative blog. Visit or call 020 7376 9333. your social media marketing partner
  3766 Hits
3766 Hits

New Business for Free - Jeremy Hedrick of Munroe Sutton

New Business for Free - Jeremy Hedrick of Munroe Sutton

The demand for affordable dental care is on the rise, along with the increase in popularity for dental procedures. We safeguard our most cherished possessions such as our homes, cars, pets and even lives with insurance policies, so logically our teeth should be as carefully protected.


The repercussions of poor oral health have the potential to not only damage self-confidence and relationships, but are also linked to diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. To add insult to injury, the healthcare required to treat dental conditions is notoriously costly. As completely free NHS dental procedures are only available to pregnant women, new mothers, children up to the age of 18 and those receiving benefits, virtually everyone – whether private or NHS – pays towards dental care. Current NHS treatment bands range from £18.80 for a standard check up, through to £222.50 for more complicated procedures such as crowns. Bearing in mind that 63% of NHS dental patients choose their practices based on cost[i], it’s prudent for clinicians and patients to investigate dental insurance policies, particularly when several treatments are required.


A British Dental Association report in 2013 showed that over half of mainly NHS dental practices in the UK, didn’t employ dental hygienists at all[ii]. However, the 2009 Dental Health Survey revealed 45% of the population with natural teeth had gingival pockets of 4mm or more revealing that periodontal disease is widespread[iii]. For these patients, hygienist sessions are recommended at least twice a year, typically costing around £50. If a standard amalgam filling at £50.50 (a composite, white filling is usually a private treatment), and any related dental examinations are then added to the mix, fees can escalate.


For a series of private treatments, a £220-£280 annual cover plan, recompensing 75% of the final bill makes financial sense. NHS dental patients may also be able to opt for NHS clinic-only cheaper insurance plans covering 100% of the costs[iv]. With some policies covering families, dental accidents or emergencies overseas, and giving no upper age limit for new customers, there’s a wide range of options available to suit both need and budget.


Munroe Sutton has been organising, designing and managing stand-alone, affordable dental plans for over thirty years. Created by dentists, these policies are committed to fair compensation for professionals and improving accessibility to quality dentistry for the individual. Together with leading insurance providers, a network of high quality dental practices has been established. Completely free to join, it offers your business a highly effective and efficient promotional tool to help increase your patient-base and build profit, all at no extra cost.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558

or visit


[i] National Smile Month Facts and Figures (accessed 23/6/2015)

[iii] 2: Disease and related disorders – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009 (accessed 23/6/2015) your social media marketing partner
  4062 Hits
4062 Hits

Dentistry Right Here, Right Now

Dentistry Right Here, Right Now

A key defining factor of life today is that we’re all connected in ways our forefathers were not. The Truman show film released in 1998, depicted the world in an unfamiliar, fantastic way, which is what made the subject matter so intriguing. However, are we really that far away from that fantasy world today? We may not be being watched in our own homes 24/7 but we are just a click, a text, a tweet or a Skype call away from anyone we choose to connect with, anywhere in the world, at any time.


Technology, coupled with a social media explosion has meant that real time information is no longer a figment of our over active imaginations, it’s here and constantly developing. Everyday, live data is served up in many guises via digital applications covering diet and fitness through to bus timetables. Many businesses are recognising the endless benefits of capturing this kind of data. Online news sites can post two headlines for the same feature, monitor the interest generated and within minutes discard the less popular, optimising their online hits. They stay one step ahead in an increasingly competitive environment by not only communicating to readers in real time but by enhancing the product  (editors receive immediate data and respond accordingly).


Dental practices accessing live data can reap similar benefits in terms of workflow and profitability. In 2009, the British Dental Association ran a survey to calculate the amount of hours lost for practices by Failures to Attend (FTA). It recorded an average of 81 hours per dentist over the year, with an astounding rise to an average of 111 hours where those practices had no reminder system in place[i]. This is equivalent to three weeks of back-to-back treatments so can any practice afford to ignore appointment management?


There is now software available offering the continual stream of information and communication between your practice and patient base. This fully automated system takes care of appointment fixing, credit card processing, and crucially, reminding patients to attend. Covering the four focal points of chair occupancy, treatment planning, appointment confirmation and patient recare, this real-time information helps to monitor and manage appointments efficiently. Staff are then free to instantly respond to situations as they occur, keeping schedules at optimum efficiency.


Carestream Dental can provide this real time data via the new fully automated Springboard feature of the CS R4+ practice management software. Because the system immediately undertakes time-consuming administration, Springboard enables a continual, fluid workflow. In return, resources and skills are applied to the areas where they’re required where they’re most needed – attending to patients.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook 



[i] BDA Policy and Research – Fail to Attend Research, December 2010 (Accessed 9th June, 2015) your social media marketing partner
  4052 Hits
4052 Hits

Surgery refurbishment with Clark Dental

Surgery refurbishment with Clark Dental

Last year, Dr Peter Collins from Beaconsfield Dental Practice decided to update two of the surgeries in his Buckinghamshire practice. He went to Clark Dental for help with planning and design, and for some of the most cutting-edge equipment in the industry.


“I would highly recommend Clark Dental,” says Dr Collins. “The support and advice the team offered was excellent. 


“I have worked with Matt Rowlingson from Clark Dental on a number of occasions and he has always been incredibly helpful. This project was no different. His team of engineers and experts, including Ryan Shoesmith and Grant Smith, were exceptionally dedicated, helpful and professional throughout the entire process – from planning to installation and their ongoing support now everything has been completed.


“With new Apex Elite cabinetry in both surgeries, and A-Dec dental units, our 100 year old practice has been given a new, modern look that has had a positive response from both our patients and our dental team.” 


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  3902 Hits
3902 Hits

“We are very happy and satisfied”

“We are very happy and satisfied”

“We have been working with Wrights for two years” says Maryam Felkler, Principal Dentist and Clinic Co-ordinator at eleDent Clinic, Sutton. “Our representative Louise is the reason we joined; her reputation is outstanding and she truly represents the standard of staff that Wrights employs.


“When it came to renovating two of our surgeries, Wrights did everything and the team was efficient and well-organised. We were given a really great price and a five-year warrantee with most of our chairs and equipment. What’s more, Wrights beat every single quote I received from other suppliers.


“Due to the excellent and consistent service that Wrights provides, we use it for 100% of our ordering. The delivery of our consumables and materials is faultless; even the most unusual requests are met by Louise.


“Wrights offers no limitations on payment and we are able to pay monthly. This is testament to the strength of our working relationship and the mutual trust between Wrights and its customers.


“The personalised service that we receive in invaluable and is the biggest selling point of the company. We will continue to use Wrights for all of our ordering into the foreseeable future.”


To find out how you can get a dedicated, professional and personalised service, contact Wrights now.


            For more information contact Wrights on 0800 66 88 99 or visit your social media marketing partner
  15024 Hits
15024 Hits

Working hours today - how does it effect the appointment system?

Working hours today - how does it effect the appointment system

In the UK, there a number of people who are contracted to do unsociable hours with estimations from the Labour Force Survey in 2005 showing 3.6 million in shift work employment.1 Indeed, with many working in healthcare, manufacturing, transport, communications and hospitality professions, nine to five is no longer considered to be the norm.


With reports showing a decline in nightshifts and the three-day working pattern, it appears that emergence of ‘other types of shift work’ is on the rise highlighting the constant change that workers face.2


Finding the time

Because of the erratic and unpredictable patterns that shift work brings, it can therefore be difficult for people to arrange and attend much needed or emergency appointments.


In comparison to fixed contracts, which specify pre-arranged working days, shift work rotas are subject to change and can often not be distributed to staff until the last minute. As you would expect, booking an appointment in advance can become a seemingly impossible task.


What’s more, because employers are not required by law to allow workers to attend medical and dental appointments in work time,3 booking an appointment without a definite rota is out of the question, unless annual leave is approved for that specific time.


The toll on oral health

Not only does working unsociable hours and shift work have an effect on the convenience of booking an appointment, it could also create or contribute to medical and oral health problems.


Although there is insufficient research specifically on the topic of oral health in patients who work these hours, there is some evidence to suggest that it can be damaging to a person’s general health and wellbeing. As well as affecting sleep, weight and increasing the chance of diabetes, studies have shown a link between shift work and increased cardiovascular morbidity.4


The solution

Making appointments more accessible and offering online booking will encourage the general and oral health of shift workers. The current system has many flaws including busy phone lines, lack of out-of-hours options and limited choice of appointment times.


In comparison, online booking is flexible and transparent, offering 24/7 access to available appointments. A quick, easy-to-use and stress free alternative, online platforms such as Zesty offer a solution to those who work unsociable hours.


If you want to streamline your practice, optimise your surgery time and allow patients who do shift work to access services, contact Zesty today.


Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. visit or call 02037717799 for more details today



1 Unite guide to shift work and night work – a health and safety issue for unite members. Revised October 2013. Accessed online 24th July 2015.

2 Changes in shift work patterns over the last ten years (1999 – 2009). Prepared by Office for National Statistics for the Health and Safety Executive 2011. Accessed online 6th August 2015

3 Advice Guide. Citizens advice bureau. Accessed online 24th July 2015

4 Europe Published Central. Shift work and health – a critical review of the literature on working hours. J.M Harrington. Accessed online 24th July 2015 your social media marketing partner
  4308 Hits
4308 Hits

Goodwill Values: What’s yours? | Dental Elite

Goodwill Values: What’s yours?  |  Dental Elite

The dental practice goodwill values for the last financial year ending March 2015 are out at last, and average practice sales with Dental Elite as a broker have risen to 3.23x adjusted net profit, 6.99x adjusted EBITDA with 137.8% as a reflection of turnover.


“I think anyone involved in dental practice sales and goodwill values will have noticed that the market has gained considerable strength,” reflects Luke Moore, Co-Founder of Dental Elite. “Most practices this year have achieved over and above our valuation.”


This year, NHS practices are displaying a 3.66x ANP, 6.79x EBITDA and 156.70% turnover compared to mixed practices, which sold for an average of 8.98x adjusted EBITDA or 3.56x ANP with a reflection of turnover standing at 136.02%.


“The breakdowns are very interesting,” says Paul Wilkinson, Co-Founder of Dental Elite. “It would seem that mixed practices tend to sell more to dentists who seek to work in the practice themselves, hence the slightly higher EBITDA multiple which is counteracted by the lower Adjusted Net Profit. It is also interesting to see Private Practice Multiples starting to narrow the gap between NHS Practices.”


To find out how you can get the best deal on your practice, and for a free, no strings valuation, contact Dental Elite now.


For more information contact Dental Elite. Visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  12457 Hits
12457 Hits

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities

Prestige Dental is delighted to announce the appointment of Jennifer Ball as its Product Specialist for the M62 corridor and surrounding areas.

Never one to rest on her laurels, Jennifer, who has an extensive dental nursing background, is in the process of rolling out an exciting programme of learning opportunities in individual practices.

Whether lunchtime, first thing or after the practice closes is best for you, armed with sandwiches and in the space of just one hour Jennifer can provide invaluable information on products such as ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE, as well as vacuum forming and Medentika’s implant range – obligation free.

Speaking about her new role, Jennifer commented: ‘I am really looking forward to meeting customers – new and old – and learning what support I  can offer individual dental practices so that dentists and their teams can remain focused on what they do best – delivering excellent patient care.’

To make an appointment for Jennifer to visit your practice or for more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01274 721567. your social media marketing partner
  9032 Hits
9032 Hits

Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg

Representing the very latest in dental practice management software is the CS R4+ from Carestream Dental featuring Springboard.


Operating in real-time, the intuitive software delivers live data on key KPIs so you know exactly how your business is performing at any given time. At a glance you’ll better understand your practice’s chair occupancy, treatment pan uptake rate, appointment confirmations and effectiveness of recare programmes in place.


The CS R4+ can be easily and fully integrated with any imaging or patient communication programmes and technologies you employ, so that a smooth and seamless workflow can be enjoyed by all members of the team. Popular solutions from Carestream Dental include the eSignatures module, Appointmentor Online Booking System, Text Messaging Service and AutoPost, each optimising security and convenience for both patients and professionals.


The team at Carestream Dental are also committed to the business corporate programme, eXceed, so you can trust in the high standard of service and support you will receive with any and all new innovations.


Discover the CS R4+ practice management software and all its benefits for yourself today.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook your social media marketing partner
  3890 Hits
3890 Hits

“I’m singing their praises.”

I’m singing their praises

“I was very happy with the service I received from Dental Elite,” says a Principal from Sussex who has recently sold their practice. “My representative was very supportive and I found it extremely valuable to be able to deal with the same person throughout the whole process.


“I thought the valuation process went very well and I was pleasantly surprised at just how flexibly the figures could be analysed.

“I would highly recommend Dental Elite to other professionals – in fact I’m singing their praises to all of my colleagues.”

Dental Elite prides itself on being able to offer dental professionals honest and pragmatic advice when it comes to selling their practice. With a wealth of hands-on experience and a dedication to seeing a job well done, the friendly team at Dental Elite are always ready to help.

To find out just what they can do for you, contact them today.


For more information and to find out how Dental Elite can value
and assist your practice sale visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  15130 Hits
15130 Hits

Dental Practices go 24/7 with the launch of Virtual Reception from Systems for Dentists

Dental Practices go 24/7 with the launch of Virtual Reception from Systems for Dentists


Forward thinking Dental Practices in the UK looking to simulate an “open all hours” reception service to their patients through clever advancements in practice management system technologies will now be able to achieve their ambition.

Thanks to a revolutionary approach and the latest developments from the pioneering software development team at Systems for Dentists, 24/7, 365 days a year access for patients is now a practical reality.

Made possible by bringing to market e-based development solutions as an extension of their existing successful Dental Practice Management software services, Dental Practices in the UK who run V6 Practice Management from Systems for Dentists, or switch to the system in the future will be able to radically improve their accessibility in the dental market place to patients through Virtual Reception, offering the very latest in on line access and real time technologies.

And dental practices looking to adopt an open door approach through the new on line patient portal will be able to look forward to being accessible on line – 24/7, improving their patients’ experience, making cost savings, driving up profits and achieving even greater operational efficiencies.

Virtual Reception, as part of V6 Dental Practice Management System is set to open up a host of benefits for busy dental surgeries looking to take an innovative lead through the simplicity of open door reception access through the clever portal to patients in their care;

The attractiveness for dental receptions always being able to be “accessible” through the arrival of on-line booking functionality, with patients able to book, move, cancel and view their own appointment information for instance is just one feature sure to be a popular and welcome benefit where convenience and avoiding missed appointments is concerned for all.

Two way communication at the click of a button and instant self-service functionality means patients will be able to review consent forms, post-operative care and estimates, amongst a plethora of other hosted information. And with timely access to personal records, data and treatment images, as granted by the Practice, the new portal offers a more effective and open exchange between Practices and their patients leading to an enhanced customer experience.

Add to this patient’s ability to pay for treatment in an instant via an embedded secure payment gateway, reductions in practice administration, cost savings in resourcing and reductions in printing costs through forms being available for completion on line  and practitioners will be quick to see why “Virtual Reception” makes complete commercial sense.

And its not only dental practices, but the patients in their care who can also enjoy and look forward to a whole array of fantastic benefits;

Through the portal, patients will be able to gain access 24/7 to review and amend their own dental appointments on-line, synchronise these with electronic calendars, complete mandatory information on line instead of having to fill in time consuming paper work and forms at their surgery.

Other features mean they can also be amongst the first to review the latest marketing offers and event share tweets relating to their practice, depending on the range of functional enhancements their dental practice is offering through its portal interface.

And Managing Director of Systems for Dentists,  Ryszard Jurowski is absolutely delighted to be at the very forefront of the practise management development curve;

“Having listened to our customers very carefully, we were quick to identify and understand the critical importance of communication, driving efficiencies and bringing to market development solutions to meet the operational and commercial needs of UK Dentists.

The development of Virtual Reception is just one of the innovations we are delivering to ensure we stay at the touchpoint of our relationship with our client base and respond to opportunities and the demands of our marketplace”

“We are confident that the investments we are continuing to make and the potential that Virtual Reception offers to market will continue to act as a catalyst for growth and for shaping emerging future technologies in the UK dental market”


For further information  contact:

Sam Clarke at Systems for Dentists on

Direct line ; 0845 643 2828

Email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  4453 Hits
4453 Hits

Redefining Digital Expertise | Carestream Dental

Redefining Digital Expertise  |  Carestream Dental

The digital workflow is growing ever more powerful in the dental profession. In fact, we found that 95% of dentists who employ digital technologies enjoy a smoother workflow, 88% suggest any staff training expenses are perfectly acceptable, and more than 50% experience an increase in earnings. Perhaps most importantly, the majority of users also agree that the patient experience is enhanced.


At Carestream Dental, we understand the pressures on modern professionals and have invested heavily in research and product development to create effective solutions to the challenges you face every day. All our technologies are available on their own but work together seamlessly for a flexible and totally integrated workflow.

From the very beginning, our new CS Digitalizer enables you to quickly and easily evaluate your practice to establish your individual needs and discover the most suitable innovations for you. The Needs Assessment Survey will enable you to enter basic information about your practice and future goals, and then produce a full report with suggestions of relevant areas to consider in order to optimise and grow your business. Available on the website or from the App Store, this quick and convenient tool will show you exactly how your practice stands, offering the opportunity to see how others compare in your area.

Whether you are looking to increase your digital capabilities, or take your first steps towards a digital workflow, we provide a range of solutions backed up by expert advice and support. From the handheld CS 3500 intraoral scanner to the CS 7200 imaging plate system, our user-friendly technologies deliver outstanding image clarity for accurate diagnostics, with the flexibility to work in the way you prefer. The innovative CS 8100 3D imaging system even harnesses the power of 3D and brings it within every general practice’s reach, all the while limiting radiation dosage for a safer examination process for both patient and professional.  

Offering further benefits to you and your team the CS R4+ practice management software, featuring Springboard, operates in real-time data, giving you an up-to-the-minute analysis of your practice performance whenever required. Focusing on chair occupancy, treatment plan uptake, appointment confirmation and recare protocols, the programme highlights strengths and weaknesses in an instant so you can manage your business as efficiently as possible.

When utilised effectively, the digital workflow offers copious advantages for the modern dental practice. Every day systems are simplified and streamlined, with enhanced diagnostics, treatment planning and patient communications contributing to an overall superior patient service. At Carestream Dental, we will continue our commitment to you through our leading innovations and first-rate customer service, and we are always on hand should you need more information, advice or technical support. A move towards digital is often much easier and less costly than you would think – and the rewards can be mind-blowing.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook your social media marketing partner
  4386 Hits
4386 Hits

“Wrights is the best”

Wrights is the best

“We have a longstanding relationship with Wrights,” says Vishal Jasani, principal dentist at Malden Dental Care, New Malden.


“We currently use the service for 90% of our sundries and equipment ordering and have also worked with the team in the past when we refurbished three of our surgeries.

“Since the refurbishment, we have received outstanding aftercare from our representatives, Harvey Notts and Louise Bartlett. Any problems have always been rectified immediately, and they have both always been supportive and proactive.

“What’s more, they are both incredibly knowledgeable about equipment and materials, and they always strive to do the best job they possibly can for us. 

“The reason we joined Wrights in the first place, and continue with this arrangement, is not only down to the high standard of service, but also because they provide us with the best value for money, beating or at least matching competitors’ prices on the products that we order.

“I would definitely recommend Wrights to other practices, for both refurbishment and general use.”

To find out how you can get top products for the best prices and to work with a professional, friendly and dedicated team, contact Wrights now.


For more information contact Wrights on 0800668899 or visit your social media marketing partner
  15467 Hits
15467 Hits

Excellent advice from the experts - Selling your dental practice with Dental Elite

Excellent advice from the experts

When Peter Instone and his colleagues were ready to sell their practice, they chose to work with Dental Elite. “We were happy with them in every way,” he says. “They were excellent; we had no problems.


“Being able to talk to the same person throughout the process was useful – they knew everything that was going on from start to finish. Any questions we raised, they were able to get back to us with answers.

“I would certainly recommend Dental Elite to others.”

With a team that is proud to have over a hundred years’ experience in the dental sector, Dental Elite is in the perfect position to assist professionals through the sale of their practice. They have a reputation for offering practical and pragmatic advice and approach each case with honesty and openness.

If you are looking to sell your dental practice and want guidance from the experts, look no further than Dental Elite – contact the team today!


For more information and to find out how Dental Elite can value
and assist your practice sale visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  3552 Hits
3552 Hits

Make the most of a buoyant market | Christie + Co

Make the most of a buoyant market | Christie + Co

The dental practice sales market is experiencing one of its busiest ever periods, with growing demand for all types and size of practice. Christie + Co can help you make the most of this favourable environment.

Having built up a vast wealth of knowledge and experience of the dental sector, Christie + Co is perfectly suited to advise you through all aspects of practice acquisition or sale.

From guidance on preparing your practice prior to valuation, to securing funding for a practice purchase, Christie + Co have all the answers you need and can help you to achieve your long term goals.

If you are looking to buy or sell a dental practice, turn to the experts at Christie + Co. The straightforward and friendly team will carefully guide you through the entire process.


To discuss how Christie + Co might help you achieve your future plans please contact Simon Hughes on 020 7227 0749 your social media marketing partner
  3651 Hits
3651 Hits

Revolutionise your practice with MyRay

Revolutionise your practice with MyRay

We all want an easier life, especially when it comes to work. As the dental profession benefits from a wide range of technological advancements it means there are many methods available to be able to do this.


Although digital imaging systems do incur an initial outlay, the effect they can have on your working life can be of huge benefit to you and the rest of the dental team. MyRay produces a range of systems to suit any needs, such as the Hyperion X9, which incorporates a modular concept enabling you to start with 2D panoramic imaging and upgrade to its 3-in-1 solution when required.

The MyRay range also boasts intraoral X-ray units offering you precision positioning and imaging every time. The ergonomic unit offers wireless convenience and image clarity meaning that taking radiographs is simple and fast.

To discover how you could revolutionise your dental practice through digital imaging, contact MyRay today.


For more information contact MyRay on 0870752221 or go to your social media marketing partner
  3929 Hits
3929 Hits

New patients and excellent support with Munroe Sutton

New patients and excellent support with Munroe Sutton

“We were delighted to team up with Munroe Sutton,” says Sarfraz Ghauri, principal dentist at Ghauri Dental Centre. “We’ve been with them since 2013 and we have seen an ongoing increase in new patients throughout that time.


“Partnering with Munroe Sutton has helped us to accommodate a wider clientele, including insurance patients. This really is the main benefit: having access to so many new patients, all of whom can be confident that our practice has been screened for the highest quality by Munroe Sutton. This allows a greater degree of trust between the practice and patients.

“The administrative support and advice Munroe Sutton offer is also excellent.

“I would have no hesitation in recommending them to other practices, particularly those wishing to expand the range of patients they cater for.”

With over 30 years’ experience, Munroe Sutton is committed to connecting patients with the best practices. By being part of its prodigious network you will be able to source new patients and improve your business.

To find out exactly what Munroe Sutton can do for you, contact the friendly team today.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit your social media marketing partner
  4533 Hits
4533 Hits

Reducing the Burdens of Business | Rodericks Limited

Reducing the Burdens of Business | Rodericks Limited

Does your practice pride itself on the provision of high quality patient care and treatment? Are you looking to reduce the burdens of running a business in order to focus on dentistry?


At Rodericks Ltd, we share your ethos and passion for excellence. Every practice within the group is dedicated to delivering first-class clinical and patient care, with quality training and outstanding service at the heart of everything we do.

By joining the group, you can not only benefit from more educational opportunities, but also enjoy less administrative and regulatory responsibilities. You will have the time and the resources to concentrate on what you do best – providing excellent dentistry and services to all your patients.

Owned and run by practising dentists, the team at Rodericks Ltd understands what it will take to retain and build on your practice’s legacy and reputation, and seeks to do just this.

If you are interested in joining the team, we would be very pleased from you.


  For more information please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01604 602491. your social media marketing partner
  3929 Hits
3929 Hits

Make the most of a buoyant market | Christie + Co

Make the most of a buoyant market

The dental practice sales market is experiencing one of its busiest ever periods, with growing demand for all types and size of practice. Christie + Co can help you make the most of this favourable environment.

Having built up a vast wealth of knowledge and experience of the dental sector, Christie + Co is perfectly suited to advise you through all aspects of practice acquisition or sale.

From guidance on preparing your practice prior to valuation, to securing funding for a practice purchase, Christie + Co have all the answers you need and can help you to achieve your long term goals.

If you are looking to buy or sell a dental practice, turn to the experts at Christie + Co. The straightforward and friendly team will carefully guide you through the entire process.


To discuss how Christie + Co might help you achieve your future plans please contact Simon Hughes on 020 7227 0749 your social media marketing partner
  3541 Hits
3541 Hits

An impossible task made achievable with

An impossible task made achievable with

As small business owners, dentists encounter key business decisions daily, from day-to-day accounting to making difficult legal or financial changes. Just being able to balance all these aspects alongside the day-to-day provision of excellent healthcare can seem like an impossible task, especially for those without a formal business education or background.

Fortunately the 4dentists group is ready and waiting to help. With expects across a range of business specialities, the 4dentists group has all the elements needed to help remove some of the stresses of running a modern dental practice – making an impossible task achievable.

Across all its areas of expertise – legal, financial, accountancy, training, consultancy, insurance and setting up, buying and selling practices – the specialists at the 4dentists group are highly experienced and mindful of dentists' needs.

Don’t let running a dental practice become an impossible task, turn to the experts at the 4dentists group for professional, reliable guidance and advice.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754 DENTIST. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  4840 Hits
4840 Hits

Unique, convenient service | Zesty online booking service

Unique, convenient service | Zesty online booking service

CAP City Dental is a leading dental practice in Cannon Street, London run by Dr George Druttman, a highly skilled general and cosmetic dentist with specialist training in reconstructive dentistry. Last year Dr Druttman and practice manager, Egle Joel signed up to Zesty. Here they speak of their experience:


“As our clinic is based in the City of London and most of the patients are occupied in a busy office environment, we felt that the Zesty online booking service would be a unique and extremely convenient service for busy city professionals.

“From positive feedback our patients have provided we have learnt that the huge advantage of Zesty is the ability to book an appointment online, without making any phone calls. Patients find the system user-friendly and searching for a suitable dentist based in a convenient location is easy.

“We have been using Zesty for a year now; we gained our first booking in March 2014. It has been an exciting journey because as well as providing the modern facility of online booking to enhance our services, we have also enjoyed a surge of new patients particularly since Zesty began advertising the system at underground stations.

“We would definitely recommend Zesty to other practices because we feel happy and well supported with a truly wonderful service.”


Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. visit or call 0203 771 7799 for more details your social media marketing partner
  3959 Hits
3959 Hits

Facing Fundamental Fears - Tim Bradstock-Smith

Facing Fundamental Fears

Dental professionals are familiar with the sights; sounds and smells of the practice but these can be the catalyst for fear in some patients. Hearing the sound of the drill can evoke the perception of pain, the smell of cleaning solutions may bring back negative thoughts and the clinical environment, instruments or the sight of the chair can terrify some people.

National surveys reveal that around 36% of patients experience moderate dental anxiety and 12% of adults were classified as having extreme dental anxiety.[1] There is not always a clear-cut reason for dental phobia but many patients explain that they have been scarred by a previous traumatic experience.[2] Others are afraid of the unknown and many have simply inherited dental fear by association from their peers or parents.

The most common fear among patients is pain.[3] A phobia of needles is also reported by thousands of men and woman and the thought of having an oral injection understandably exacerbates their anxiety. A significant number of patients become anxious when they feel out of control, confined or helpless. Some people are terrified of not being able to breathe or swallow, have a fear of gagging or vomiting and others cannot cope with hands or instruments in their mouth or near their face.

Any practitioner will be aware that anxious patients need understanding and empathy, a level of support that makes them feel as comfortable and relaxed without prying into their inhibitions. It is important talk reassuringly to the patient whilst respecting their wishes. It’s critical to take plenty of time to explain every detail, maintain eye contact and encourage them to take deep breaths to calm down.

Even when fearful patients attend for a check up, they have made a terrific effort to be there. They may not be able to respond to your questions or feel like making small talk but you can put them at ease by being kind, gentle, patient and most importantly, non-judgemental. If the patient has severe dental or oral health problems due to neglect it may be ideal to break the diagnosis down and explain it in stages to avoid increased anxiety.

If the diagnosis is complex, you might need to refer the patient to a specialist practice, but you will need to be confident that they have the ability and empathy to treat anxious patients. London Smile Clinic is a referral practice with a team of specialist dental practitioners that are experienced in treating nervous patients. It is a centre of excellence with exceptionally high standards of dentistry and offer orthodontic, implantology and periodontal treatments as well as cosmetic dentistry. The dental team strive to make patients as comfortable and relaxed as possible and take the time to be gentle and understanding.

On facing their fears, patient can often feel surprised at how well they have been able to cope. Practitioners can boost their confidence by praising them and assuring them that they will look forward to their next visit, which will hopefully be less worrying.


For more information, please contact 020 7255 2559 or


[1] Adult Dental Health Survey 2009.
pdf [Accessed 25th February 2015]

[2] G. HumphrisK. King. The prevalence of dental anxiety across previous distressing experiences. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2010.09.007

[3] Stan Lindsay & Chris Jackson. Fear of routine dental treatment in adults: Its nature and management DOI:10.1080/08870449308403174 your social media marketing partner
  4939 Hits
4939 Hits

Improve your waiting times to streamline customer service |

Improve your waiting times to streamline customer service |

The issue of waiting times is a common problem for dental practices. Although we may not be able to be give all of our patients what they want, all of the time, we can strive to ensure that waiting times are not at an unacceptable level.


Having to wait for an appointment is often the reason behind a patient choosing to go private, rather than have treatment through the NHS. A recent report in The Telegraph looked at claims that NHS doctors may be driving up waiting times in order to attract more private patients.[1] Controversial and unethical, definitely, and – just like in dentistry – paying to jump the queue does not guarantee a better standard of care.

However, the fact remains that when a dental patient is choosing where to have their treatment, waiting time could be a big part of that decision. Patients not only have high expectations, but they are savvy and organised. They may call you directly, or use online forums to find out the information they need. Loyalty to one’s dentist is an alien concept to many, particularly with a more itinerant population, and convenience is often King.

Being in control of your waiting times is the key to providing consistently excellent customer service. To be a successful, thriving practice in this competitive environment, customer service needs to be impeccable from the minute a patient makes contact. If a patient does not feel valued, they may not return even if the treatment was successful:  if you go to a restaurant and are served fantastic food by a bad waiter, the poor service is what will stay with you. Also, people have busy lives. If you schedule a follow-up months into the future, something more urgent may come up at a later date. Many are reluctant to book an appointment too far in advance, because they are unsure about their upcoming commitments and do not want the hassle of having to change it.

Having ‘acceptable’ or ‘reasonable’ waiting times means treatment plans have more chance of being completed. It also gives you the chance to develop a dialogue with patients and build on positive communication. You can give people oral healthcare tips and discuss how they have been working at home when you see them often enough; this also encourages trust, particularly if they want to discuss an issue that has been troubling them. If you are able to give an accurate timescale for their treatment, this is great for compliance.

A streamlined approach to waiting times will reduce stress for everyone who works at your practice; there will be less unhappy patients to deal with for one! To set reasonable waiting times as standard, you have to be ruthlessly efficient about how you organise appointments. Online booking platforms are fantastic tools for achieving this: for example, Zesty lets you upload only the appointments you want to fill, for your patients to browse and book. This allows you to keep your daily and weekly workload at manageable levels and gives you space for emergencies and routine follow-ups. Online booking will take some pressure off your reception staff too, so they can deal with people who come into the practice to arrange their care. Your elderly patients may prefer to discuss their needs in person, for example. As part of your ongoing commitment to excellent customer service and treating every patient with respect, you should give them this option. Online booking is a not quite a virtual reception area, more it is a conduit that will enhance what you already offer.

So many people still approach a visit to the dentist with negativity; they are worried about painful and/or lengthy treatment, are unsure about what they are entitled to on the NHS or how to get a good deal from a private practitioner. On top of all this, there is frustration about having to wait for an appointment and then being offered one that is inconvenient. Reducing wait times will help you work towards a more streamlined approach to your customer service. When this is improved, this will certainly go part of the way towards allaying your patients’ common fears and strengthening the relationship that you have with them. Look for tools that can help you set reasonable waiting times: they allow people to get actively involved in making decisions about their care and get the most out of their dentist, which, ultimately is what we should all be aiming for.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. visit or call 0203 287 5416.


[1] Unethical NHS doctors drive up waiting times to attract private patients. The Telegraph, 7 May 2015. Found at: (accessed 7 May 2015) your social media marketing partner
  3927 Hits
3927 Hits

Driving practice growth - Carestream CS R4+ Practice Management Software

Driving practice growth - Carestream CS R4+ Practice Management Software

Real-time data can have a huge impact on the efficacy of your practice management systems. Giving you an accurate analysis of how your practice is performing at any given time, it is the perfect tool to facility change and drive your business growth.


b2ap3_thumbnail_R4-Carestream.jpgThe latest CS R4+ practice management software from Carestream Dental now features the exciting Springboard as standard, which enables you to do just this. It has been designed to focus on key areas within your practice that demonstrate your performance with regards to chair occupancy, treatment plan uptake, appointment confirmations and efficiency of recare processes, highlighting the need for improvement wherever appropriate.

All data is displayed in easy-to-read visuals, enabling any member of the team to access the results and implement changes straight away.

The practice management software also integrates seamlessly with additional programmes to further streamline your daily processes and free up precious time for staff. These include the innovative Appointmentor Online Booking System, eSignatures module, AutoPost and Text Messaging Service.

So, to make the most of real-time data and really drive your practice growth, discover the CS R4+ practice management software with Springboard from Carestream Dental.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit your social media marketing partner
  4028 Hits
4028 Hits

Dental Elite: providing “excellent and personalised sales care”

Dental Elite: providing excellent and personalised sales care

When Chris Hobley decided to sell his dental practice in Northamptonshire, he was lucky enough to have the practice valuers and finance experts at Dental Elite close by.

“I was selling because of personal health issues,” explains Chris. “Dental Elite were conveniently located for me, so I chose to work with them. Throughout the process our consultant, Alison, provided excellent and personalised sales care.

“She actually valued the practice at almost double the yield of some competitors – and we achieved Alison’s valuation!

“I think one of the biggest challenges I faced was the level of administration that was necessary for the CQC Application and the NHS paperwork but, overall, the sale took about 10 months to complete.

“My advice to professionals in the same situation would be to sell to a buyer that you like and who would be most suitable for your patients.

“I would also recommend Dental Elite; their attention throughout the sale and follow up was excellent.”


For more information and to find out how Dental Elite can value
and assist your practice sale visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  17001 Hits
17001 Hits

Boost your conversion rates | Carestream Dental

Boost your conversion rates

Converting treatment plans into booked appointments is an area where many dental professionals struggle. This can often be to do with the concept of selling to a patient but there are a few ways to help with that.


If you don't feel comfortable discussing finances and costs with patients, you may be able to utilise the role of the treatment coordinator within your practice. If you have someone who is exceptionally good at talking to patients in a calm and friendly manner, you can provide the clinical information about the proposed treatment while they work alongside you to answer patient queries. They can discuss fees, explain the extra benefits like enhanced quality of life, and help to convert the treatment plan into a booked appointment.


Follow it up

In many cases, the patient will want to go home with their treatment plan and discuss it with a spouse or other family member and/or friends. In this respect, you need to ensure that the information you have provided is full and clear, perhaps with advice for extra research from reliable online sources if they feel it is required.


If a patient leaves the practice without booking their treatment, follow-ups are key. It is important not to see this as 'hassling', and more of a gentle prompt instead. This could be a great job for a friendly member of the team to take on board, spending one morning each week contacting patients who haven't taken up their treatment plans, just to touch base and see if they have any questions that need answering to help them to make a decision.


Helping hand

For this to be effective, it is essential that you and your team are aware of what treatment plans are still outstanding. In a dental environment it can be difficult to keep on top of open treatment plans when you have patients arriving, phone calls to attend to, and everything else that comes with the day-to-day running of the practice.


In this respect, some practice management systems have built-in functionality that can help you and your staff see the plans that need following up. The CS R4+ practice management software from Carestream Dental can help you do all of this and more with its built-in features that use real time data to benefit your practice in numerous ways. This will allow you and your team to get a list of the patients without appointments, enabling you to contact them and discuss further questions they may have and try to book them in.


Turning treatment plans into booked appointments is not a concept that all dental professionals find easy or natural, but employing these tools and techniques can help boost your conversion rates and, importantly, your profits.


For more information on CS Solutions or any other products or services available from Carestream Dental,

please call 0800 169 9692 or visit your social media marketing partner
  3976 Hits
3976 Hits

Make the sale – with Dental Elite

make the sale dental elite

If you thinking of selling your dental practice, you need not look any further than Dental Elite.


“Dental Elite was recommended to me,” says Paul Robinson who recently sold his practice to a corporate company. “And I was pleased with the service they offered. The representative that worked with me was very good, very approachable and highly knowledgeable.


“The sale only took nine months and, while there was much work to do, Dental Elite managed it all efficiently.


“I would recommend their services to other practitioners who are ready to sell.”


As the second largest specialist practice sales agency in the country, Dental Elite is in the perfect position to help you when the time comes to sale your practice. By offering practical and honest advice, they can ensure the entire procedure goes smoothly, from the initial business valuation to the transition process.


If you are seeking professional guidance, don’t delay in getting in contact with the friendly, efficient team at Dental Elite.


For more information and to find out how Dental Elite can value
and assist your practice sale visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  11971 Hits
11971 Hits

Introducing Patient Links from iSmile Dental

Introducing Patient Links from iSmile Dental

With more and more patients having access to smartphones and emails, it makes sense to extend your paperless system directly to your patient's mobile device. Patient Links gives your practice it's very own patient portal, allowing your patients to fill out medical history forms and patient questionnaires on their mobile phones, tablets or desktop computers.

Forms are automatically emailed to patients, allowing them to securely fill them out online prior or post appointment. Not only does this give your patients a more connected experience, it also means less hassle getting forms filled at reception.

Once the online forms are back in your practice management system they can be verified and signed by the patient using a digital signature pad. Patient Links further allows you to use your own choice of tablet (iOS orAndroid) for form filling at the practice, in case there are patients that don't have access to a mobile device.

iSmile's powerful reporting system allows you to display data from patient feedback forms in a range of formats so you can analyse trends across different time periods to see how your business's customer service is improving.


Give iSmile a call today on 0845 468 1287 for more information or visit your social media marketing partner
  6319 Hits
6319 Hits

‘We aim to source as much as possible from The Dental Directory’

‘We aim to source as much as possible from The Dental Directory’

We aim to source as much as possible from The Dental Directory’


Beth HoldingBethan Holding, Senior Nurse at Station Dental Practice in Leyland says:

We have been using The Dental Directory for a few months now. Competitive pricing and the personal touch was a big attraction for us. Our rep, Rebecca, comes in to see us often and it's no trouble to arrange an extra visit.


We buy all our consumables from The Dental Directory and we aim to source as much as possible from them in the future.


I order using the website, which remembers our prices and favourites, for quick and easy ordering, saving us time and money. Delivery is pretty quick and the quality has been great so far. I would absolutely recommend The Dental Directory to other practices.”


For more information, contact The Dental Directory on 0800 585 586 or visit your social media marketing partner
  12237 Hits
12237 Hits

It’s an easy life with efficient technology - Carestream Dental

It’s an easy life with efficient technology - Carestream Dental

The digital workflow has brought with it a great many advantages to modern dentistry including enhanced communications between practice and lab.


CS Solutions from Carestream Dental offers all of these benefits, as practices using the innovative system are able to send you more comprehensive and accurate instructions for any and all work requested.


You’ll simply receive an open STL file from your client containing all the information you need within minutes of them sending it. This means you can even discuss a case while the patient is still in the dental chair, ensuring enhanced collaboration for exceptional treatment outcomes.


What’s more, it costs you nothing to work with practices operating with CS Solutions – you needn’t purchase any new software or pay for any upgrades at any time. You simply need any open CAD or CAD/CAM system in place, and that’s it!


So regardless of the complexity of a case, you and your clients can trust CS Solutions to help you achieve the very best results for every patient.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit your social media marketing partner
  11025 Hits
11025 Hits

Book them in - Carestream Dental

Book them in - Carestream Dental

Converting treatment plans into booked appointments is an area where many dental professionals struggle, but this needn't be the case anymore.

Some practice management systems have built-in functionality that can help you and your staff see the plans that need following up. The CS 


R4+ practice management software from Carestream Dental can help you do all of this and more with its built-in features that use real time data to benefit your practice in numerous ways.

This will allow you and your team to get a list of the patients without appointments enabling you to contact them and discuss further questions they may have and try to book them in.

For more information speak to the friendly team at Carestream Dental today.


For more information on CS Solutions or any other products or services available from Carestream Dental,

please call 0800 169 9692 or visit your social media marketing partner
  4058 Hits
4058 Hits

Convert your treatment plans - Carestream Dental

 Convert your treatment plans - Carestream Dental

Many dental professionals find themselves in the position of having created a great treatment plan for a patient, incorporating everything they need and want, only to find that uptake of the plan never quite happens. The problem doesn't lie in the concept itself; it's more about letting that patient leave the practice without booking their appointment for the treatment.

So why is this happening? Many dentists feel uncomfortable with the notion of 'selling', not wanting to appear pushy or overbearing when it comes to getting patients to make a commitment to treatment. In this respect, it's all about changing the way you think about these scenarios. It is not unethical to want your patients to accept the dental work that they need, in fact it is quite the opposite.

Get some help

You've probably heard the term 'treatment coordinator' being used an awful lot in recent times. This is a fairly new role that has been created for dental practices to employ someone who will help the dentist convert treatment plans into paying patients. If you don't feel comfortable discussing finances and costs with patients, you may be able to use the role of the treatment coordinator within your practice. This doesn't necessarily require hiring a new member of staff, rather it could provide an excellent incentive to promote an existing team member and expand their role. If you have someone who is exceptionally good at talking to patients in a calm and friendly manner, you can provide the clinical information about the proposed treatment while they work alongside you to answer patient queries, discuss fees, explain the extra benefits like quality of life, and help convert the treatment plan into a booked appointment.


This can leave you to do the dentistry that you enjoy and are confident with, while providing the chance for another team member to find variety within their role through promotion. This can aid team motivation, especially when they see treatments plan conversion rates increasing and more patients booking in for the dentistry you all really want to provide.

Follow it up

In many cases, the patient will want to go home with their treatment plan and discuss it with a spouse or other family member and/or friends. In this respect, you need to ensure that the information you have provided is full and clear, perhaps with advice for extra research from good online sources if they feel it is required. Your lines of communication need to be very open to ensure patients feel comfortable contacting you and can do so in a simple manner. This will help to build up a trusting relationship with the patients before the treatment begins, as they know they will then be looked after during and after their appointments.

If a patient leaves the practice without booking their treatment, follow-ups are key. It is important not to see this as 'hassling', and more of a friendly prompt instead. Again, communication and tone is vital here, you don't want the patient to feel pestered, you want them to feel cared for. This could be a great job for a friendly member of the team to take on board, spending one morning each week contacting patients who haven't taken up their treatment plans, just to touch base and see if they have any questions that need answering to help them to make a decision. Being helpful at all stages can really boost the relationship they have with the practice and sometimes it's just a little extra reassurance that is needed.

Helping hand

All of this is great as long as you and your team are aware of what treatment plans are still outstanding. In a dental environment it can be difficult to keep on top of open treatment plans when you have patients arriving, phone calls to attend to, and everything else that comes with the day-to-day running of the practice. If the task has been delegated to another team member it is especially important that they have easy access to the most up-to-date information about each patient and their current situation in terms of treatment.

In this respect, some practice management systems have built-in functionality that can help you and your staff see the plans that need following up. The CS R4+ practice management software from Carestream Dental can help you do all of this and more with its built-in features that use real time data to benefit your practice in numerous ways. This will allow you and your team to get a list of the patients without appointments enabling you to contact them and discuss further questions they may have and try to book them in.

Turning treatment plans into booked appointments is not a concept that all dental professionals find easy or natural but employing these tools and techniques can help boost your conversion rates and, importantly, your profits.


For more information on CS Solutions or any other products or services available from Carestream Dental,

please call 0800 169 9692 or visit your social media marketing partner
  3959 Hits
3959 Hits

Grow your Practice Cost and Hassle-Free - Valerie Bostrom

Valerie Bostrom from Munroe Sutton

Many modern companies in all industries offer an array of employee benefits. There are various different schemes available, from those that provide tax incentives for employees cycling to work, to others supporting child care costs. The nature of the benefits provided will depend on each team and their individual needs.

Aside from the obvious compensations to employees, these benefit schemes also offer advantages to the employer and business. Happier staff tends to increase their engagement and maximise productivity, ultimately having a positive effect on profitability.

Healthcare benefits will also help improve the health and wellbeing of staff for reduced sickness absences. These are probably one of the most cherished schemes offered, as they entitle employees to private health and dental care, with a considerable proportion of the cost covered.

But how is this relevant to you as a dental care provider?

Most dental practices are run as a business, and an increase in new patients, higher frequency footfall and busier chair occupancy is the ultimate goal from a ‘bottom-line’ perspective. By being part of these healthcare plans and working with those who offer them, patients who use the cover will come to you for their treatment. There are businesses out there that manage healthcare plans in this way, liaising with insurance companies and dental providers to provide the highest quality of dental care for those who take out cover.

Munroe Sutton has more than 3 decades of experience in designing, organising and managing dental plans that improve the affordability and accessibility of quality dental treatment. Their dental plan was created by dentists, for dentists, so is committed to providing fair compensation and supporting the patient relationship. By working with leading financial, insurance and healthcare companies, as well as the smaller local unions and trade associations, Monroe Sutton is able to promote your practice to a huge number of new patients, all at no cost to you.

Further still, Monroe Sutton believes in prompt payment for the services provided to healthcare plan patients, ensuring a reliable cash flow.

Attracting new patients is an integral aspect of your business’ success, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive to you. By getting involved with the healthcare and dental plans offered to businesses and individuals, you can not only help more people enhance their oral and general health, but also build your patient base and grow your business.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558

or visit your social media marketing partner
  4583 Hits
4583 Hits

Making your Dream a Reality - Stuart Clark

Stuart Clark - Clark Dental

If it has become apparent to you that you need a new surgery, the refurbishment of an old one or even a whole new practice, you might be unsure about how to even begin working on this mammoth task.

The breadth of elements to consider can be intimidating from the start. There are requirements to ensure you adhere to stringent clinical welfare needs, such as with cross infection control to keep your patients and staff safe, and if you are considering building a new dental practice then there are various planning and building regulations to follow too. Many dental practices are located in beautiful historic houses, so the listed building status may also be relevant.

Making it happen

Experts in this field can work with you to understand what your practice’s vision is and then help you to plan and manage every aspect of the project. They can also advise on how to create branding that will attract new patients to your practice if you need to increase your footfall and numbers in your database.

When it comes to your team, it is remarkable, how when people work in a new and immaculate environment it motivates them to work even harder. It is not only the aesthetics that can be motivating but also the facilities available to them. The staff room is an important consideration and should be carefully thought through to optimise this opportunity.

Further still, there is the health and safety of your workforce. A development project is the ideal opportunity to maximise the latest technology and design concepts to ensure your team work in an ergonomically friendly environment – meaning healthy, motivated employees that are not plagued by musculoskeletal problems, such as repetitive strain injury.

Patient Satisfaction

One of the most challenging tasks as part of the development is managing existing patients. The new surgery and practice should ensure accessibility for all patients and create a comfortable, peaceful environment, especially for those that are more anxious of a visit to the dentist. The décor and design can assist with this, such as colours used and the layout of the surgeries and waiting room. Again, experts with decades of experience can recommend the best route to take. You also need to ensure that there is minimum patient disruption during the build or refurbishment. Good communications and awareness of progress helps keep them informed and their minds at ease.


By working with experts at Clark Dental you can be assured that after 40 years of experience they will be with you every step of the way. From initial discussions to ascertain what your vision is, to managing contractors and ensuring adherence to regulations. Clark Dental offers unique design concepts personalised to your specific requirements.


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  4234 Hits
4234 Hits

Time for some good news… Michael Sultan

Michael Sultan - Endocare

It is well documented and often discussed that the professional climate we work in at the moment is an unhappy one, and there is a lot of uncertainty and disharmony with the regulators and governing bodies.

Indeed a recent news report that suggested doctors and dentists should ‘snoop’ on colleagues to ensure they are not prescribing too many antibiotics made me question the amount of negative press the healthcare professions receive.[i] We have all heard about the dangers and concerns around the over-prescription of antibiotics and the inevitable antibiotic resistance crisis, and certainly action is required to counteract the rise in the unnecessary prescription of these medicines.

However, this report appeared to be yet another negative piece designed to make doctors and dentists worry about every move they make. Rather than galvanising the profession into action, the effect that this will have will be to encourage the opposite. Doctors and dentists soon won’t feel able to do anything at all because they’ll all be too frightened to do something wrong.

It’s interesting to note that there is so much negative press in the news towards doctors and dentists, and yet at the same time, a recent report from the NHS, a Summary of the Dental Results from the GP Patient Survey: July to September 2014, showed that the majority of NHS dental patients rate their care as positive.[ii] Indeed we hear more about the failures and mistakes and horror stories form the profession than the good news stories – of which I am sure there are many. To a certain extent this is to be expected, it’s how the national media works, but who is there standing up for us? Shouting about the amazing things UK doctors and dentist do on a daily basis? Yes there can be issues in dentistry around pricing and communication, as highlighted by the Which? report, but anything positive seems to get swept under the carpet.

Of course the GDC’s job is to regulate us, not to promote the profession. So who is out there actively advocating the good things about dentistry? Who is supporting better oral health and the excellent, tireless, often thankless work doctors and dentists do?

The national media is all too quick to vilify and denigrate the healthcare professions, when what we really need is a series of good new stories. Perhaps we should all stop and consider something amazing a colleague has accomplished lately; or an instance where someone has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Share this story with your peers and friends and maybe we can all start to spread a little good news.

For further information please call EndoCare on 020 7224 0999

Or visit

Dr Michael Sultan BDS MSc DFO FICD is a Specialist in Endodontics and the Clinical Director of EndoCare. Michael qualified at Bristol University in 1986. He worked as a general dental practitioner for 5 years before commencing specialist studies at Guy’s hospital, London. He completed his MSc in Endodontics in 1993 and worked as an in-house Endodontist in various practices before setting up in Harley St, London in 2000. He was admitted onto the specialist register in Endodontics in 1999 and has lectured extensively to postgraduate dental groups as well as lecturing on Endodontic courses at Eastman CPD, University of London. He has been involved with numerous dental groups and has been chairman of the Alpha Omega dental fraternity. In 2008 he became clinical director of EndoCare, a group of specialist practices. your social media marketing partner
  11697 Hits
11697 Hits

Patients embrace online booking services

As a digital company, we are always interested in digital innovations and improved efficiency, especially in the dental sector. One area of dentistry that this is particularly apparent, is in the booking of dental appointments online. Although this is a relatively new sector, there are a number of companies who are improving access, customer service and ease for patients.

Toothpick who are one of the leaders of this revolution, shared some amazing numbers from 2014, which they have given us permission to share. The infograph below gives a great indication of the growth of the sector, can dental practices afford to miss out on offering this service?

A few stats that caught our attention:-

  • The fastest time from booking to seeing a dentist was 23 minutes
  • 56 per cent of bookings were made in evenings and weekends
  • Peak booking time for appointments is Monday and Tuesday mornings, when a booking is received every 30 seconds!
  • Over 60 per cent of visitors to Toothpicks website are accessing via a mobile device

We believe this sector will continue to grow over the next few years. Dentists are always looking for new ways to gain patients and offering 24hr online booking seems a great way of doing this. The general public are increasingly familiar with doing many things online, so why should booking a dental appointment be any different? The service seems to benefit all involved. The continued growth of smartphone usage, plus the introduction of dental practice apps or mobile webpages will also fuel the growth of this sector in 2015.

It will be interesting to see how this sector evolves over the next few years but our suspicion is that it will soon be an expected feature on the majority of dental practice websites, mobile sites or apps. 

Please enjoy looking at the infograph and you can find some further information on Toothpick below. 




Toothpick launched in the UK in 2013. Since then, one million people have used our booking technology and we've passed £17M worth of dentistry to our practices. We're leading the way in bringing medical bookings online, with over 50 per cent of appointments booked outside of our dental practices' opening hours, and 60 per cent via mobile devices.
Toothpick is now being rolled out in Holland, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. your social media marketing partner
  6368 Hits
6368 Hits

10 Great Ways To Get A Patient Referral

10 Ways To Get A Patient Referral

patient referral

Neil Sanderson

I think just about everyone is in agreement that a patient referral is the best way to get new patients, even I as a marketeer would have to agree with that, however you can only get so many new patients by referral only, so I would still recommend a proper marketing strategy. That said if you are going to increase the number of referrals you get, here are a few hints and do’s and don’ts.

Most dental practices have no patient referral strategy in place at all, getting patient referrals has to be ingrained into the philosophy of the practice, you should view every single patient you see as someone who is going to recommend your practice and services to someone else.

Obviously to do that you have to offer great dentistry, that goes without saying but simply doing this isn’t good enough, because you patients expect you do deliver that anyway. Your services are no different to any other service or product that they are willing to spend their money on, you simply have to deliver quality.

So now we have that part out of the way how can you increase the number of patients who are willing to give you a patient referral?

  1. Strange as it may sound Social Media is becoming more and more important in this area. Quite literally social media is the new “word of mouth” marketing, so if you have an active Facebook and/or Twitter account which has lots of interesting content on it you are likely to increase the number of referrals you get.
  2. The appearance of your practice is incredibly important. If you have a practice that looks shabby, do you really think that your patients are going to refer you to their friends and relatives, I don’t think so.
  3. Don’t think that only long term patients will refer you, in fact quite the opposite is the case. You are just as likely to get a patient referral from a new patient than you are from someone who has been using you for years.
  4. You don’t have to deliver fantastic results to get a patient referral either. Courtesy, smart appearance and attention to detail and giving them exactly what they want is just, if not more important.
  5. Just because a patient has referred you once don’t think that they won’t do it again, you should encourage your patients to refer you as often as possible and reward them for doing it.
  6. Your staff are incredibly important in getting patient referrals, you might be the best dentist in the world and offer a fantastic service, but if your patients don’t have a great experience on reception, you won’t get those much needed patient referrals, reception staff have to be well trained, just as you do.
  7. Communicate regularly with your patients, a newsletter is a great way to share things with your patients along with social media. It’s not rocket science, the better they think they know you the more they’ll give you a patient referral.
  8. Market your referral program everywhere in your practice. Tell them what you are prepared to offer in return for a patient referral, it could be a bottle of wine or a big thank you, but you need to have a rewards system of place and tell everyone about it.
  9. Every new patient that comes to your practice should be given a welcome pack and that should include information about your patient referral program and the benefits they can achieve if they refer a friend or relative to you.
  10. Finally and here’s the real big one. ASK FOR THEM you’ll be astounded the difference this simple little thing does.

If you would like more information on implementing a patient referral program or how to promote this using your social media or training your reception staff, call me on 01767 626 398 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website your social media marketing partner
  5080 Hits
5080 Hits

Whistleblowing and responsibility

Whistleblowing and responsibility

The UK law related to whistleblowing changed significantly at the end of June with the result that legal protection for employees who report wrong-doing by their employer is only now afforded to those raising allegations of public interest. In other words, now the element of “good faith” required previously has been removed, disputes over personal issues, such as pay or performance management which lack a public interest element, will no longer be protected under the legislation.

So perhaps you should ask yourself; should I be blowing a whistle and what is the purpose?


Team members are often the first to realise that there is something amiss within the practice. However, they may not wish to express their concerns as they may feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the practice.


Whistleblowing should primarily encourage and enable team members to raise serious concerns within the practice rather than overlooking a problem or 'blowing the whistle' to an external body. It is important that every organisation, whether it be a dental practice or even a body such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) itself recognises their responsibilities and takes them seriously and intelligently.

Raising awareness of serious concerns when you work within an organisation asks a lot of the individual and this is the reason why it is necessary to emphasise that they are protected in law by taking appropriate actions. It should be a clearly stated Policy that the practice recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If what you are saying is what you believe to be true, you should have nothing to fear because you will be doing your duty to the practice and the patients alike. Furthermore the practice will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation and will take appropriate action to protect the team member who raised a concern in good faith.


Sometimes circumstances have a habit of being rather more intertwined don’t they?

Whenever there is a problem within a dental practice, whether this relates to patient care directly or working relationships; it is wise to attempt a locally agreed solution. Usually a discussion of the circumstances involving all relevant team members will itself point to the correct solution. However sometimes the problem may be so serious or the reaction of the management so ineffective that as a GDC Professional Registrant you feel compelled to take matters further. Whilst doing this, it is extremely wise to examine one’s own position carefully. A thorough investigation will include all parties. All concerns will be treated in confidence and whilst every effort should be made not to reveal the identity of the team member who raised it; at the appropriate time they may need to come forward as a witness.

So that’s clear is it?


I want to encourage everyone to re-confirm the legitimacy of their intending whistleblowing and to be certain that they have:

·         Disclosed the information in good faith.

·         Believe it to be substantially true.

·         Not acted maliciously or made false allegations.

·         Not sought any personal gain.


These points could have a significant bearing if you are shown to have decided to speak to the Press or acted in connection with another practice or organisation which work in competition.


There may have been a number of situations where organisations have been subjected to malicious whistleblowing. I imagine that it’s not a pretty sight and I’m afraid it would have a habit of rebounding badly on the perpetrator as well as the victim. Some of these people may even have found it necessary to leave Dentistry.


The more one thinks about it; the more one can see that whistleblowing can be used in a positive way for the general good, but equally it can be used in a negative malicious way.


One may envisage a situation where a regulatory body has experienced ‘difficulties’ with a Provider and has then approached another regulatory body to re-examine the Provider. This used to be referred to as ‘double jeopardy’, although now it could even be triple jeopardy. You may possibly feel that such things could never happen in this fair Country of ours; I couldn’t possibly comment.


How to raise a concern in your practice


As a first step, anyone with a concern, should raise it either verbally or in writing with the Practice Manager or the Principle if it involves the practice manager.

All concerns must be taken seriously and the team member treated with respect and dignity.  The matters involved should then be investigated and the team member advised of what is happening at all times.


Thank you


Thank you for reading this and whichever of the R’s you feel you may be; Registrant, Regulator or Registrar, I would like to remind you that the use of intelligence, proportionality and responsibility are not your exclusive rights.


Our Commitment


RightPath4 is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment we look forward to working with all dental practice teams to help them be the best they can be and be justifiably proud of their achievements.

RightPath4 will continue to work on behalf of those in peril on the C, whether that be CQC or GDC and you may be interested in inviting us to visit you. We hope that you will find that you can spend a small amount of money, very wisely!


You could arrange a practice visit from me for as little as £275.00.


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