Being a Dental Nurse for Dummys

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Building Highly Skilled Practice Teams of Tomorrow - Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing

Building Highly Skilled Practice Teams of Tomorrow - Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing

Introducing the new Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing – an exciting opportunity for modern dental practices to develop a highly skilled team – brought to you by Healthcare Learning and Barnet and Southgate College in London.


A leading supplier of dental education, Healthcare Learning will deliver high quality content and on-going support for all apprentices. Widely recognised learning platforms such as the Dental Nurse Education Zone (DNEZ) will also be made available to apprentices, offering them even more resources to complete their studies and maintain their skills in the long-term.


Barnet and Southgate College has extensive experience in successfully providing a wide range of high quality apprenticeship programmes across various different industries, and will be delivering first-rate classroom-based workshops for dental nurse apprentices as well as providing full quality assurance for the overall programme.


Benefits of getting involved


The first clear benefit for practices getting involved with the programme is that their apprentices will learn on the job, developing the hands-on skills and experience they need to excel in the role of a dental nurse. What’s more, the majority of the course is delivered through online webinars from Healthcare Learning, so apprentices will need to take little time away from the practice.


The programme reflects all the clinical responsibilities of modern dental nurses, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practical workplace experience they need to perform the role effectively. For the practice, this affords complete confidence in the capabilities of the apprentice upon completion of the course to fulfil the duties of a dental nurse effectively. Plus, team members working alongside apprentices have an opportunity to help mould them into highly accomplished professionals, who understand and align with the principles and values of the existing team and business.


For practices that meet the criteria, there is also extensive funding to subsidise the costs of training each apprenticeship. The government has pledged to boost apprenticeships by creating 3 million programmes by 2020 and the Dental Nursing programme is a key beneficiary of this initiative. Therefore, the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) will deliver £2 for every £1 the practice invests, up to the £6,000 core funding cap. For practices that qualify for all the additional government incentives, while they will initially invest £3,000 per apprentice, they are set to receive £3,600 in rebates once the course is completed and so will actually benefit by £600 per apprentice.


A bright future


The Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing provides students with a Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing, which is equivalent to two A-levels. Not only does this enable apprentices to register with the GDC and embark on a long and successful professional career in dentistry, but it also offers enormous potential for them to undertake further training in order to advance and move onto senior roles. All this continues to benefit the practice – highly motivated staff with the chance to progress can help expand the services available and drive the business forwards.


Intake for the apprenticeship programme begins every few months with the next start dates in early 2016. An eligibility criteria form is available to provide a quick assessment of candidates’ suitability for the course. Generally, candidates need a grade C or above in GCSE English and Maths.


The Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing provides a fantastic opportunity to develop a highly skilled and experienced workforce for the future success of every dental practice. Find out more today.



For more information or applications contact Healthcare Learning

 Tel: 020 7400 8989

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  3590 Hits
3590 Hits

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities

Prestige Dental is delighted to announce the appointment of Jennifer Ball as its Product Specialist for the M62 corridor and surrounding areas.

Never one to rest on her laurels, Jennifer, who has an extensive dental nursing background, is in the process of rolling out an exciting programme of learning opportunities in individual practices.

Whether lunchtime, first thing or after the practice closes is best for you, armed with sandwiches and in the space of just one hour Jennifer can provide invaluable information on products such as ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE, as well as vacuum forming and Medentika’s implant range – obligation free.

Speaking about her new role, Jennifer commented: ‘I am really looking forward to meeting customers – new and old – and learning what support I  can offer individual dental practices so that dentists and their teams can remain focused on what they do best – delivering excellent patient care.’

To make an appointment for Jennifer to visit your practice or for more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01274 721567. your social media marketing partner
  8989 Hits
8989 Hits

‘We aim to source as much as possible from The Dental Directory’

‘We aim to source as much as possible from The Dental Directory’

We aim to source as much as possible from The Dental Directory’


Beth HoldingBethan Holding, Senior Nurse at Station Dental Practice in Leyland says:

We have been using The Dental Directory for a few months now. Competitive pricing and the personal touch was a big attraction for us. Our rep, Rebecca, comes in to see us often and it's no trouble to arrange an extra visit.


We buy all our consumables from The Dental Directory and we aim to source as much as possible from them in the future.


I order using the website, which remembers our prices and favourites, for quick and easy ordering, saving us time and money. Delivery is pretty quick and the quality has been great so far. I would absolutely recommend The Dental Directory to other practices.”


For more information, contact The Dental Directory on 0800 585 586 or visit your social media marketing partner
  12181 Hits
12181 Hits

Needlestick safety and regulations for all dental teams

By Rebecca Allen of Initial Medical


As part of the dental team, needlestick safety is something you should be acutely aware of in your day-to-day role. A survey conducted in association with the British Association of Dental Nurses* in 2014, found that 51.2% of respondents had received a needlestick injury at some point throughout their career, with 60% of those saying they’d received more than one. When you then consider the risk of infection following a needlestick injury is estimated to be 1 in 3 for HBV, 1 in 30 for HCV and 1 in 300 for HIV**, it is vital that safety procedures are put in place in all dental surgeries.


Following the introduction of The Health & Safety (Sharps Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013, all healthcare facilities must ensure that:

(a) The use of medical sharps at work is avoided so far as is reasonably practicable;

(b) When medical sharps are used at work, safer sharps are used so far as is reasonably practicable;

(c) Needles that are medical sharps are not capped after use at work unless— (i) that act is required to control a risk identified by an assessment undertaken pursuant to regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (a); and (ii) the risk of injury to employees is effectively controlled by the use of a suitable appliance, tool or other equipment;

(d) In relation to the safe disposal of medical sharps that are not designed for re-use— (i) written instructions for employees, and (ii) clearly marked and secure containers, are located close to areas where medical sharps are used at work.


Health and safety law has always placed general responsibilities on the employer to provide their staff with a healthy working environment. However, this legislation now puts further emphasis on prevention. In reality it would be difficult, if not impossible to remove all sharps from a dental practice, so the next best thing is to assess the risk correctly, use devices which limit the risk of injury and dispose of all sharps in a safe manner.


Key tips that all dental clinical staff should follow to help reduce needlestick injuries are:

·         Cease recapping of needles

·         Ensure the correct type and size of sharps disposal unit is in place

·         Make sure your sharps disposal units are assembled and closed correctly

·         Place all sharps disposal units in a safe, secure location

·         Dispose of your sharps at point of use

·         Report all sharps injuries immediately

·         In the case of a needlestick injury follow your health and safety protocol immediately


It’s important to remember that when it comes to hazardous and infectious waste, such as syringes and other sharps at a dental practice, the cradle-to-grave rule applies. The producer of waste will always be held responsible for the safe and legal disposal of it, even after it has been passed onto the waste carrier collecting it. This is why it’s important to work with comprehensively trained sharps waste disposal experts who will safely and securely dispose of it and advise on the correct products that comply with both the UK and EU legislation.  Health and safety law is criminal law and healthcare organisations can be subject to enforcement action if they fail to comply with the legal requirements. There is also always a threat of civil law action if an employee is injured due to insufficient practices and technologies being in place.  


Everyone has a role to play in the prevention of sharps injuries, from trainee staff who are learning the ropes, to practice owners who will hold legal overall responsibility for the wellbeing of their staff.


*For healthcare workers worldwide

**1216 British Association of Dental Nurses responded to the survey in August 2014, from across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.  99% of respondents were from the UK and 1% from the Republic of Ireland.


About Initial Medical Waste Experts

Initial Medical is an expert in healthcare waste management, providing a complete collection, disposal and recycling service for hazardous and non-hazardous waste, such as offensive waste produced by businesses and organisations within the UK. The safe management of healthcare waste is vital to ensure your activities are not a risk to human health.  Initial Medical’s healthcare waste services ensure that all of your waste is stringently handled in compliance with legislation and in accordance with Safe Management of Healthcare Waste best practice guidelines, providing you with the peace of mind that you are adhering to current legislation.

For further information please visit or Tel 0800 731 0802.


Rebecca Allen, Category Manager, Initial Medical

Rebecca has worked in the Healthcare sector for the past 13 years and was a Research Chemist with Bayer Cropscience prior to joining Rentokil Initial in 2003.  She keeps up to date on all developments within the clinical waste management industry and is an active member of the CIWM, SMDSA and BDIA. your social media marketing partner
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