Burnout In Dentistry

Dental Burnout - Don't look at me, I don't have a clue how you fix it!?

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It's a Question of Taste

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Body Odour in the Workplace

Body Odour in the Workplace

If your best friend won’t tell you what do you do? A different problem.

“I’m feeling a little bit under the weather”. Another vague absence. Karen was good team member, a hard worker and, with the exception of a couple of days a month, punctual and reliable. The principal and the practice manager didn’t know what to do; they had tried the usual approaches mixing concern and compassion but had got nowhere.

A recent survey of 10,000 office workers has found that most one-off sickies are due to hangovers with “just hating the job” coming in second. Neither was the case with Karen, she never drank and clearly enjoyed her career.

“Alun, I wonder could you do her appraisal when you’re next visiting the practice? We’re struggling with what to do about her absences.” Sometimes a different face, voice or ear will bring results. This time was a success and I was able to get to the heart of Karen’s problem. I found her to be a sensitive soul, caring and concerned but in the horns of a dilemma.

The practice consisted of six surgeries with one principal, four full and part-time associates and part-time three hygienists. They operated an egalitarian system where, in order to ensure their were no opportunities for favourites or cliques, the nurses moved around on what appeared to be a fairly complicated rota. This way they worked with associates, principal, hygienists, did their turn in the LDU and had a share of being a “float”.

It turned out that Karen’s absences always coincided with her being due to work with Pam, one of the associates. Pam was experienced, had worked in a variety of practices, hospital departments and had also had a spell working in the community. It was acknowledged she could be a bit brusque with both patients and nurses, but her work was good, she ran to time and grossed well. She was recently divorced, had no children and lived alone.

I managed to get to the heart of things when I met Karen. She was under the impression that the visiting Business Coach was there to see her for some sort of disciplinary matter but I soon disabused her of this and she relaxed. We proceeded with her appraisal, which went well, and having gained her confidence I introduced the matter of her absences. She eventually shared with me the fact that Pam suffered from what used to be labelled as “B.O.” - in other words she was smelly. All the nurses were aware of it but for some reason Karen was particularly sensitive and had needed to run to the toilet to be sick the last time that she worked with Pam. She had now got herself into a real state in case the same thing happened again. She had started to believe that she was the one with the problem and hence the absences.

When I asked the principal and the practice manager they both admitted to having noticed Pam’s odour but had presumed that it was a rare event. Bromhidrosis or body odour, is a common phenomenon in post-pubertal individuals and can rarely become pathologic if it interferes with the life of the individual concerned.

So far, so good we had a diagnosis, but how to treat the problem?

As I was there, and Pam was there that day, it was felt that there would be less of an embarrassment if I were to broach the subject with her. Fine I thought, the client is always right and I have to earn my corn. It wasn’t something that I had done before and I am all for new experiences, if it went badly then I would get the blame and could walk away for another three months.

We met after work and I gave myself 15 minutes to achieve the objectives which were, to point out to Pam as subtly but effectively that there had been comments, to find out if she realised that there might be a problem and then work out a way to deal with it.

Her reaction, thankfully, was not one of denial or to attempt to blame someone for “sneaking” on her. She was horrified and visibly upset. It turned out that she had rather “let herself go” (her words) following her divorce and some days it was all she could do to drag herself out of bed and often didn’t get round to showering or bathing. She wore a tunic at work but wore it over clothes and we agreed that a change to scrubs might help. Most, but not all, of the clinicians wore them and as they were laundered by the practice it removed any home washing. An easier conversation than I feared with, hopefully, a positive result.

When I checked in with the practice owner during our regular coaching calls Pam had obviously had a bit of an awakening. The odour problem had gone and she had taken ownership of the problem by taking the time to ask each nurse at the start of her next session with them to please tell her if there was any recurrence.

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  9854 Hits
9854 Hits

Caring for the Dental Team

 If You Find An Injured Co-Worker, Ring 011 456 5674

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8569 Hits

Leadership and Management Skills

Leadership and Management Skills



The Apprenticeship for Dental Practice Managers has recently commenced at Barnet and Southgate College, London. Employers have the opportunity to train staff members on this fantastic new course, which aims to develop candidates’ ability to lead and support the workforce, manage a practice competently and drive the business forward.


The first 6 months of the apprenticeship programme is dedicated to the Level 4 ILM certificate in Management and Leadership covering three skill domains – leadership, management and communication. Dentabyte is delighted to be involved in delivering this nationally recognised qualification – a tremendous asset for any dental practice manager and a chance to progress into a number of career pathways. Here the renowned healthcare lecturer, Seema Sharma, explains how this section of the course will be structured:


“I am conducting the ILM Certificate part of the apprenticeship programme with full workshop sessions. These workshops encompass the three skills development domains but are cleverly wrapped into a project format and conveniently designed into three core units.


Understanding the managers role

The first unit will teach apprentices the specific responsibilities of middle managers to enable a dental organisation to achieve its goals. They will learn how communication and interpersonal skills affect managerial performance and how to assess personal development opportunities to improve their own managerial performance.


Managing a complex team activity

The second unit will show learners how to plan a complex team activity, communicate information effectively and how to lead a team. Candidates will need to organise efficient operational practice systems including elements such as:

- setting SMART objectives

- planning and delegating work

- allocating resources efficiently to produce reports and meet deadlines

- monitoring, evaluating and improving individual and team processes

- developing advanced IT skills to meet requirements in their management role


Leading innovation and change

This unit will teach apprentices how to improve through innovation. It will cover interpreting and presenting data, negotiation skills and overcoming barriers to change in order to improve compliance, patient care and business growth.


“Trainee managers will complete an assignment for each of the three areas. This could include completing a work-based assignment, a reflective review, a practical task and report or a group discussion and write up. It is hoped that during the ILM Certificate programme each trainee will learn one topic in depth whilst completing their own project and also gain an overview of how they can approach the other topics from their peers.”


The Level 4 ILM certificate in Management and Leadership is Phase 1 of the apprenticeship programme. Candidates are then required to compose a portfolio of evidence of practical skills gained, before end point assessments take place. All aspects of the course have been structured and designed by leading employers working within the dental sector to ensure that delegates meet the standards required to become valuable, leading members of the dental team.


“I will closely supervise the first assignment and then candidates will be required to complete further projects (eight in total) for their portfolio, with the support of their mentors,” continues Seema. “Along with the workshops, delegates will be expected to conduct independent study with access to email and telephone support from myself as well as online resources from the Dentabyte Learning Zone and the ILM Learning Zone.”


Barnet and Southgate College is running the Apprenticeship for Dental Practice Managers periodically throughout the year and the next start date is 16th March 2016, with more dates to follow.


For more information on the Apprenticeship in Dental Practice Management, please contact Barnet and Southgate College:



0203 764 4333

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


twitter @barnetsouthgate


For more information on content and assessment, please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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4991 Hits

Can a bit of stress be healthy?

Can a bit of stress be healthy?

My previous post about stress was posted here on 28 January. This time, I’m attacking (more accurately, sneaking up on) stress from a different angle. And I’m starting by going back in time. Way, way back to pre-CQC. It seems prehistoric man suffered stress, would you believe? And guess what – we know it from their teeth! In 2010, George Armelagos, an anthropologist from Emory University in the USA, discovered enamel defects in teeth dating back one million years indicating that, ‘During prehistory, the stresses of infectious disease, poor nutrition and psychological trauma were likely extreme.’ This stress reduced life expectancy – remains from Dickson Mounds, Illinois, showed that individuals with teeth marked by early life stress lived 15.4 years less than those without the defects.

So is stress bad then?

Not necessarily; read on. According to the Mental Health Foundation: ‘Some stress can be positive. Research shows that a moderate level of stress makes us perform better. It also makes us more alert and can help us perform better in situations such as job interviews or public speaking. Stressful situations can also be exhilarating and some people actually thrive on the excitement that comes with dangerous sports or other high-risk activities.’ The Foundation does point out that stress is only healthy if it is short-lived.

Stress causes a surge of hormones to better help you deal with ‘fight or flight’ situations. According to NHS Choices: ‘Once the pressure or threat has passed, your stress hormone levels will usually return to normal. However, if you're constantly under stress, these hormones will remain in your body, leading to the symptoms of stress.’

How much stress is normal?

Now we come to the science – specifically the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). This is a self-report questionnaire whereby you answer questions, add up the score and convert these to severity ratings for depression, anxiety and stress. There are two versions – DASS and DASS 21. The former has 42 questions, the latter 21 (so you multiply the scores by two). Ignoring depression and anxiety for the purposes of this article, the severity scores for stress are:

·        Normal 0-14

·        Mild 15-18

·        Moderate 19-25

·        Severe 26-33

·        Extremely severe 34+

DASS is not a diagnostic tool. If you are feeling anxious, depressed or stressed, you should see your GP – even if you get low DASS scores. However, if you wish to get some idea of how stressed you are and so gauge whether it could be considered healthy, go to https://www.cesphn.org.au/images/mental_health/Frequently_Used/Outcome_Tools/Dass21.pdf for DASS 21 (remember to double your scores for the full DASS severity ratings.

No added stress

In my previous post, I urged you to stop putting stress on others – particularly colleagues and staff in your practice. Now we see that some stress is normal and may well be beneficial. So does that contradict what I wrote before? Not at all. Yes, some stress is normal and healthy but so very few of us lead completely stress-free lives that we need added stress at work. Relationships, health, family obligations, household maintenance, cars, money worries all cause stress. Many of us are also good at getting stressed about things that haven’t even happened yet! So who are you to add to the stress of your colleagues or staff and maybe move them from normal to mild, moderate or severe on DASS?

Stress as a management tool?

Excuse me? Think twice (or more) before you decided to ‘push’ members of your team to make a greater effort. It is far more effective to motivate people to work more effectively or efficiently. People work best through their lunch hour when they don’t hold a grudge at you demanding it but because they genuinely want to get the patient records up to date.

As a manager you should be familiar with the theory of psychological type as introduced by Jung and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – so you know how to get the best out of each member of your staff.

This is a topic covered on my courses – come and find out.


Image credit -Bottled_Void under CC licence - not modified.

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  9334 Hits
9334 Hits

Selling your dental practice: do it right - Portman Dental

Selling your dental practice: do it right

Many practice sales agents will use percentage of turnover to value a practice – which can lead to an unrealistic expectation on which many vendors, particularly those approaching retirement, will base their futures.


There is a significant problem with this; a valuation through percentage of turnover is an increasingly unreliable way of valuing a dental practice. It only works on the assumption that the practice that is being sold is just like other practices in the area which, unless it happens to be a predominately NHS practice, is unlikely. Yet the majority of practice sales agents work with this method – and will charge from anywhere between 2-4% for doing so, equating to thousands of pounds in fees.

The fundamental issue with percentage of turnover is that it disregards many important factors that may affect the actual value of a practice – factors that you can be sure a buyer (and the buyer’s bank) will be quick to scrutinise, like the type of dentistry being delivered, the quality and state of equipment, the sustainability of the practice and the potential for expansion. In fact, by disregarding these factors, valuation through percentage of turnover begins to look a great deal like guesswork – particularly expensive guesswork – which completely ignores one essential aspect that will ultimately mean more to any buyer than any other: profitability! By failing to take a practice’s overall profitability into account, as well as the assets and the liabilities on the balance sheet, any valuation is bound to be unreliable, unrealistic and, ultimately, unachievable.

Why, then, do many practice sales agents continue to use this method? Firstly, it is quicker – a valuation based on turnover can be calculated relatively easily as long as the practice’s accounts are well-maintained. Secondly, the agent’s main objective is to acquire the initial commission to sell the practice, collect the fee and move on. They are not required to become invested in the priorities that the vendor might have – like ensuring the welfare of patients and staff or finding a buyer who can continue to uphold the standards and ideals that the practice has come to represent. Their remit is to find a buyer who is willing to pay and complete the transaction; they have no real reason to search with you for the ‘right’ buyer.  

Therefore, finding the right practice sales agent – one who will provide you with a service which is truly represented by the fees charged – is one of the most important elements of selling a dental practice. It can ultimately save a great deal of time, anxiety and cost if you find an agent who is willing to go the extra mile in the first place. Ideally, you need someone who is sensitive to the specific features of your practice and the individual needs you exhibit as a vendor. You need someone who has taken the time to understand your motivations for selling, who understands the overarching philosophy of the practice and duly considers a buyer on these terms and, most importantly, who has the expertise and experience to thoroughly analyse the practice’s accounts in order to establish a realistic and achievable sales price.


For more information about joining the Portman Dental team, please visit www.portmanhealthcare.co.uk or call Gary Chapman on 0207 281 9489 or 07966698130


Gary Chapman is the Head of Mergers and Acquisitions at Portman Dental. A qualified dental technician with over 30 years’ experience in the dental industry, including running his own dental laboratory and a Harley Street facial aesthetics clinic, as well as working as the Director of Acquisitions at James Hull Associates, Gary has a unique understanding of the profession. He now uses his extensive expertise to help the Portman Dental Group grow and, to date, he has identified all but two of the practices acquired by Portman Healthcare.



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5890 Hits

Trust in Munroe Sutton - Jeremy Hedrick

Trust in Munroe Sutton - Jeremy Hedrick

Good news for the dental profession: patients in the UK trust their dentists more than their GPs.[1] Trust is an important element of a strong patient–practitioner relationship; it can help patients relax during treatment, making it easier for dentists to complete essential work. It also increases compliance with treatment, improves patient satisfaction and will mean patients are more likely to follow advice.


Thus, a good patient–practitioner relationship can act as a strong foundation for better oral health and, since good oral health has been linked with good general health, trust between a patient and their dentist can improve a patient’s overall wellbeing.


As a dentist, you can build a trusting relationship with your patient in a number of ways. Explaining treatments thoroughly, using visual aids and photos or digital images to show patients what is wrong and how you intend to treat them, letting patients feel in control, assuaging any phobias – these techniques can all promote trust. But these days, one of the most important factors is reassuring patients that they are receiving good value for money from your service.


While we can all be thankful that the UK economy is recovering, that does not mean patients are willing to spend money on subpar dental treatment. Indeed, many people view dentistry as having a big price tag. Reports suggest that the UK does have the most expensive dentists in Europe[2] – so the profession needs to show patients that they are getting proper value for money.


One way of helping with this is to offer payment through dental plans. The most recent statistics available suggest that 12% of the UK’s population already invests in dental insurance, but this figure is likely to increase in the near future.[3]


Dental plans can truly benefit patients by offering them the treatment they want and need for less. By being involved with such plans, dentists can maintain their bond with patients – strengthen it even – while taking advantage of the benefits themselves.  


Munroe Sutton has more than 30 years’ experience of designing, organising and managing dental plans that improve the affordability of quality dental treatment. Designed by dentists for dentists, the Healthy Discounts Plan offers exceptional deals to patients while providing dentists with fair compensation for their services. Associated practices benefit from free marketing, increased promotion and higher patient uptake – at no charge to themselves – while patients get the treatment they want for less.    


Building a strong patient–practitioner relationship is crucial to any healthcare provider, especially dentists. With your patients’ trust, you can ensure good standards of oral and general health. By being part of Munroe Sutton’s prodigious network you can offer more value-for-money to your patients, making them more likely to keep using your service – with no charge to yourself.


Contact the friendly team today to discuss your options.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk


[1] British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) – News: More trust in dentists than doctors; published online: 01/09/12; link: http://www.dentalhealth.org/news/details/640 [accessed 23/07/15]

[2] The Telegraph – Personal Finance: Feeling ripped off by dental treatment? This how to fight back; published online, 17/03/15; link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/money-saving-tips/11474741/Feeling-ripped-of-by-dental-treatment-This-is-how-to-fight-back.html [accessed 23/07/15]

[3] British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) – National Smile Month: Facts and Figures; link: http://www.nationalsmilemonth.org/facts-figures/ [accessed 23/07/15]


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3941 Hits

Bringing patients and dentists together for less

Bringing patients and dentists together for less

When it comes to dental care, patients want to feel as though they are getting the maximum value for their money – and by working with Munroe Sutton, they can be sure they are.  


By offering a range of great discounts to patients, Munroe Sutton provides easy and affordable access to both the essential care and optional dental treatments that patients desire, for less. In turn, this will boost participating practices’ patient numbers, filling appointment books and helping them grow as a business.


Becoming a part of Munroe Sutton is free for dental practices and gives you access to a vast network designed to promote and market your services to a broad variety of people.


The team at Munroe Sutton are committed to providing patients with the most affordable solution to high quality dental care, while also helping practices maximise chair time and maintain optimal profitability. Find out how they can bring you and your new patients together; contact the team today.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk

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  3201 Hits
3201 Hits

Understanding geographical variations - Christie + Co

Understanding geographical variations - Christie + Co

Geography can play a significant role in the success of any practice transaction. From regional variations in value, demand and activity to patient demographics, understanding the local trends and market characteristics are all vital when ensuring the optimum transactional outcome. 

Christie + Co has specialists in 16 locations across the country, providing convenient, reliable access and insights into the local markets. For instance we understand that the areas that see the most interest are London and the South East, with the Midlands and some areas in the North also experiencing very high demand. This causes significant regional variations in practice valuation and it seems that the closer you get to the extremities of the UK, the more values ‘fall off’.

With years of experience valuing businesses across many market sectors and experts located across the UK, Christie + Co understand the significance of local knowledge. So if you’re looking to purchase a practice and want to ensure you make the most appropriate decisions based on in depth local and national insight, contact the experts at Christie + Co today.

To discuss how Christie + Co might help you achieve your future plans please contact Simon Hughes on 020 7227 0749

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  3529 Hits
3529 Hits

Leading the way in cosmetic dentistry


Prestige Dental’s product specialist, Jennifer Ball, was delighted to be in attendance at the grand opening of Andrea Ubhi Cosmetic Dentistry’s new practice in York earlier this year.

As well as rubbing shoulders with the likes of model and former Miss England, Georgia Horsley, who officially opened the practice, Jennifer was able to meet the award-winning “Team of the Year North 2015” (Dental Awards) and bring everyone up to speed on the extensive range of quality dental products Prestige Dental can supply.

Commenting on the event, Jennifer said: ‘It was a great evening – warm and inviting. The practice seamlessly combines the lovely original features of the building with state-of-the-art dental equipment. It has a huge wow factor!

‘You could see they have worked hard to create a relaxing environment; a recipe for success for both happy staff and happy patients.’

The new premises are run by a team of 18, housing four ultra-modern surgeries, two waiting rooms and the latest technology, including CT scanning equipment and a Seiler microscope.

In particular, Jennifer was taken by the glass ‘pods’, where the treatment co-ordinator can sit down with patients to discuss their needs and wants, as well as consultation rooms that allow for patient/dentist interaction without the pressure of a clinical setting.


If you would like to know about the range of quality products available from Prestige Dental, please call 01274 721567 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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  3553 Hits
3553 Hits

Trailblazer Management Apprenticeship

Trailblazer Management Apprenticeship


Build on your existing skills by gaining all the business knowledge and practical experience you need to be the best dental practice manager you can be.


Plus, earn a nationally recognised Level 4 qualification with the ILM Certificate in Leadership and Management.


With only 3- 4 classroom-based days, held at Barnet and Southgate College in London, you can even hone your skills while taking next to no time away from your practice.

The exciting two-year programme covers:


Human Resources / Patient Care / Clinical / Marketing / Risk Management / Quality Assurance / Finance and The Dental Industry

The next starting dates are:


18th March 2016

13th May 2016

1st July 2016



Take the next step in your career and find out more about the

Trailblazer Management Apprenticeship today.


For more information or applications contact Barnet and Southgate College on 0208 266 4333 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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3701 Hits

Protect yourself and your staff - Goodman Grant Lawyers for dentists

Protect yourself and your staff - Goodman Grant Lawyers

On average, there are approximately 6,000 employment tribunals being presented each month in this country. In dentistry, we see a large volume of cases in which practice principals have failed to issue their staff with proper employment contracts. Despite the fact that the provision of such contracts has been a statutory requirement since 1978, there are still many practices that fail to do so – why this should be the case is hard to determine, but it is indicative of an attitude that fails to recognise the importance of the staff. 


Failing to provide employment contracts to any member of your team is not only a breach of statutory requirement, it can also leave practice owners vulnerable should there be dispute with a member of staff. For example, without an employment contract, there is no clear procedure for staff holidays, sick pay, overtime of discipline.


It is also quite likely that if a tribunal comes across a case where an employer has not provided a contract, they are likely to sympathise with the employee’s position. Thus, the lack of a contract can actually jeopardise the chances of successfully defending against such proceedings.


But by including a clause in an employment contract, that defines the procedures that will be followed in all aspects of work within your practice, you will be suitably protected.


To reinforce this, it is also prudent to supply a comprehensive staff handbook. This must be bespoke to your dental practice and will expand upon the terms detailed in the employment contract, focussing on specific circumstances that may be unique to you and your team. Of course, it must be regularly updated to reflect new legislation and practice changes, and it is absolutely vital to include a thorough introduction to the handbook in any staff inductions.


Ultimately there are two reasons to invest yourself in a comprehensive handbook like this. Firstly, you will be able to significantly reduce the chances of becoming embroiled in a dispute and being taken to a tribunal. The second is that your business will come across as professional, serious, fair and competent.


Of course, these precautions are not guaranteed to stop all staff misconduct, but they do provide an efficient safety-net to fall back on if matters turn nasty. What’s more, it will promote staff happiness, because they will feel protected and valued – and, of course, happy staff should equal happy patients.


John Grant of Goodman Grant Lawyers for Dentists - a NASDAL member

For more information call John Grant on 0113 834 3705 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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3732 Hits

“It’s the person centred service that makes Wrights standout”

It’s the person centred service that makes Wrights standout

“We have been working with Jackie Kendrick, a representative of Wrights, for six months now,” says Dr Ann-Marie Bard, principal of Cleobury Dental Practice in Kidderminster.


“Jackie and the rest of the team are extremely helpful and easily accessible, always providing a first class customer service; that's why we now use them in 99 % of our consumables and materials orders.


“Wrights deliver amazing deals and provide us with the best value for money. What’s more, Jackie has delivered excellent one to one advice in helping us to set up a time saving monthly ordering list; this enables us to reach the targets within our budget and has been invaluable to the practice.


“We could not be happier with the service and we would definitely recommend Wrights to other practices.”


For a professional and friendly service and to work with an experienced team, contact Wrights and find out how you can get next day delivery on top-selling products at exclusive discounted prices. 


            For more information contact Wright on 0800668899 or visit www.wright-cottrell.co.uk



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13789 Hits

Is delegation the key to your success? - Michael Lansdell

Is delegation the key to your success? - Michael Lansdell

Knowing when and how to delegate is crucial when you own a dental practice. It will free up time, motivate your team and help you to become a good leader and a great boss! But delegation can also be one of the hardest skills to learn.

A common mindset is, “Well, if I do XYZ myself, I know it will be done properly!” Yet delegation is not about relinquishing control and/or an inability to manage time. When you are a new business owner, it is essential to involve yourself in establishing all systems and processes, in order that you know how everything works. But if you continue trying to do it all, not only do you risk burnout, you will probably hinder growth.

Every member of your team should have a job spec, which lists all the tasks they do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and is reviewed periodically. When tasks are documented, you can easily see where to eliminate certain duties, or delegate them. Job specs will also help you to compile an Operations Manual, with every system, process and expectation/desired result documented. An Operations Manual will give staff something to refer to if anyone is absent and makes training new starters easier.

Having the right people around you is essential. You need individuals who are confident enough to do their own job well and also have the motivation to take on other tasks. Take time to learn people’s strengths and weaknesses, and things they would love to do given the opportunity. When you delegate, you are saying that you trust someone. As people broaden their experience, this will naturally lead to more responsibilities and possibly future promotion. For example, a motivated receptionist could move into a practice management role if they have been able to develop and grow with your support. Even if that’s not at your practice, it still helps to enhance its reputation as a brilliant place to work!

Be a responsible delegator – it’s not about offloading tasks you find mundane. The golden rule is you should not delegate anything that you are not prepared to do yourself: that is a sure-fire way of losing respect. Communication is fundamental and you should promote a listening culture in your practice, with all opinions are considered equal. When you delegate, be upfront about expectations and timelines and give people all the information they need. The more direction you give, the better the result will be. Be approachable and patient, so your staff are comfortable about asking questions, or clarifying things they are not sure about. Mistakes happen of course, and that is how one learns, but you want to eliminate repeat errors. If people are confused or misdirected, not only will you waste time when something is done incorrectly, but you will also affect an individual’s confidence in the long run. Make sure you give credit where it is due too and share any achievements with the rest of the practice if appropriate.

As your practice grows, you simply will not have the time to do everything to a consistently high standard. If you delegate and share responsibilities, you will not only save time but create a productive and confident team. Delegation is a sign that you trust your staff; that you value their skills and want them to succeed while allowing you to focus on growing the business.


Lansdell & Rose are specialist medical and dental accountants that also share business tips with clients via an up-to-date and informative blog. Visit www.lansdellrose.co.uk or call 020 7376 9333.


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  3720 Hits
3720 Hits

Working hours today - how does it effect the appointment system?

Working hours today - how does it effect the appointment system

In the UK, there a number of people who are contracted to do unsociable hours with estimations from the Labour Force Survey in 2005 showing 3.6 million in shift work employment.1 Indeed, with many working in healthcare, manufacturing, transport, communications and hospitality professions, nine to five is no longer considered to be the norm.


With reports showing a decline in nightshifts and the three-day working pattern, it appears that emergence of ‘other types of shift work’ is on the rise highlighting the constant change that workers face.2


Finding the time

Because of the erratic and unpredictable patterns that shift work brings, it can therefore be difficult for people to arrange and attend much needed or emergency appointments.


In comparison to fixed contracts, which specify pre-arranged working days, shift work rotas are subject to change and can often not be distributed to staff until the last minute. As you would expect, booking an appointment in advance can become a seemingly impossible task.


What’s more, because employers are not required by law to allow workers to attend medical and dental appointments in work time,3 booking an appointment without a definite rota is out of the question, unless annual leave is approved for that specific time.


The toll on oral health

Not only does working unsociable hours and shift work have an effect on the convenience of booking an appointment, it could also create or contribute to medical and oral health problems.


Although there is insufficient research specifically on the topic of oral health in patients who work these hours, there is some evidence to suggest that it can be damaging to a person’s general health and wellbeing. As well as affecting sleep, weight and increasing the chance of diabetes, studies have shown a link between shift work and increased cardiovascular morbidity.4


The solution

Making appointments more accessible and offering online booking will encourage the general and oral health of shift workers. The current system has many flaws including busy phone lines, lack of out-of-hours options and limited choice of appointment times.


In comparison, online booking is flexible and transparent, offering 24/7 access to available appointments. A quick, easy-to-use and stress free alternative, online platforms such as Zesty offer a solution to those who work unsociable hours.


If you want to streamline your practice, optimise your surgery time and allow patients who do shift work to access services, contact Zesty today.


Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. visit www.zesty.co.uk or call 02037717799 for more details today



1 Unite guide to shift work and night work – a health and safety issue for unite members. Revised October 2013. Accessed online 24th July 2015.


2 Changes in shift work patterns over the last ten years (1999 – 2009). Prepared by Office for National Statistics for the Health and Safety Executive 2011. Accessed online 6th August 2015 http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/rr887.pdf

3 Advice Guide. Citizens advice bureau. Accessed online 24th July 2015 https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Documents/Advice%20factsheets/Employment/e-time-off-work.pdf

4 Europe Published Central. Shift work and health – a critical review of the literature on working hours. J.M Harrington. Accessed online 24th July 2015 http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/784775


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4226 Hits

Unmissable Deals With Wrights

Unmissable Deals With Wrights

Not to be missed this November – amazing savings on industry-leading brands such as 3M ESPE Dental, Dentsply, NSK, Voco and more.


As well as exclusive promotions on quality products such as Alkazyme and UltraWipes Expert from Alkapharm and Alveogyl and Endocal from Septodont, other top packages in the Wrights seasonal flyer include:


  • Buy four K3™ or K3XF Files from Kerr and get one free
  • Buy two get one free on Maxcem Elite from Kerr
  • Buy three packs of xantasil® from Heraeus Kulzer and get preVision® Temp A2 completely free of charge


With a highly experienced and dedicated team delivering exceptional customer service, it is no wonder that more dental professionals are turning to Wrights as their first choice dental supplier.


To find out what you are missing and for a full list of products and promotions available, contact the team today – you will experience customer service like never before.


For more information contact Wrights on 0800 66 88 99 or visit the easy to navigate website www.wright-cottrell.co.uk

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  3517 Hits
3517 Hits

Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg

Representing the very latest in dental practice management software is the CS R4+ from Carestream Dental featuring Springboard.


Operating in real-time, the intuitive software delivers live data on key KPIs so you know exactly how your business is performing at any given time. At a glance you’ll better understand your practice’s chair occupancy, treatment pan uptake rate, appointment confirmations and effectiveness of recare programmes in place.


The CS R4+ can be easily and fully integrated with any imaging or patient communication programmes and technologies you employ, so that a smooth and seamless workflow can be enjoyed by all members of the team. Popular solutions from Carestream Dental include the eSignatures module, Appointmentor Online Booking System, Text Messaging Service and AutoPost, each optimising security and convenience for both patients and professionals.


The team at Carestream Dental are also committed to the business corporate programme, eXceed, so you can trust in the high standard of service and support you will receive with any and all new innovations.


Discover the CS R4+ practice management software and all its benefits for yourself today.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook 

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  3818 Hits
3818 Hits

Dental Practices go 24/7 with the launch of Virtual Reception from Systems for Dentists

Dental Practices go 24/7 with the launch of Virtual Reception from Systems for Dentists


Forward thinking Dental Practices in the UK looking to simulate an “open all hours” reception service to their patients through clever advancements in practice management system technologies will now be able to achieve their ambition.

Thanks to a revolutionary approach and the latest developments from the pioneering software development team at Systems for Dentists, 24/7, 365 days a year access for patients is now a practical reality.

Made possible by bringing to market e-based development solutions as an extension of their existing successful Dental Practice Management software services, Dental Practices in the UK who run V6 Practice Management from Systems for Dentists, or switch to the system in the future will be able to radically improve their accessibility in the dental market place to patients through Virtual Reception, offering the very latest in on line access and real time technologies.

And dental practices looking to adopt an open door approach through the new on line patient portal will be able to look forward to being accessible on line – 24/7, improving their patients’ experience, making cost savings, driving up profits and achieving even greater operational efficiencies.

Virtual Reception, as part of V6 Dental Practice Management System is set to open up a host of benefits for busy dental surgeries looking to take an innovative lead through the simplicity of open door reception access through the clever portal to patients in their care;

The attractiveness for dental receptions always being able to be “accessible” through the arrival of on-line booking functionality, with patients able to book, move, cancel and view their own appointment information for instance is just one feature sure to be a popular and welcome benefit where convenience and avoiding missed appointments is concerned for all.

Two way communication at the click of a button and instant self-service functionality means patients will be able to review consent forms, post-operative care and estimates, amongst a plethora of other hosted information. And with timely access to personal records, data and treatment images, as granted by the Practice, the new portal offers a more effective and open exchange between Practices and their patients leading to an enhanced customer experience.

Add to this patient’s ability to pay for treatment in an instant via an embedded secure payment gateway, reductions in practice administration, cost savings in resourcing and reductions in printing costs through forms being available for completion on line  and practitioners will be quick to see why “Virtual Reception” makes complete commercial sense.

And its not only dental practices, but the patients in their care who can also enjoy and look forward to a whole array of fantastic benefits;

Through the portal, patients will be able to gain access 24/7 to review and amend their own dental appointments on-line, synchronise these with electronic calendars, complete mandatory information on line instead of having to fill in time consuming paper work and forms at their surgery.

Other features mean they can also be amongst the first to review the latest marketing offers and event share tweets relating to their practice, depending on the range of functional enhancements their dental practice is offering through its portal interface.

And Managing Director of Systems for Dentists,  Ryszard Jurowski is absolutely delighted to be at the very forefront of the practise management development curve;

“Having listened to our customers very carefully, we were quick to identify and understand the critical importance of communication, driving efficiencies and bringing to market development solutions to meet the operational and commercial needs of UK Dentists.

The development of Virtual Reception is just one of the innovations we are delivering to ensure we stay at the touchpoint of our relationship with our client base and respond to opportunities and the demands of our marketplace”

“We are confident that the investments we are continuing to make and the potential that Virtual Reception offers to market will continue to act as a catalyst for growth and for shaping emerging future technologies in the UK dental market”


For further information  contact:

Sam Clarke at Systems for Dentists on

Direct line ; 0845 643 2828

Email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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4365 Hits

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