Selfie sticks at the ready! Jeremy Hedrick

Selfie sticks at the ready! Jeremy Hedrick



Selfies have taken over the world. It’s hard not to go anywhere without having to sidestep someone who is posing in front of their phone, or having to avoid an enthusiastically brandished selfie-stick. Likewise, we can’t log onto Facebook or Twitter without seeing someone’s face – usually displayed in front of a famous landmark, or posing alongside their dinner.

The popularity of this craze is undoubtedly due to the way technology has progressed: smartphones that include a forward-facing camera are now ubiquitous, allowing almost everyone around the world to take a good selfie.

There has also been some interesting research undertaken into the trends of selfie-taking, which show that the vast majority of selfies focus on the left-hand side of the taker. This behaviour is suggestive of an asymmetry in brain lateralisation – something which is well documented in cognitive neuroscience and is present in photos and paintings going back hundreds of years. While the reasons for this are yet to be fully understood, it is believed that the left side of the face is controlled by the right-hand side of the brain, which is responsible for emotions. This makes the left side of the face more expressive and, thus, many people consider this side their ‘better side’[1]

This is where selfies have garnered the most criticism, since many believe that there is a link between a propensity for selfie-taking and body dysmorphic disorder. Indeed, it has been reported that some people take hundreds, even thousands of selfies every day, in order to produce what they perceive as the perfect image of themselves.

In relation to this, it is also believed that selfie-culture has increased the demand for facial aesthetic procedures – including cosmetic dental treatments.[2] By putting their faces on display so readily, people are more aware of criticism – both from their audience and from themselves. As such, they want to look their best at all times and many see cosmetic work as the way to do this.

In terms of dental treatments, this is usually tooth whitening. Unfortunately, however, many people still do not realise that this kind of treatment must only be carried out by a registered professional – and continue to put themselves at risk by accepting whitening treatments from unlicensed and illegal providers.

As such, it is important that dental professionals do everything they can to ensure that patients are aware of the legal situation when it comes to tooth whitening – and of the dangerous ramifications of getting substandard treatment.

Of course, one of the main factors that deters patients from seeking tooth whitening from their dentists is the perceived price. But this does not need to be the barrier that many people think it is, because dental professionals can offer hard to beat offers on this type of treatment. This includes Munroe Sutton’s Healthy Discounts scheme, which gives patients a 20 per cent discount on tooth whitening, as well as a range of other treatments.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558

or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk

[1] The Daily Mail: Is your left side your best side? Published online February 2014; link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2556689/Is-left-best-People-pose-photo-position-brain-makes-half-expressive.html [accessed 19/09/16]

[2] The Telegraph: Rise of the selfie leads to huge increase in people seeking dental work. Published online: February 2016; link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/12135936/Rise-of-the-selfie-leads-to-people-seeking-dental-work-to-correct-horsey-teeth.html [accessed 19/09/16]


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Trust in Munroe Sutton - Jeremy Hedrick

Trust in Munroe Sutton - Jeremy Hedrick

Good news for the dental profession: patients in the UK trust their dentists more than their GPs.[1] Trust is an important element of a strong patient–practitioner relationship; it can help patients relax during treatment, making it easier for dentists to complete essential work. It also increases compliance with treatment, improves patient satisfaction and will mean patients are more likely to follow advice.


Thus, a good patient–practitioner relationship can act as a strong foundation for better oral health and, since good oral health has been linked with good general health, trust between a patient and their dentist can improve a patient’s overall wellbeing.


As a dentist, you can build a trusting relationship with your patient in a number of ways. Explaining treatments thoroughly, using visual aids and photos or digital images to show patients what is wrong and how you intend to treat them, letting patients feel in control, assuaging any phobias – these techniques can all promote trust. But these days, one of the most important factors is reassuring patients that they are receiving good value for money from your service.


While we can all be thankful that the UK economy is recovering, that does not mean patients are willing to spend money on subpar dental treatment. Indeed, many people view dentistry as having a big price tag. Reports suggest that the UK does have the most expensive dentists in Europe[2] – so the profession needs to show patients that they are getting proper value for money.


One way of helping with this is to offer payment through dental plans. The most recent statistics available suggest that 12% of the UK’s population already invests in dental insurance, but this figure is likely to increase in the near future.[3]


Dental plans can truly benefit patients by offering them the treatment they want and need for less. By being involved with such plans, dentists can maintain their bond with patients – strengthen it even – while taking advantage of the benefits themselves.  


Munroe Sutton has more than 30 years’ experience of designing, organising and managing dental plans that improve the affordability of quality dental treatment. Designed by dentists for dentists, the Healthy Discounts Plan offers exceptional deals to patients while providing dentists with fair compensation for their services. Associated practices benefit from free marketing, increased promotion and higher patient uptake – at no charge to themselves – while patients get the treatment they want for less.    


Building a strong patient–practitioner relationship is crucial to any healthcare provider, especially dentists. With your patients’ trust, you can ensure good standards of oral and general health. By being part of Munroe Sutton’s prodigious network you can offer more value-for-money to your patients, making them more likely to keep using your service – with no charge to yourself.


Contact the friendly team today to discuss your options.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk


[1] British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) – News: More trust in dentists than doctors; published online: 01/09/12; link: http://www.dentalhealth.org/news/details/640 [accessed 23/07/15]

[2] The Telegraph – Personal Finance: Feeling ripped off by dental treatment? This how to fight back; published online, 17/03/15; link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/money-saving-tips/11474741/Feeling-ripped-of-by-dental-treatment-This-is-how-to-fight-back.html [accessed 23/07/15]

[3] British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) – National Smile Month: Facts and Figures; link: http://www.nationalsmilemonth.org/facts-figures/ [accessed 23/07/15]


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Bringing patients and dentists together for less

Bringing patients and dentists together for less

When it comes to dental care, patients want to feel as though they are getting the maximum value for their money – and by working with Munroe Sutton, they can be sure they are.  


By offering a range of great discounts to patients, Munroe Sutton provides easy and affordable access to both the essential care and optional dental treatments that patients desire, for less. In turn, this will boost participating practices’ patient numbers, filling appointment books and helping them grow as a business.


Becoming a part of Munroe Sutton is free for dental practices and gives you access to a vast network designed to promote and market your services to a broad variety of people.


The team at Munroe Sutton are committed to providing patients with the most affordable solution to high quality dental care, while also helping practices maximise chair time and maintain optimal profitability. Find out how they can bring you and your new patients together; contact the team today.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk

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