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Goodwill Values: What’s yours? | Dental Elite

Goodwill Values: What’s yours?  |  Dental Elite

The dental practice goodwill values for the last financial year ending March 2015 are out at last, and average practice sales with Dental Elite as a broker have risen to 3.23x adjusted net profit, 6.99x adjusted EBITDA with 137.8% as a reflection of turnover.


“I think anyone involved in dental practice sales and goodwill values will have noticed that the market has gained considerable strength,” reflects Luke Moore, Co-Founder of Dental Elite. “Most practices this year have achieved over and above our valuation.”


This year, NHS practices are displaying a 3.66x ANP, 6.79x EBITDA and 156.70% turnover compared to mixed practices, which sold for an average of 8.98x adjusted EBITDA or 3.56x ANP with a reflection of turnover standing at 136.02%.


“The breakdowns are very interesting,” says Paul Wilkinson, Co-Founder of Dental Elite. “It would seem that mixed practices tend to sell more to dentists who seek to work in the practice themselves, hence the slightly higher EBITDA multiple which is counteracted by the lower Adjusted Net Profit. It is also interesting to see Private Practice Multiples starting to narrow the gap between NHS Practices.”


To find out how you can get the best deal on your practice, and for a free, no strings valuation, contact Dental Elite now.


For more information contact Dental Elite. Visit www.dentalelite.co.uk, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900

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